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9/11 Eyewitnesses Describe WTC Basement Explosions

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posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
Nobody knows who or when it happened.

Or if it even happened, as there is zero proof explosives were used in any of the WTC buildings!

But you don't just discount a fact because you don't understand it or how/when it could have happened.

Nor should you make up facts about explosives being used as you believe in conspiracy theories, and do not understand the physics of collapsing buildings!

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
Because those plumes have only ever been seen in controlled demolitions. Are we getting it now?

Here is a picture of plumes coming out the side of a collapsing building - and do not try and say that explosives were laid up the entire side of the building!

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by dereks
there is zero proof explosives were used in any of the WTC buildings!

There are 100% proof of explosives used in all 3 WTC collapses. Your denial causes you to say there is zero proof due to your lack in wanting to believe in a conspiracy.

Numerous witnesses reported a massive explosion in the basement levels seconds before the plane impacted. Do you want to know what happened due to that explosion?

The 2 to 3-inch-thick glass in the lobby was blown out:


The several-hundred-pound marble panels on the walls were cracked and falling off:


Walls and ceilings in the basement levels were falling over and severely damaged:


The parking garage was heavily damaged:


A 50-ton hydraulic brake press "disappeared". A 300-pound concrete and steel fire door was blown off its hinges and crumpled up on the floor.

I ask, what could possibly cause so much damage and destruction in the basement levels and lobby, BEFORE the plane hit, and not caused by explosives? Can't wait for this answer.

Numerous first responders testified to flashes going up, down and around both towers in the lower and middle levels as they were collapsing up above.


See the flashes? See the plumes? See the massive explosion at the lower levels? All were seen, heard and felt at the WTC and all are indicative of controlled demolition and NONE are indicative of a fire-induced collapse.

Originally posted by dereks
Nor should you make up facts about explosives being used

There's no need to make anything up. The witnesses and devastation speak for themselves. Your denial blinds you to the facts.

Originally posted by dereks
Here is a picture of plumes coming out the side of a collapsing building - and do not try and say that explosives were laid up the entire side of the building!

I see no concentrated plumes as shown in any known controlled demolition like this:


Keep trying.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:59 PM
The silence is deafening. I guess the debunkers couldn't hang with the facts and evidence this time. Maybe they're rethinking their positions and starting to realize that 9/11 really was an inside job?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

You listed litany of damage to lobby and basement areas

Ever heard of DEFLAGRATION aka rapid burning of flammable aerosols

It is the same process where few pounds of grain dust/flour can level
a concrete structure like a grain elevator

Now suppose after showing you these photos I go into a spiel about
not believing that a few punds of flour could do this. It had to be
done with explosives....

Considering that the several hundred (at minimum) gallons of Jet fuel was dumped into the elevator shafts at high speed (500 mph) and was
ignited producing explosions

There are dozens of witnesses to the event - reporting the explosions
and smell of jet fuel

Lobby & 3rd floor: Firefighter Peter Blaich
As we got to the third floor of the B stairway, we forced open an elevator door which was burnt on all three sides. The only thing that was remaining was the hoistway door. And inside the elevator were about I didn’t recognize them initially, but a guy from 1 Truck said oh my God, those are people. They were pretty incinerated. And I remember the overpowering smell of kerosene. That’s when Lieutenant Foti said oh, that’s the jet fuel. I remember it smelled like if you’re camping and you drop a kerosene lamp.

The same thing happened to the elevators in the main lobby. They were basically blown out. I do’nt recall if I actually saw people in there. What got me initially in the lobby was that as soon as we went in, all the windows were blown out, and there were one or two burning cars outside. And there were burn victims on the street there, walking around. We walked through this giant blown-out window into the lobby.

There was a lady there screaming that she didn’t know how she got burnt. She was just in the lobby and then next thing she knew she was on fire. She was burnt bad. And somebody came over with a fire extinguisher and was putting water on her.

