The oldest dream i can remember?
I was on a crib, i was small enough i was not able to see above the bars, because i remember at first i was grabbing from the side and i remember
seeing through the bars, i remember perfectly the furniture in the room as well, the tv set, bed, windows, portraits on the walls etc,
So i was just there, my memory is not that clear on this, but when this happened, i was laying on my back, and as i turned left to look out the
window, a very thin, long, dark (burned?) hand, with very long and thin fingers, tried to grab me, it went all the way up until it almost reached me,
but nothing else but the hand seemed to show up, as i can only remember that, i started to kick and scream, crying, and the hand moved away very fast
and then my mom came into the room.
That's my oldest dream, i still remember it as if it happened yesterday, i have talked about this dream since i first was able to talk, nobody
believed me until i explained how the room looked like, we moved from that house when i was about 1/2 years old, OK so it probably wasn't a dream,
but who could say?
My second oldest dream, was when i was probably something like 4 or so, i was in the garden with my older brother, playing on the side of the house,
when we heard a noise and we looked around and then i remember i could not hear anything, i was just completely paralyzed looking at some weird, worm
like creature which was floating above the ground, it looked very small, it was staring at us, it was dark green, like a worm, had eyes, but can't
remember mouth or anything else, it was hovering, but was laying on something like a chair, a metallic one, at some point in the future i started to
wonder, if it was something like a baby? who knows, there was some noise in the background, i could not get anything, i felt dizzy and can't remember
a lot more than that, i felt my bones hurting, like if crushing inside me, i could feel a lot of pain in my body, i tried to run inside my house and
to look away, but could not move, tears started to roll, i made a great effort and started to move very slowly towards the door, finally i was able to
move and i remember my brother running and opening the door, we run inside and tried to hide, i can still feel cold when i remember that, again, i
guess just a dream, my brother doesn't seem to remember it so i go for dream
Or not ???
After that, i never had any weird dreams until a was like 9 or so, but nothing like that again.
[edit on 14-12-2009 by Kaifan]