A diffraction grating over the lens can provide spectral information.
While we're pipe-dreaming, I'd regard the following as an essential piece of equipment for the dedicated UFO hunter: A digital SLR which can shoot
HD video-- It's the primo choice, imho, for practical image capture whilst UFO hunting in the field. Full manual control, choice of lens,
portability. Check, check, check.
Glad someone spotted that . Thank-you! I had a feeling that rather than your reply someone was going to sarcastically quote me the price of their
$1m+ or
So basically Timothy you are saying you have no actual evidence to present us on UFO's which you claim to frequently see and and record on camera on
your UFO hunts. That does not exactly enthuse confidence in me to go and buy all this expensive equipment and go UFO hunting myself.
Please get back to me when you have impressive videos of UFO's to share.
Hello Timothy, I am interested in seeing some of your videos of the starlike UFO's that zig zag in the sky as I have seen many of these also but
never managed to get them on film or even a photo.
Im not saying I dont believe you or anything or that I am asking for proof, its just iv seen these before and would like to see if what you have seen
is the same as what I have witnessed?
Jamie Havican, one of my good friends who knows me better by my real name, has a few videos you might find interesting. He is the one who has the
Night Vision.
His Youtube Channel was taken down for some reason, but here is one of his videos someone else uploaded:
I'll ask him for the rest of the videos we made soon. I know, the video above looks like a satalite. I'll try to find some of the videos where the
object zigzaggs in a minute.
By the way, I think HE removed his youtube channel, it wasn't the government or anything...
Here's a thread that somewhat parallels what you are discussing here and may provide some additional info for you. It has a few ideas on using
inexpensive equipment to improve UFO observation including a rig that I use on a regular basis for capturing activity in the sky. Homemade UFO Detection and Recording Gizmos