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Questions about religion and the bible

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posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:59 AM
Hello all,

I have made a thread like this in the pasted and was pleased with the answers I received. So here are some more things that I have been wonderingabout. and would like to hear what ATS users thought.

1. Has the trinity always been or did it only start when jesus was born?

2. When Jesus died did the trinity also?

3. Why is there a Old Testament and a New Testament, why do they need to be separated.

4. If you only pray to God does it count as you praying to Jesus?

5. I was told that you can only be saved / able to go to heaven if you believe in jesus and pray to jesus. Is this how you feel also, if so why do you need the middle man to get to god?

6If you are not a Christian, Why not? and what do you believe and follow and why?

7. why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Could Jesus not just came here to tell us that we where forgivin and live out his life.

8. why does the bible focus so much on #'s ( 12 disciples, 40 days of rain, all the ages of people, 7 seals, 7 vials, and there are so much more what is the need for all the numbers?

9. In Revelation 10:1 - 10:11 what is this little book that john eats? if he can not tell what was said why dose he even bring it up ?

Thank you everyone

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by s14mikeysr20

1. Has the trinity always been or did it only start when jesus was born?

The Trinity has always been. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have always existed. The only thing that happened when Jesus was born was that God took on human flesh.

2. When Jesus died did the trinity also?

No. The Trinity is God and Jesus was one of the three ways that the Trinity has expressed itself. At any rate, the Trinity didn't die when Jesus died. Don't forget that Jesus rose from the dead, he didn't stay dead!

3. Why is there a Old Testament and a New Testament, why do they need to be separated.

The two testaments tell of two different covenants that God has had. (By the way, testament is an old English word for covenant, so Old and New Testament can be called "Old/New Covenant".) They're separated because they tell about two different covenants separated by several hundred years.

The Old Testament tells of God's conditional covenant with the nation of Israel and their failures. The conditional covenant was the Mosaic Law.

The New Testament tells of God bringing his promises to nation of Israel, and the whole world, to fulfillment as God himself, Jesus Christ, comes to Earth and institutes a new covenant with humanity. One that sets us free from the curse of the Law and gives all men, Jew and Gentile alike, new life.

4. If you only pray to God does it count as you praying to Jesus?

I'd say so since God and Jesus are one in the same.

5. I was told that you can only be saved / able to go to heaven if you believe in jesus and pray to jesus. Is this how you feel also, if so why do you need the middle man to get to god?

I do believe that there is only one name by which man can receive eternal life. Jesus Christ. Prayer has nothing to do with it. What matters is whether someone has trusted in Christ alone to pay their sin debt.

I don't view Christ as a middle man to God because, Christ is God. So, in effect, Christ's coming and ministry brought God to us. (This is symbolized by the veil in the Temple being torn in two. In the Old Covenant, man was separated from God and he was only obtainable through the Levitical priesthood. Now though, all men have direct access to God.)

7. why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Could Jesus not just came here to tell us that we where forgivin and live out his life.

The penalty for sin is death. God demonstrated this in the Garden when the animal died after Adam and Eve sinned. And without blood there can be no forgiveness of sin. In Hebrews, the author said that the blood of animals can't take away sin. Christ's perfect sacrifice though can. So, in Christ's sacrifice, we're eternally forgiven.

The long and the short of it though is that we all have a sin debt that needs to be paid. Either we pay it ourselves or accept Christ's payment for us. Just being "forgiven" isn't enough according to Scripture.

8. why does the bible focus so much on #'s ( 12 disciples, 40 days of rain, all the ages of people, 7 seals, 7 vials, and there are so much more what is the need for all the numbers?

To tell us who much of certain things there are. I really don't think there is much to the numbers in the Bible. Some are cool though, like 12 tribes and 12 disciples.

9. In Revelation 10:1 - 10:11 what is this little book that john eats? if he can not tell what was said why dose he even bring it up ?

The little scroll is the seven thunders. I personally believe that these are seven judgments, but that's speculation. He would bring it up because it was part of his vision, which he was recording.

I hope that answers are helpful. They're rather bare, so if you have any more questions, or would like elaboration, I'd be happy to answer more thoroughly.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by s14mikeysr20

I take it you like the nissan silvia car or 240sx. SR20DET? Ha! Sweet car too. I would like to own one...

