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Conspiracy w/Jesse Ventura ep 2

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posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 01:59 AM
9/11 – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, December 9 at 10P
Jesse Ventura steps into America's most controversial conspiracy by challenging the 9/11 Commission Report and searching for evidence that the September 11th attacks may have been an inside job. At the urging of victims' families, he finds witnesses who claim the towers were brought down by explosives, the missing black box flight recorders were actually recovered and ground control knew the hijackers were in the cockpits before the jets took off.

I have waiting for this episode since they first announced the show.Jesse Ventura will be laying out the basic overview of the alternative theories of 9/11 I think this will be a great introduction to the evidence the ep about HAARP made it hit 11 on the Google trends list so let's see where this leads.More people being made aware about the unanswered questions and out right mysteries of that day is not a bad thing.

[edit on 023131p://0126 by mike dangerously]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by mike dangerously
9/11 – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, December 9 at 10P
Jesse Ventura steps into America's most controversial conspiracy by challenging the 9/11 Commission Report and searching for evidence that the September 11th attacks may have been an inside job. At the urging of victims' families, he finds witnesses who claim the towers were brought down by explosives, the missing black box flight recorders were actually recovered and ground control knew the hijackers were in the cockpits before the jets took off.

I have waiting for this episode since they first announced the show.Jesse Ventura will be laying out the basic overview of the alternative theories of 9/11 I think this will be a great introduction to the evidence the ep about HAARP made it hit 11 on the Google trends list so let's see where this leads.More people being made aware about the unanswered questions and out right mysteries of that day is not a bad thing.

Without even looking at it, I'm going to wager it will be almost a word for word rehash of every piece of rubbish those damned fool conspiracy web sites are pushing out, from "witnesses heard explosions" to "Silverstein said 'pull it'". You just as well call it, "Loose Change TV" and be done with it.

We already see some of the misrepresentation stunts he's going to pull, when Mike mentions "ground crews knew the hijackers were in the cockpits before the planes took off", which is conspiracy monger-speak for "soon to be hijacked plane A sitting on the ground was warned about currently being hijacked plane B already in flight", which even the 9/11 commission report documented. It's just that the latter doesn't sound sexy enough for the conspiracy mongers' purposes.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Without even looking at it, I'm going to wager it will be almost a word for word rehash of every piece of rubbish those damned fool conspiracy web sites are pushing out, from "witnesses heard explosions" to "Silverstein said 'pull it'". You just as well call it, "Loose Change TV" and be done with it.

I have to give you a star on this one. That is basically what his 1st episode consisted of. He added nothing new to the HAARP investigation...spent half the show standing at the security gate running off at the mouth about the fact that a military facility has....a security gate

BUT, I'll watch anyway...not much programming on any of the other 10,000 channels worth watching.

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