posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 01:23 AM
To the OP, do you believe 100% in every claim that is posted to this site? If not than you are a skeptic. I always go with the rule that extraordinary
claims need extraordinary facts to back them up. As example; To say there are alien bases on this planet I would label this an extraordinary claim,
and when the proof is either just an opinion or the result of a quick goggle search in the net, I would need to say show me more.
I guess my point is how can people post what they consider absolute facts with nothing really backing up those facts while the nasty arguments start
when someone is just explaining the huge holes within the post? If a person has a theory they would like to pursue then I’m all for dialogue to go
whatever direction it takes us, but that is not what we see most of the time.
I love it that people are passionate about subjects that are not mainstream. I myself would not be here on this site if I wasn’t also interested in
many of them, and I would love nothing more than to see proof positive on any number of topics, but if you haven’t noticed, what people claim as
proof positive has become very stale data that is used over and over and proves nothing in the end.
If three people all witness a light in the sky that zigzagged around one might say hey look at that crazy light and work on trying to explain it, were
the next one might say, hey look at the aliens, and the third could say; not only are they aliens, but they are the Grays and they just left a secret
underground base created with a NWO partnership. In the end the poof is it is only a light in the sky…. What I might find as a huge leap in belief
for others it is just a small step. One interesting real example was the 6,7,8000 post? On whether Criss Angle was real or not. With that, there are
people willing to make 1000s of post that he is real all based on only A@E footage of his stunts. For me the point is not whether he was real or not,
but the facts presented did not prove much of anything one way or the other, and since basic laws of physics do not allow such things, extraordinary
poof would need to be presented, such as performing one of his stunts under a very controlled environment. I think if a person wanted to discuss their
theories going in whatever direction the available facts take them then we would not see the typical “debunker or skeptic” type posts, but more of
a thought provoking dialogue.