Oh yeah, I would answer all the questions but octotom got to it before I could.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:07 AM
Here are some fast 'facts' that I found about the Trinity. The Trinity has been a controversial subject for centuries so the answer to that question will depend upon the belief system of whom you ask. The link provided goes into more detail on the doctrine of the Trinity.

* The word "Trinity" does not appear in the Bible
* The word "Trinity" was first used by Tertullian (c.155-230)
* The doctrine of the Trinity is commonly expressed as: "One God, three Persons"
* The doctrine is formally defined in the Nicene Creed, which declares Jesus to be: "God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father."

* Past and present Christian faiths who do not believe in the Trinity include:

o Arianism (4th century)
o Some Radical Reformers (16th century), such as Michael Servetus
o Jehovah's Witnesses
o Mormonism
o Unitarianism

* Reasons given for rejecting the doctrine of the Trinity include:

o It is not mentioned in the Bible
o It does not make philosophical sense
o It is not compatible with monotheism
o It is not necessary in order to explain the "specialness" of Jesus

* Reasons given for believing in the Trinity include:

o It is taught indirectly in various statements in the Bible
o It explains the divinity of Jesus and the Holy Spirit while affirming monotheism
o It would not be expected that the nature of God would make sense to human minds
o The early ecumenical councils (primarily Nicea) are authoritative

Fast Facts On The Trinity

[edit on 15-12-2009 by gazerstar]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by octotom

Frist off I would like to thank you for your answers.

I do believe that there is only one name by which man can receive eternal life. Jesus Christ. Prayer has nothing to do with it. What matters is whether someone has trusted in Christ alone to pay their sin debt

I dont understand what you mean, how can there be only one name to receive eternal life if God and Jesus are the same. Why do you have to trust in a name (Christ) Are Christ and God not the same when talking about them this way.

The long and the short of it though is that we all have a sin debt that needs to be paid. Either we pay it ourselves or accept Christ's payment for us. Just being "forgiven" isn't enough according to Scripture.

That sounds like we are all born with debt in sin? If so then was Jesus born with sin also? Did God die for his sin and ours sence he was born in to this sinful world? If christ died for our sins already why do we also have to die because of sin? This is confussing me.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by s14mikeysr20

Octotom did a good job answering most of your questions. I didn't see an answer to why the OT and NT are separate, but, the OT was and is also the Torah, the Jewish Bible. The NT is begun with the birth of Christ. So many things changed when He was born, He fulfilled all the ancient prophecies from the OT, but the Jews (most of them) rejected Him and did not believe He was the Messiah. They still don't believe it, but even that very fact that He would be rejected by them and crucified was prophecy.

I don't think God expects us to understand every single thing about the Bible; well the scholars, people who go to seminary training, a lot of them understand most of it but some of it is to remain a mystery to us until God deems to reveal it.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

1 Corinthians, 13:12

[edit on 15-12-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by s14mikeysr20

Jesus was without sin, He was conceived of a virgin birth.

Before Christ, God's people made sacrifices to Him. I can't recall the scripture now, but there is one that talks about us giving back to God what was God's in the first place, which is sort of a wash.


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Jesus, God manifested to walk among us, was the most famous speaker and preacher who ever lived; He is unrivaled in all of history.

He completed a ministry which taught us how we should always live our lives in order to find favor with God. Then, after all of that, He died for us anyway, because He knew we were not up to the task.

And all He asks is that we believe in Him and trust Him.

I just want to add one thing. Salvation through Christ is not about what YOU must do, it is about what has already been done.

[edit on 15-12-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:50 AM
Was raised in an orthodox setting, will answer based on what I was taught. Answers will differ depending on which denomination/religion you consult. From a Missouri-Synod Lutheran perspective:

1. Has the trinity always been or did it only start when jesus was born?

The Trinity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) has always existed. God the Son took human form when incarnated as Jesus Christ on Earth.

