So, this AWAKENING process that has been happening to me, has gotten very very prevalent in my life. It has become a very extensive, long issue that I
have an unstoppable hunger to fix.
Here is what I understand now, as a perspective of world events and relationships.
I am asking an unbiased opinion on your part, or, if you have been discovering these too on your own, having your own process of awakening, please let
me know your story!
We will categorize. There will be a
Good/Light agenda and a
Bad/Dark agenda. These of course will depict humanity's sense of
(now, take into the consideration the belief that there was never any bad in this world until negative energies infiltrated earth some thousands of
years ago)
The Bad/Dark Agenda:
- the Dark Ages
- Development of religion
- Development of government
- Development of economy
- Development of slavery
- Development of currency
- and in turn needed a caging system to trap people into a cycle system. So became...
- Development of fear-based tactics
- Development of education (we already know everything inheritantly, a type of system to teach the people how to join the system cage and keep them
- Laws
- Law Enforcement
- Sins, Blasphemy, Negativity infused into the modern day bible by the Illuminati
Then the resistance (good) movement started to pick up:
- Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
- Assassination of JFK
- Enforced Uniformity, decreased Diversity and color (activates soul awareness)
- Connecting the entire world by promoting their system of bribed slavery; and in return by creating fear, made the people listen and do as they were
- Technology secrecy for complete world control and to stay away from sustainablility and freedom.
- Created a depression in the 1930's
- Took control over the media
- Seized a spacecraft from Roswell: spacecraft was here to wake up people
- Created a depression again in the years 2007-2010 (completed their system of "history repeats itself")
- Assassination of John Lennon - the worlds most awake musician to ever live.
- Refusal to let the Beatles play in Russia in fear of losing control.
- Forced a fake vote in the Whitehouse to create George Bush as president of the united states - TWO TERMS! (since GB was part of the illuminati
- Created an attack on their own soil on September 11th, 2001 to create fear and panic in the people, so they would in turn ask the Government to
protect them, creating more isolation and division by the LIES that there were TERRORISTS!
- Stopped the NESARA act from being carried out on 9/11/01 thx to FEAR.
- Biological weapon and Nuclear weapon scares all over the media to keep the negativity flowing for their benefit.
- Actual biological weapon released in the Ukraine in hopes of reducing the world's population in fear of them all waking up (which is happening
- Infusing negative actions of any sort into people, thereby creating an identity known as the Ego self.
Just to be clear,
To be "political" curbs a society's natural, authentic desires and actions so they easily mesh with those of its neighbors. Being an
"adult" takes this same dynamic and applies it to the individual. Even though it sounds very efficient and orderly, it also nullifies the whole
purpose of relationships. Is it any wonder that the word "politician" has, for many, become synonymous with the words "liar and thief?" -Edgar
Tolle "Oneness with All Life" book
*****************Pssstttttt.... I am editing this as we speak! I am in fear of losing all this loose typed information! Will be more continued here!