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Obama Clearly on the Wrong Track !

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posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by DINSTAAR
Of course he is on the wrong track, as Subjective Truth said, they are all on the same side.... the other side.

Of course...They've sided with the anti-christ. Actually, I don't think of the anti-christ as an individual person. I think of it as a particular mind-set, the worship of Mammon (wealth & greed) to the detriment of the rest of humanity. In this context, they are the anti-christ. To steer this country off the path of the anti-christ, we need people who will actually obey their Lawfully Binding Oath of Office. As it is, I'd estimate 99.9% of Officers in government now routinely violate the Law for their own benefit; the other 0.1% represents those few Law-abiding Officers who could be probably counted on the fingers of one hand.

Republican or Democrat, makes no difference. They both want out-of-control government growth & control over every aspect of your life; Their methods are different, but the results are the same. Governments are the antithesis to an economy...They don't produce anything, but keep sucking more vitality out of the economy. The bigger they grow, the less there is left for the People to live on. By the Laws of Nature, what happens to any organism that eats all of the food out of the environment that sustains it?

The Constitution is what set specific limitations on what the government is allowed to do...It was drafted (& ratified) with the Laws of Nature firmly in the minds of our Founding Forefathers. Since about 100 years ago (or so), violating the Constitution became a way of life for our government "officers" & as such, has been consistently "over-eating at the table," growing outside of the box it was put in.

This is the core concept of what the NWO (& empire-building, in general) is all about...When it outgrows its box, it has to conquer new areas. For the NWO, it means the whole world. What will happen to a government big enough that the whole world can't sustain it?

Anybody that supports any political party with forced globalization in mind is going to wind up squeezed into the same shape, like Pringle's Potato Chips. Unless any particular individual happens to be on the top of the stack, well...Those on top don't care about those who are crushed on the bottom.

Proponents of both major parties need to start thinking "outside of the box" because the government has already outgrown it. Soon the over-bloated government is going to be snarfing directly out of their refrigerators, instead of waiting to be served at the table. As said by Thomas Jefferson:

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."

We the People need to put the government on a starvation diet & drastically reduce its size...Before we all starve to death.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Since Obama is ticking off everybody we can be assured of a fast swing back to the other side. Actually to the extreme other side. We could become a 21st century Germany complete with Palin as our female Hitler. That would be incredible. Our whole entire country could get mobilized for total bloody hell warfare. I would love it. This would be the final war that shows the entire globe we mean business. I think Obama is doing this on purpose. I think we might see a giant cleanup in a few years. A gigantic clean up of all this mess that non-Americans have created in our back yard.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Since Obama is ticking off everybody we can be assured of a fast swing back to the other side. Actually to the extreme other side. We could become a 21st century Germany complete with Palin as our female Hitler. That would be incredible. Our whole entire country could get mobilized for total bloody hell warfare. I would love it. This would be the final war that shows the entire globe we mean business. I think Obama is doing this on purpose. I think we might see a giant cleanup in a few years. A gigantic clean up of all this mess that non-Americans have created in our back yard.

Thank you for being honest. I hate the ridiculous side-stepping mushiness that characterizes the conservative agenda. I totally don't agree with you, of course, but I do give you props for dropping the whole freedom bs, and openly stating you, in fact, do favor fascism.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by genius/idoit

From all the post, this one is the tip of the ice,

My friend do you know exactly what is going on with Americas politics and our downfall from a nation of producers to a nation of consumers and debt?.

Is not lazy Americans what is killing this nation, is our two party corrupted government with private agendas enriching their dirty pockets with your tax payer dollars while preserving the wealth of the ones on the top.

Please make sure you know what you are talking about before posting rant.

American middle class and work force is been turn as we speak into a well fare class Dependant on government hand outs, this is not because they are lazy, but because our bread and butter and wealth producers industries are now in China, Asia and India, once used to be Mexico but now even Mexico is drying out and having their own industries been shipped to the same countries that now US is selling its debt too.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by genius/idoit

Gee, from where I sit I'd have to say that the VAST majority of the money has gone to the Banking/Auto/Investment/Insurance elite. Not the 'welfare sponges' as you so colorfully characterized them. Open your freaking eyes. This is a wholesale looting of America by the elite. And they're getting away with it by convincing the intellectually challenged that their REAL enemy are the down trodden. It's alot easier to piss down than up.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

I am afraid that you are right, in this nation of so many supposedly educated people and modern civilization, people still blames the party in power while hoping that the party in the side lines does better next time.

What people are been blind to it, is that both parties cater to the same powers and those powers are not within the people, but their private agendas and personal interest.

We the people with our blindness and oversight to what politics now a days really is, are the ones bringing this nation down because our inability to take our nation back.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
We the people with our blindness and oversight to what politics now a days really is, are the ones bringing this nation down because our inability to take our nation back.

Yep, that's hitting the nail of the thumb. I usually reserve the twisting of this particular homily for stating the painfully apparent.
Politics has been described as "The Art of Compromise." What politics has "compromised" over the past few generations is the Supreme Law of the Land!
As said by Wendell Phillips:

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few.