That’s the first thing that got me. That and in front of one of the big elevator banks in the lobby was a desk and I definitely made out one of the corpses to be a security guard because he had a security label on his jacket. I’m assuming that maybe he was at a table still in a chair and almost completely incinerated, charred all over his body, definitely dead. And you could make out like a security tag on his jacket. And I remember seeing the table was melted, but he was still fused in the chair and that elevator bank was melted, so I imagine the jet fuel must have blown right down the elevator shaft and I guess caught the security guard at a table, I guess at some type of checkpoint

Brian Reeves, a 34-year-old security guard, was nearly killed while making the rounds in the lobby of 1 World Trade Center on September 11. He started to run after hearing an explosion that he said sounded like a missile, but he was knocked down by a fireball that roared down the elevator shaft.

Reeves suffered third-degree burns to 40 percent of his body before he was able to pat out the flames. He was one of 20 critically-injured patients rushed to New York Presbyterian’s burn unit that day.

More accounts here

But you will find some idiotic reason why this cant happen....

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by thedman

But you will find some idiotic reason why this cant happen....

These “idiotic” eyewitnesses say it did not happened, or are you going to call them lairs to.

So much for your OS theory.

9/11: Eyewitnesses Describe WTC Basement Explosions

Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories

9/11 Videos:

New Eyewitness To WTC Basement Level Explosions

WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story' Sky High

[edit on 17-12-2009 by impressme]

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by impressme

There you go twisting the meaing of things

I meant that BONE_Z would find some reason to dismiss the jet fuel
explosions in the elevator shafts as reported by numerous
CREDIBLE witnesses - aka FDNY, the Naudet brothers, and others in
the lobby at the time

As SWAMPFOX pointed out need Credible witnesses to make your
point David Ray Griffih and conspiracy websites are not...

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by thedman

Um. thedman, jet fuel cannot be a factor in this conversation. You didn't watch the videos did you? Numerous witnesses report the first explosion seconds BEFORE the first plane struck. Therefore, no jet fuel, only explosives.

Wanna actually go watch the videos and read the thread so that you know what you're commenting on next time? Thanks.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by JIMC5499How does air get pressurized when it is "blowing out the windows"? Again.

2 to 2-1/2 psi is enough to blow out a window. When the top of the tower was collapsing it was acting like a piston compressing the air in front of it.

If that were true, there would be far more windows being blown out that are observed... not to mention how the "explosions", or air compressions blowing out windows as you call it, are occurring in symmetrical or equal sections of the towers... there is NO RANDOM chaotic compressions going on.

all that aside, the key term is "concentrated plumes", and that observed FACT, cannot be refuted. bonez is correct... one of the few times I'll agree with him.

so try again.

oh and by the way, thermite can be created into a liquified type form that can be PAINTED ON.

[edit on 17-12-2009 by Orion7911]

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by thedman

There you go twisting the meaing of things

I don’t need to use disinformationist deceptions of twisting things around, you already do a good job for the OS believers.

I meant that BONE_Z would find some reason to dismiss the jet fuel
explosions in the elevator shafts as reported by numerous
CREDIBLE witnesses

It was not jet fuel that brought down the WTC. What proof do you have that it did?

I can dig up “CREDIBLE witnesses” that can refute your fairytale.

As SWAMPFOX pointed out need Credible witnesses to make your
point David Ray Griffih and conspiracy websites are not...

No, we get our information from the same sites as you do, but we just don’t cherry pick and ignore Credible evidences, as you OS believers have demonstrated.
You believe everything your government says is true. We as Truthers are not easily fooled by proven lairs.

The fact is there are to many CREDIBLE witnesses that prove the OS is a lie and there were explosion in the WTC basement. The fact that the 911 commission left out these CREDIBLE witnesses recorded statements out of the 911 Commission report, not only proves the 911 commissioners were deliberately covering up for the Bush administrations, by leaving out the truth to what really happened to the WTC. Any eight year old can see this deception all too clearly.

[edit on 17-12-2009 by impressme]

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