As many of you know from previous threads I am a Military Police Officer set out to get some facts straight. With the holidays coming up I feel it
necessary to put some FACTS out on driving under the influence or (DUI).
Each year 16,000 people are killed in alcohol related car accidents, and that number is not dropping! I bet the majority if not all of them thought it
wasn't going to happen before it did either. I can tell you from personal experience that it doesn't just effect the people involved in the accident
either, no it strikes much deeper than that.
The link I posted ( ) Is an EXCELLENT resource of information in regards to
drinking and driving so I suggest you take a second to read it as well.
Most people say “oh I've only have 1 or 2 beers/drinks, im fine to drive”. Did you know it doesn't matter how many drinks you have? Its based on
many other things like body size, weight, if your an alcoholic or not to name a few.
Did you also know that if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is below .08 you can still be charged with DUI? YUP that's right. Even if you blow goose
eggs you can still be charged! Well your saying how is this possible?!! If someone is under the influence of a narcotic it will not show up on the
BAC, but the patrol officer can still charge them if they believe they were under the influence of a drug. Now granted before it could even go to
court there would have to be a blood draw and much more for evidence but you can still be charged!
Then your saying well I blew a .03 and im not on drugs SO IM SAFE! WRONG AGAIN MY FRIEND! If a police officer stopped you it was for a reason. If
that police officer can convince a court that you were unable to control your vehicle while he was watching you then you will have a DUI charge on
your head.
Well that's not fair!! The law says .08 to be DUI!! Right? Yes and no. Yes the law does say that but all the .08 means is when it goes to court
there is NO question NO having to prove the police officers case. YOU WERE DRUNK!
Well then that's to easy if I get arrested for DUI I just wont blow on the BAC machine. Well yes that is your right! You don't have to blow on the
BAC machine, HOWEVER. Most people don't know that when you agree to get a drivers license you automaticly submit to this test. IF YOU REFUSE TO BLOW
you instantly revoke your license for X amount of years (I believe it depends on the state).
Now on to personal experience time. Is there a way to cheat the BAC machine. Ill just save you the reading time and say NOPE! I've seen it all,
pennies, gum, perfume, food, drinks, tic tacs, not blowing strong, blowing to strong, not blowing at all. DOSNT WORK!!
Well what if I blow real lightly and make it look like im giving an effort but really not! Nope, the machine will tell us an inefficient sample was
received and after 3 trys it will print out a refusal form.
This is a topic I am very adiment about and I have NEVER given a break, when I stop people. I tend to be a relaxed police officer but DUIs are not a
Thank you for reading my DUI brief and feel free to ask questions! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!
(visit the link for the full news article)
[edit on 10-12-2009 by ThePeoplesSoldier]