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Why are they admitting that Tamiflu is Useless?

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posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 04:07 PM
Is this good news that they are at last admitting how completely useless Tamiflu is or is it really a way to push us towards the 'untested' vaccine?

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 05:59 PM
Tamiflu is just an anti viral... it would, in truth, make more people get the vaccine if the were told that the antiviral you take is pointless

2 cents

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by conspiracyrus
Tamiflu is just an anti viral... it would, in truth, make more people get the vaccine if the were told that the antiviral you take is pointless

2 cents

I agree conspiracyrus, the uptake of the vaccine has been lower than expected, so now they are pushing us towards it in every way that they can.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

yeah i remember when this first came out my buddy told me if i get flu like symptoms just go to the hospital and get tamiflu .... but if tamiflu doesnt work? anyone else who got the same advice might very well break and get vaccinated

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by conspiracyrus

So true conspiracyrus, if only people had been told about the anti-viral Black Elderberry, it's a 100 times as powerful as Tamiflu with no nasty side-effects.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
Is this good news that they are at last admitting how completely useless Tamiflu is or is it really a way to push us towards the 'untested' vaccine?

Your video link does not work, although you appear to have done it correctly.

It can be viewed here:

OK, it works now. Must have been my computer playing up.

[edit on 13/12/09 by Kailassa]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 05:11 AM
I agree with the previous posters about trying to get the shot on the American public any way they can, especially when they made Tamiflu out to be this sort of 'cure-all' kind of thing; at least that's how I saw it.

Oh, fear tactics, how I do love to scrutinize you.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 08:33 AM
I'm not sure how they're playing this.
It could be that they are lowering people's expectations of its efficacy (ie. when people start dying, they can say that they told us it didn't work).
Or, it could be like as previously stated, they want people to go to the vaccine.

Something to keep in mind is that Tamiflu and Relenza are big components of their response to a major flu outbreak- utilizing the Strategic National Stockpile. If an emergency is declared, the US will only have the partial delivery of vaccine (let's say around 80 million doses - and then they will cut it with an adjuvant to maybe double the number). The Strategic National Stockpile has around 80 million doses of Tamiflu and Relenza (but don't quote me on it- I noted the number while reading thru something but can't find the source now, the CDC is very light on facts and makes researching them a nightmare).

Also, the Cities Readiness Initiative with the 48 hr dispensing plan is part and parcel of the Strategic National Stockpile plan.

Here's what the CDC has to say about the SN Stockpile - highly recommended reading even if they are light on specific details:

[edit on 13-12-2009 by jcrash]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 08:55 AM
I have not seen any government source here in the UK say that 'tamiflu is useless'. In fact they seem to fighting a defensive action saying it can still be useful, despite some people querying it. Neither are they pushing the vaccine in my neck of the woods. Let's face it - if they tried to sweep any research under the carpet - there would equally be people shouting 'conspiracy'.
Sometimes ya know, there are no hidden agendas - it just is what it is.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 08:55 AM
The tamiflu "benefits and importance" has been overblown".

The history of the tamiflu tells that this drug was actually a first line of defense to fight, avian flu.

Then as profits became the priority this drug was also used for the treatment of flu.

Tamiflu was the first orally active neuraminidase inhibitor developed commercially. Gilead Sciences developed the drug, but Roche marketed it under its current trade name. In 1999, the FDA approved Tamiflu for the treatment of the flu in people ages one and older, and for the prevention of the flu in adolescents and adults.
At first, the drug's sales were unimpressive. However, fears of an avian flu pandemic and the subsequent international stockpile of Tamiflu led to a spike in Roche's profits. The company went from $76 million in sales of the drug in 2001 to $700 million in 2005.[/x]

As with any drugs Tamiflu has become resistance to the same diseases that it has been promise to fight.

Plus is also very dangerous when used improperly.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by marg6043

If people had not been brainwashed into looking for a drug for every problem, and taught to scorn natural remedies, this would not be an issue.

Pharmaceutical companies make very little that is not poison. Whereas "nature's pharmacy" provides safe, cheap remedies for most problems.

Simply spending less money on empty, chemical-laden calories and eating fresh veges instead will make your body more able to fight off infections and recover afterwards than any anti-viral.

- That said, I'd still advise anyone with possible pneumonia to get it checked up and treated medically, just to be safe. For myself though, I use tea-tree inhalations for pneumonia and suggest people keep tea-tree oil on hand in case they need antibiotics and cannot obtain them.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Kailassa

Is interesting that back in the days, the "congestion of the chess" now call pneumonia and the lesser bronchitis was a concoction that my grandmother used to make with honey, salvia, "aloa" rum, 7 jarabes and other ingredients that only my mother now knows how to make, that used to clear the chess in one week, but is better to go to the doctor get into a drug and pray that it works, the remedy was a lot tastier.

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