posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by nphillydude
Yes, but blacks have also been left out in affirmative action, because of the influx of other races from many different countries!
I mean, it was useful for a while, but when we get people from other countries to come over here for a job, ALL AMERICANS are left out!
We should have an American history month and take care of America first, before becoming so multicultural!
edit to add: I TOTALLY agree with you about blacks having been the recipients of the NWO-type horrors.
But, A LOT of white, poor people in the south where I'm from, didn't use slave labor or even want it!
They were simple farmers, not plantation owners.
In the 30's and 40's my granddad would take extra produce and go give it to poor families and most were black families.
He was in the KKK and in west Georgia, they were ONLY against wife-beaters, child molesters and the NWO.
[edit on 10-1-2010 by Clearskies]