2. When Jesus died did the trinity also?

No. The spirit of God the Son returned to heaven at the crucifixion, no longer "apart" from the other two sections of the Trinity. It would seem that Jesus (God the Son) was never separated from the Trinity, save for the moment on the cross where Christ cried, "My God, my god, why have you forsaken me?" Perhaps this was Christ at his most human.

3. Why is there a Old Testament and a New Testament, why do they need to be separated.

The Old Testament involves a great deal of history as well as the "prophecies of the coming of Christ." Solid foundation based in Judaism; the New Testament is really about Christ (and the aftermath). This is where Christianity and Judaism split; Christians believe that the OT prophecies were fulfilled and point to Jesus; Jews on the other hand do not believe Christ was "the One," and are still awaiting their savior.

4. If you only pray to God does it count as you praying to Jesus?

This gets tricky. Short answer is "yes and no". Muslims pray to God, as do Jews; however, they would be the first to point out that they are in no way praying to Jesus here. In other words, this answer will vary depending on who you talk to.


I was told that you can only be saved / able to go to heaven if you believe in jesus and pray to jesus. Is this how you feel also, if so why do you need the middle man to get to god?

I don't personally feel this way, but I have close family that does. This is a very strict, Christian interpretation. I can't say what's right or wrong about it, but my feeling is that this interpretation is slightly off of the mark. I could be wrong, of course, but "prayer" about it has lead me to where I am now.

To try at the second part, I don't think Christians view Jesus as a middle man. It was foretold that God would send his Son to save his people. In other words, Christians believe it was absolutely necessary for Christ to come.

6.If you are not a Christian, Why not? and what do you believe and follow and why?

I follow my heart, and right-thinking. Not to harm other people, to speak out against others doing harm, to try to make this existence a little better for every person I come across, regardless of belief or Creed. Though Christ expounded many of these same views, I feel that one doesn't need him to understand that this is the correct way to operate.

7. Why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Could Jesus not just came here to tell us that we where forgivin and live out his life.

Because God said he had to. When looking at the finer points of Christianity, it gets damn confusing. Logically, anyway, it's not easy to understand WHY Christ would have to die for our sins. If God and his magic wand were able to create everything we see around us in however long it took, one would think that he could have forgiven sins without torturing his son. There's a lot that doesn't make sense, and I think that's why people struggle with it.

8. why does the bible focus so much on #'s ( 12 disciples, 40 days of rain, all the ages of people, 7 seals, 7 vials, and there are so much more what is the need for all the numbers?

I don't know much about this. I remember learning about certain numbers in the Bible, 7 and 40 being represented a lot. However, cannot remember what the significance was.

9. In Revelation 10:1 - 10:11 what is this little book that john eats? if he can not tell what was said why dose he even bring it up ?

Ye who desire to understand Revelation, do despair!

Why is Revelation like a really bad acid trip? I don't know. It's a very curious inclusion in the Bible, open to oodles of interpretation. As far as I know, there is no consensus on just what the hell John was trying to say.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 10:32 AM
Thank you, I really like to hear everyones personal feelings about theses Questions. No matter what they believe.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by s14mikeysr20

I dont understand what you mean, how can there be only one name to receive eternal life if God and Jesus are the same. Why do you have to trust in a name (Christ) Are Christ and God not the same when talking about them this way.

No, Christ and God are the same. It's not the name so much that you trust in, but the person, Jesus Christ. I said "name" because that is how it is put in the Bible. The reason one has to trust in "Christ" as opposed to simply "God" is because God is a vague concept. Christ, who is God in flesh, came and actually did something, paid wage for our sin. It is this work of God that saves us.

That sounds like we are all born with debt in sin? If so then was Jesus born with sin also?

No, Christ wasn't born with a sin debt because he is God. In other words, Christ didn't have the fallen nature that we all have since he was God.

Did God die for his sin and ours sence he was born in to this sinful world?

No, Christ didn't die for his, or God's, sin because they don't have any. God, as revealed in Scripture, do to his very nature can't sin. Christ only died for the sins of man.

If christ died for our sins already why do we also have to die because of sin?

We physically die because of the curse that sin brought to the world. That curse won't be removed until Christ comes. When we die in Christ however, we escape the second, spiritual death, which is eternal separation from God.

