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Mutation Window 26th December 09 - 1st February 10

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posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 06:09 PM
If the H1N1 'mutation' is going to 'occur', this would be the key window to release it.

26th December 09 - 1st February 10

Why not before Christmas? The people behind this depopulation make a lot of money when we spend , so they want us to do all the spending that we can before Christmas. Hence not a good time for road blocks and evacuations

Why from 26th December? On Boxing day you have many people off work watching TV, this is a great time for a Hollywood False Flag to get you trained with 'The Official Story'. They would start with "Swine Flu has merged with bird flu (or other e.g. Ebola) in The Philippines (or other e.g. Vietnam)" then day-by-day on the news, we would witness the spread as it got closer and closer to your country, with thousands of people dying in it's path. The mass vaccination plans and medical martial law would quickly appear. Anyone who questioned this would be diagnosed as 'Mental' or labeled as a 'Terrorist'

All the vaccines are meant to arrive by Jan/Feb 2010, that means at least one each. That is one reason they couldn't do it before now, as they didn't have enough to go around.

Why before 1st February? The reason is that they want to do this in the Winter time when it's harder for people to hide e.g. go and live in a forest for a couple of months eating fruit. In the Northern Hemisphere (Europe/USA) January and February are very cold months, it would be difficult to live outdoors during this period (depending on how far North you are). This is the time when you want to be hunting people down as it's much easier to find them.

Is it best to leave the country? It depends on where you live and what 'Pandemic Plans' are in place, when this happens you won't be able to fly or go through ports without receiving the toxic vaccine. If you live near Poland try to get there. Though I suspect Poland will be dealt with by a 'Plan B' such as aerial spraying of a similar bioweapon.

Even better (from the elite perspective), why not pretend that Muslims did it? This could then be traced back to Iran and the huge number of deaths could be used to justify an attack. To do it you would pay some Muslims to walk around in a 'training exercise' then set them up and allow them to get caught red-handed releasing bioweapons. (similar the the London 7/7 false flag).

One more thing that would be required is for the Internet to disappear (or be under a strange form of control). This war is against humanity, we are the enemy, so as with any war it's a big advantage to take down your enemies communication. Why not blame that on Muslims too. The elite have learned lessons from 911 and are not happy about all the videos of the event circulating which disprove the official story.

I'm hoping that come Mid-February this thread is being constantly bumped reminding everyone that I was wrong. It's a far nicer scenario than the one I've just described.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 06:33 PM
I like the way you think!

Like you,I would love for this to all be wrong,but we sure haven't seen the last of it,that's for sure!

I guess that's why all these things we're seeing have brought me closer to God,because I might be meeting up with Him sooner than I thought!

And in a country that has turned it's collective back on God and all He stands for,we can't expect Him to bless us,as a country,at least.

We may not be able to stand against TBTB,but we can draw closer to God and trust in His final judgement on the evil that is being played out before our eyes!

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:02 PM
The OP does bring logic to his prediction window. I would also like to add that before February would also be key as to that is when most people get tax returns back from the federal gov. Less people file for the refund, more money government has.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

Thanks On the Edge, I too feel that we will need some divine intervention

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by wiredamerican
The OP does bring logic to his prediction window. I would also like to add that before February would also be key as to that is when most people get tax returns back from the federal gov. Less people file for the refund, more money government has.

Thanks wiredamerican, good point about the tax returns, I did not think about that side!

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 05:42 PM
The release of a new form of Swine Flu could well be timed to fit in with the 9/11 Trial which is due to take place in New York. They will pretend that there are some angry Muslims venting their fury by spraying bioweapons

9/11 Trial in New York

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