posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 08:38 AM
I know people say that the spiral in Norway was a failed missile/rocket but for me this seems to be a cover up because at one point noone knew what
this thing was, the military in Norway and Russia even admitted they had no idea what this was until the media changed there story and everyone went
along with it... well if thats a rocket/missile then it must be a giant leap in technology to perform a perfect spiral just like that... for me I
believe the spiral object was something else...
When I first see the photo of the spiral in Norway I thought 'hmmm this seems photoshopped' but I had this strange feeling inside, an uneasy
feeling... I then found the videos and watched, and when the spiral collapsed inside itself and left the black hole kind of thing I had a fear come
over me as the black hole type thing was very similar to something I had in a dream. I posted this dream on ATS last year... here is the thread of my
my old thread
let me know what you think?? i find it a huge coincidence that a few days later a pyramid is filmed above Moscow, and in Siberia another spiral was
filmed... also back in 1988 spirals was seen in China and Russia and one of these stayed in the sky for 5 days...