This is confussing me

Don't let that discourage you. These are tough ideas for anyone to wrap there minds around. There are many things that the most respected theologians don't completely understand!

Questions are faith seeking understanding

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by s14mikeysr20

1. Has the trinity always been or did it only start when jesus was born?

And #2 also
It started after He died.

Gazerstar posted "* Reasons given for believing in the Trinity include:
o It is taught indirectly in various statements in the Bible "

Beware of "indirect" teachings. What that really means is that things are being added and taken away from scriptures, and that is something we are explicitly told not to do. The problem is, every church does it.

3. Why is there a Old Testament and a New Testament, why do they need to be separated.

Because they are separate covenants.

4. If you only pray to God does it count as you praying to Jesus?

We pray in Christs' name, or using His authority.

5. I was told that you can only be saved / able to go to heaven if you believe in jesus and pray to jesus. Is this how you feel also, if so why do you need the middle man to get to god?

Due to sin. And, no one "goes to Heaven" when they die. Nowhere does scripture say that is what happens to anyone.

7. why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Could Jesus not just came here to tell us that we where forgivin and live out his life.

1 John 2:2 KJV
And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

Propitiation means payment.

8. why does the bible focus so much on #'s ( 12 disciples, 40 days of rain, all the ages of people, 7 seals, 7 vials, and there are so much more what is the need for all the numbers?

Because numbers can be symbolic.

9. In Revelation 10:1 - 10:11 what is this little book that john eats? if he can not tell what was said why dose he even bring it up ?

I can only guess. And I don't like to guess.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:42 AM
Since this thread has sorta died, I actually have a question of my own and might as well just post it here.

I want to understand more about that veil thing when Christ died. You know how the veil is torn in the temple, specifically the "Holy of Holies" Tabernacle? That is something I keep meaning to look into. If anyone has any views or info I would appreciate reading. I am so fascinated by these events. Imagine being t here, the ground shaking and rocks breaking. You know there were plenty of believers made that day.

[edit on 16-12-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:34 PM
octotom gave you a great rundown on the "church" answers to your questions...

However, you asked for opinions too:

Has the trinity always been or did it only start when jesus was born?

If you accept the trinity, you have to assume it always existed...but, the concept really is more of a convenience decided at the Council of Nicea when Jesus' divinity was decided to be official doctrine.

2. When Jesus died did the trinity also?

Bodily death is really nothing in the Christian or most other his physical death doesn't mean much for the trinity's existence...

3. Why is there a Old Testament and a New Testament, why do they need to be separated.

Don't forget, there are also many books of the Bible that were "omitted" from the official collection of books. The easy way to think of it is the deal before Jesus, the deal after Jesus...

4. If you only pray to God does it count as you praying to Jesus?

One in the same, if you accept the trinity. Personally, Jesus is a demigod by definition, like Hercules or Purseus. (half god/half mortal - Mary).

5. I was told that you can only be saved / able to go to heaven if you believe in jesus and pray to jesus. Is this how you feel also, if so why do you need the middle man to get to god?

No, otherwise, that would mean the majority of the world (which isn't Christian) is damned to Hell. What kind of God would do that? Not one worthy of my attention... But of course, if you can threaten folks with damnation, well, it sure helps the recruitment drive and the church coffers, now doesn't it? I believe that if you live your life well, what God you worship is immaterial...and if it isn't right, then well, so be it, at least it was fun while it lasted. I won't be "blackmailed" into a religion.

6If you are not a Christian, Why not? and what do you believe and follow and why?

I was raised as a Christian, but I have my own beliefs. I simply can't take the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude of organized religion.

7. why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Could Jesus not just came here to tell us that we where forgivin and live out his life.

It's the ultimate recruiting can always be "saved"...really expands the market for converts.

8. why does the bible focus so much on #'s ( 12 disciples, 40 days of rain, all the ages of people, 7 seals, 7 vials, and there are so much more what is the need for all the numbers?

Many ancient cultures believe in numbers being associated with power. This is reflected here.

9. In Revelation 10:1 - 10:11 what is this little book that john eats? if he can not tell what was said why dose he even bring it up ?

I vaguely remember this, seven scrolls maybe, but in another form? I'd have to look into it more, but octotom is probably more accurate on that one...

