posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:04 PM
LOL ALL people are potential criminals. Even you Frank.
A politician that stands up against the establishment? Politicians are the establishment. Now that is a pipe dream! An honest politician lol, I
have yet to meet an honest person, let alone a politician. If you believe anyone is honest then you are fooling yourself, we all lie and cheat, some
just won't admit it. Even if it's only doing a rolling red light stop, no one is innocent.
We all work from the same set of motivations, survival, happiness etc., if those desires are not met then we react depending on our situation. Given
the right situation anyone can become a criminal, you are not immune. If you were starving would you steal food?
There is no 'criminal mind', just people who act and react to their given environment and situation. This is not Hollywood, 'criminals' rarely
sit around deciding what crimes to break. Most crime is not premeditated, but the stupid action of a desperate person.
A person is not a criminal until they commit a crime, so did the persons mind become different after the act? It's a dangerous path that law
enforcement uses, profiling to know whether a person is a potential criminal before any criminal act. According to the police we're all criminals,
just some of us haven't been caught yet.
If you are a murderer, other than of the crime of passion type, then you have a serious psychological problem. But not all people with psychological
problems are 'criminals'. Be careful with labels, they are dangerous. Most people who commit crime are not 'criminals', just people who made bad
Most property crime is a result of the unfair system we live in. An atmosphere of desire is created by the media. We're conditioned to believe that
we need this stuff they push to enjoy life. Our resources for survival are in the hands of private individuals (often stolen) and we are expected to
pay and pay for the very needs to simply survive. Poverty plays a huge part in crime, from the mental stress of constant fight to survive, which can
turn people violent and uncaring. It is a fact that there is more mental health problems in the poor than the rich.
Making more laws and giving stiffer sentences is not going to stop crime, because as I said most crime is not premeditated so the 'criminal'
doesn't even think of the possible punishment. We need to fix the root of the problem, and that is private ownership of resources and the unfair
distribution of those resources.
[edit on 12/11/2009 by ANOK]