In part, We the People have failed in our own Civic Duty...That of Vigilance. Granted, I see signs of Vigilance waking up again in this country, but it has been sooo long. Is Vigilance waking up in time to avoid the use of violence to correct the problem? The only way to still render correction peaceably is to physically remove the criminals from the Offices in which We the People vested certain Powers. The Constitution (specifically, the Bill of Rights) enumerates certain peaceful actions we can take, but the criminal impostors in our Offices have already proven that they're willing to ignore any peaceful resolution.

Yet, what was it that put Vigilance to sleep in the first place? One major contributing factor was the Elites' "subsidizing" of our Public Education. They started by using the Lawful Taxation of the States & turning it back around; They used the States' own Taxes by saying, "We'll give you X money for your Schools, but you have to include this (or remove that) in your curriculum." Yeah, this amounts to bribing the States with money taken from their own pockets...Thus began the "deliberate dumbing down" of America.
We can see now how well that worked...People began to think the government was actually trying to help us when more money went to our schools, but:

Thomas Jefferson:
"Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories."

And we the People forgot...

Thomas Jefferson:
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."

For how long now have We the People been complaining about our degenerating system of education? And how much have "lobbyists" & "special interest groups" been clamoring for the government to intervene for us, when we have always had the Right & the capacity to fix the problem ourselves? In short, how dumb have we become, to trust the very catalyst itself to fix a problem that it created?

Well Marg, you did hit the nail squarely...Your aim is impeccable. Governments have never been trustworthy, all down through the entire history of human civilization & We the People forgot that. We the People become lax our vigilance against tyranny & We the People are paying the price.
But there's a new factor in modern times that We the People never had before in history...Free access to Information! Although the government is trying hard to clamp down on the free nature of information through the internet, for the first time in history, the "common people" have had access to information that governments usually suppress...And it seems that we're not going to give it up without some kind of fight.

Thomas Jefferson:
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

Thomas Jefferson:
"Information is the currency of democracy."

The Self-Styled Elite in our world know this! Those people who have been in Power have known that the control of access to information is the only way to maintain that Power! This is why the government always seeks to censor education, media & libraries from telling the truth. One of the first things a conqueror does, upon taking over in a new area, is to re-write history, then "re-educate" the young; This has been applied universally as a goal in every expanding empire throughout history!

Democracies always destroy themselves...This is another truth of history. Why is that?

Thosmas Jefferson:
"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

Another downside to this is, once 49% of People have lost their Rights, the government seeks a way to make that same loss apply to the other 51% as well! By the Constitution, our Officers must uphold the Constitution & the Bill of Rights, regardless of Public Opinion! This is what the concept of Rule by Law is all about!

This is why the US Founding Forefathers didn't want a Democracy...By Oath of Office under the Constitution (Article 4, Section 4, Clause 3):

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

In this context, Republican means "representative" government under the Constitution.

So what's with all of this "spread of Democracy" & the "defense of Democracy" coming out of our Government Offices? By condoning/supporting a Democracy, they've already acted in Breech of Oath & have self-revoked their "authority" to act in the name of that Office! In essence, at the first occasion when any Government Officer acts in Breech of Oath, they've just fired themselves & must be removed from Office! Continuing to occupy said Office is a separate Crime, that of acting as an impostor to a Government Officer! In essence, we don't need to overthrow the government; They've already fired themselves & it only remains for We the People to remove them from Office & indict them under their Crimes in a Constitutional, Article 3 Court of Law under the Common Law jurisdiction, for their Crimes against Civil & Individual Rights!

Thomas Jefferson:
Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.

The difference today, different from the rest of history, is that We the People have worldwide, individual communication at our fingertips...No need to rely on our education coming directly from TPTB! We can educate & illuminate each other with no government "go-between." In essence, we can now (As Jefferson phrased it) "Educate & inform" each other without government interference. This is why it's so important to keep corporate & government censorship out of the internet! They want us to be dumb; They want us to be blind.

Empires have been built on the control of information & who has access to it...Empires fall because government never "produces" anything of value & sucks vitality out of the economy with its very existence. To survive, an Empire must expand...Should the NWO actually achieve an empire encompassing the whole world, what will happen when a government that big must expand or die? Any government that grows big is only "over-eating" itself into self-destruction as it sucks vitality out of the very society it controls!

Thomas Jefferson:
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."

Since the internet was taken into the Public hands on an individual basis, eyes have begun to open! Now, worldwide society has its first opportunity to develop into its own one-world humanity, by being in communication with each other..."They" fear this because it means the beginning of their end to claims of Power. "They" must keep the masses ignorant to hold that Power that was stolen from us in the first place. In short, humanity wants to advance in "social evolution," while government seeks only to retard that social evolution through enforced ignorance.

All Political Power originates from the People; This has been the truth of history, today & the future. No government can function or survive without the support & tolerance of the People being governed. Now that "they" have been losing control of their stolen Powers, they will resort to anything to try to regain it, but once knowledge has been released, it can never again be contained. This is the turning point in our history that may lead to either "Biblical Armageddon" or "social harmony" worldwide. The direction that humanity goes depends largely upon us...The generations living on the cusp of the Information Age!

This is why Obama is on the wrong track...Because he's just staying on the very same track that got humanity into the mess its been suffering from down through history! One way or another, that track is rapidly coming to its end...And these self-styled elite refuse to see it coming! At the very least, even if they see it, they refuse to correct themselves due to greed & power-lust & heading for the inevitable crash when their train reaches the end of the line.

Doesn't this constitute "insanity?" Should the insane be allowed to govern in any society?

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