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
Hello all,

I have made a thread like this in the pasted and was pleased with the answers I received. So here are some more things that I have been wonderingabout. and would like to hear what ATS users thought.

1. Has the trinity always been or did it only start when jesus was born?

anything of GOD has always been and always will be, trinity included, i'm sure
GOD is outside of time

2. When Jesus died did the trinity also?

only the fleshly body of the man named Jesus died...souls never die and neither does any part of GOD
GOD is, by definition, life - therefore GOD cannot die

3. Why is there a Old Testament and a New Testament, why do they need to be separated.

testament is a synonym for 'covenant' which means agreement
with Moses, and Abraham, and all those of the OT age, there were agreements with GOD regarding GOD and man
after Jesus came, a final and permanent agreement was made between GOD and man; not depending upon any action of humanity but rather on a promise made by GOD
that is the "new" agreement and it will never be changed or annulled

4. If you only pray to God does it count as you praying to Jesus?

well, technically, i think they teach in church that one prays TO GOD, THROUGH Jesus
"in Jesus name, amen"

but if you talk to GOD, of Jesus, or the angels or saints, whomever - they will know and they will hear

5. I was told that you can only be saved / able to go to heaven if you believe in jesus and pray to jesus. Is this how you feel also, if so why do you need the middle man to get to god?

Jesus made it possible to get to GOD WITHOUT a middle man (e.g. the priests in the Jewish temple or Catholic church).

everyone has direct access to GOD because of Jesus

6If you are not a Christian, Why not? and what do you believe and follow and why?

i am not a christian because i don't want to be associated with the bad reputation christianity has made for itself

i believe GOD IS LOVE
i believe JESUS SAVES
i believe that with GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE

7. why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Could Jesus not just came here to tell us that we where forgivin and live out his life.

i think that's been misconstrued
i think Jesus came not merely to die but to be resurrected
his death was for the purpose of showing humanity that DEATH IS AN ILLUSION
just something that happens to the body but NOT THE SOUL

8. why does the bible focus so much on #'s ( 12 disciples, 40 days of rain, all the ages of people, 7 seals, 7 vials, and there are so much more what is the need for all the numbers?

because the universe is made of, and structured by, VIBRATIONAL ENERGIES
one of the ways that humanity understands these energies is through numbers
colors are another way as are the notes of the musical scale

9. In Revelation 10:1 - 10:11 what is this little book that john eats? if he can not tell what was said why dose he even bring it up ?

it's just a little book
who knows?
the reason we are given a teaser is so that we will wonder, i'm sure

Thank you everyone

thank you for asking!
let me know what you think!

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni
Since this thread has sorta died, I actually have a question of my own and might as well just post it here.

I want to understand more about that veil thing when Christ died. You know how the veil is torn in the temple, specifically the "Holy of Holies" Tabernacle? That is something I keep meaning to look into. If anyone has any views or info I would appreciate reading.

it has to do with everyone, and i mean literally EVERYONE, now having direct access to GOD without the middleman priests, as i mentioned in my previous post. read up on the physical layout of Solomon's temple a bit - that might help - not necessarily in the bible but on the internet where someone's got it examined in everyday language.

I am so fascinated by these events. Imagine being t here, the ground shaking and rocks breaking. You know there were plenty of believers made that day.

you know it!
i would have also have loved to been there at the temple that day when Jesus overthrew the moneychangers' tables!

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by s14mikeysr20

The only question applicable to me would be 6, because it was these type of questions that closed the doors of christianity for me. I got responses like you got in this thread (from the mainstream version of christianity), but they just never added up, even when held up to the Bible.

As for what I follow (insofar as christianity is concerned):

- I believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah, his mission circa 0 AD was to reform Judaism. I believe he was raised up to heaven and will return near the end.

- I believe in the Lord God, and I try my best to follow the two greatest commandments: to love my Lord God with all my heart and soul and mind and strength, and to love my neighbour as myself.

- I often fail (or forget) these commandments, and I pray to merciful God that he will forgive me, because if anyone is able, willing and merciful enough, it is God.

- I do not believe that I need a go-between (even at the level of Jesus) to pray to God. The Bible teaches to pray to "Our Father in heaven".

- I do not believe that God would require a blood sacrifice to forgive anyone.

- I do not believe that another being can or should die for my sins, and I would not wish them on anyone. Each person is responsible to God for their own sins. I do not believe that mankind can inherit sin, or that sin is in any way "transferable". In this vein, I do not believe in the concept of "Original Sin".

If I could be called a "christian" in the sense that I do my best to be a follower of Jesus the Messiah, of his teachings, then yes. But the other people who use the same label would not agree with me

[edit on 18-12-2009 by babloyi]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
1. Has the trinity always been or did it only start when jesus was born?

I am one of those that believe the bible as the word of God, I do not believe in the trinity, but all three exist befoe man. God is the power, Jesus i the Son of God, devine, Jesus is the door to God, but Jesus is God's son. The holy ghost is God's spirit, but it was sent by Jesus. God gives his Son Jesus Chris all power in heaven. Jesus is like a God, but gets his power from God.

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
2. When Jesus died did the trinity also?

No as if you ask me I don't believe Jesus is God, I believe Jesus is the son of God.

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
3. Why is there a Old Testament and a New Testament, why do they need to be separated.

Ok I believe this statement almost cancele the whole point in the bible.
The whole reason why there is old and new is because its history, you cant changed what has happen, what will come to pass. and what the bible predicts. God made the human race, and he wants his children to have life after death, He wanted to let his chilren know who he was, what he wanted, and what hes laws to etenal life are. The old testiment exist first becauase its history and factul, but because God tryed to talk to man and interreact with man. The new testiment exist because eternal life exist, in the new testiment exist God's final laws throw his Only true Son Jesus Christ. Not only does the old nd new testiment prove this, The bible proves its 1500 years ago and more.

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
4. If you only pray to God does it count as you praying to Jesus?

The answer I believe is yes and no. When I pray I pray to God in the power of Jesus. Or you can say I pray to God in the name of Jesus. I believe God hears our prayers in the name of his Son whom he deamed worthy. And that this makes God happy to hear that you acknowledge his son.

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
5. I was told that you can only be saved / able to go to heaven if you believe in jesus and pray to jesus. Is this how you feel also, if so why do you need the middle man to get to god?

Ok so what happen those before Christ was born, what about those that never heard the name Jesus Christ. First for most you must believe in God's Son Jesus Christ came in the name and power of God. Jesus is the Son of God. And you have a personal relationship with God. You must talk pray to God. God talks to you through life, and the bible. You need a middle man because God cant come dirctly to earth, only heaven can hold Gods true form. God is so holy that being can't look upon God. So for God to truelly communicate with man, God needed a middleman.

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
6If you are not a Christian, Why not? and what do you believe and follow and why?

I am a Christian. I believe the bible is the word or God. I believe God acts speaks in the bible. I believe the bible is historycualy factual. I believe that Jesus is God's son, and that if you believe that Jesus is God son you have enteral life.

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
7. why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Could Jesus not just came here to tell us that we where forgivin and live out his life.

The way I believe it was through one man sin enter the world, through one man sin can be forgiven. Sin came into the world, through sin death came into the world. God did not demand his son death forgivness of all man kind. Satan kill God's son. I believe that Jesus could of stay if he wanted to. But heres the fact. All have free will. God only predicted what would happen Jesus was willing to give up his life for man. He knew he would still live. Jesus offer himself to God, God accepted. How are we to question God's choicces?

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
8. why does the bible focus so much on #'s ( 12 disciples, 40 days of rain, all the ages of people, 7 seals, 7 vials, and there are so much more what is the need for all the numbers?

If only we could understand the bible in its full. who knows why all the numbers. numbers, letters,understandins,and wisdoms all come from written knowledge. The numers serve to prove God's aliment truth.

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
9. In Revelation 10:1 - 10:11 what is this little book that john eats? if he can not tell what was said why dose he even bring it up ?

I believe some believe John eats the seve thunders or something. I believ most believe John eats a scroll of the bibe. I will get back to you on this one. But on speculation it could of been the revelation scroll.

God bless

[edit on 26-12-2009 by slymattb]

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