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Swine flu may be mildest pandemic ever, researchers say

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posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 10:19 PM

Swine flu may be mildest pandemic ever, researchers say December 8, 2009 | 4:00 pm Pig The first comprehensive study of pandemic H1N1 influenza from April to the end of July indicates that the pandemic may be the mildest ever, assuming that the virus doesn't mutate during the winter and come back stronger than before. The analysis suggests that the swine flu virus might directly cause as many as 45,000 deaths in the United States by the end of winter but that the most likely figure is somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 deaths. In a worst-case scenario, the virus would kill no more than 45,000 people, well below earlier estimates that suggested as many as 90,000 could die in the pandemic....

This is very interesting, and in-line with what many cautious researchers were saying all along once data was analyzed.

+ So, is this proof that it was all hype to get a malevolent vaccine into the populace for a highly clandestine NWO plot?

+ A test-run for inoculating the population in the event of a real, more serious epidemic, be it man-made or of natural origin?

+Or, more mundanely, and simply, the government getting pushed to over-react due to a combination of media hype and a fearful ignorant populace that demanded a response to a not well understood perceived threat?

What do you all think?


[edit on 12/8/2009 by skunknuts]

[edit on 12/8/2009 by skunknuts]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 10:22 PM
well, what i think is the government and Obama and WHO are overreact wth fear and proganda for nothing....

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by IceDash
well, what i think is the government and Obama and WHO are overreact wth fear and proganda for nothing....

Seriously, or are you being sarcastic? I mean, why would they do all that 'for nothing.'


posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by skunknuts

Originally posted by IceDash
well, what i think is the government and Obama and WHO are overreact wth fear and proganda for nothing....

Seriously, or are you being sarcastic? I mean, why would they do all that 'for nothing.'

EXACTLY...the question is should be this: why?

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 10:32 PM

That's easy enough to answer...

Say you were the President and you wanted to shove a health care bill down a whole populations throat that did not really want it..

What better way then to engineer a "Pandemic", scare enough people and they will vote for any health care bill put forth.

Isn't "Mild Pandemic" an oxymoron?


posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis

That's easy enough to answer...

Say you were the President and you wanted to shove a health care bill down a whole populations throat that did not really want it..

What better way then to engineer a "Pandemic", scare enough people and they will vote for any health care bill put forth.

Isn't "Mild Pandemic" an oxymoron?


Well, I guess I don't really follow, or agree with your premise that Americans do not want health reform:

First of all, the health care reform bills are not voted on by the population. We have a republican form of government, and last November the party that promised to increase health insurance coverage and reduce abuses by the health care insurance industry were voted into power with a pretty large majority.
Furthermore, after all of the debate, the tea-parties, the issue ads, etc., etc, most polls show that the population is both basically split on the issue regarding support of the specific legislation, as well as extremely confused about the actual ramifications of the legislation were it to be enacted (i.e. death panels, what a 'public option' means, etc., etc.)
Also, a large portion of people who poll against the specific legislation are people that want a STRONGER public option, and/or a single-payer system.

This isn't where I thought this conversation would go, but many people argue against this bill by basically shouting the sentiment 'KEEP YOUR BIG GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER AWAY FROM MY HEALTH-CARE, DON"T YOU DARE MESS WITH MY MEDICARE!!!' Now that is an oxymoron, and shows how confused and ignorant many people are about the issue.

Also, Obama was getting the most vitriolic criticism from the right about not reacting quickly enough to the swine flu epdemic. I remember Lou Dobb's, O'Reily, lambasting Obama for the vaccine not being made more quickly. But that's my point, that we need to proceed more rationally, because you are right in saying that 'mild pandemic' seems like quite the oxymoron.


posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 11:34 PM
But you are mistaken in your numbers..

I'll make this short so as not to derail the thread.

It's not the Medicaid people shouting the loudest, it is us. Middle Class America. The ones that make this country run, that have worked our whole lives to get the good health care we have now and we don't want any government system shoved down our throats.

Pandemic Shandemic

I've never personally met anyone with the Swine Flu. Nor has my wife, a nurse in the biggest hospital in the area.

This whole things stinks of a huge liberal agenda.

We need to remember, it is NOT the Medicaid people that have made this country great, it is the hard working middle class. So why is it people think we should be punished. (That was not a question)


posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 11:36 PM
This epidemic of sorts was supposed to become a pandemic, however, something went ...wrong..
..... Too many people were onto the game, you know? Its time for plan B.
Fire and brimstone?
We attack ourselves and make it look like its a foreign attack???

This worries me, because i know the other shoe is going to fall one way or another.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
But you are mistaken in your numbers..

I'll make this short so as not to derail the thread.

It's not the Medicaid people shouting the loudest, it is us. Middle Class America. The ones that make this country run, that have worked our whole lives to get the good health care we have now and we don't want any government system shoved down our throats.

This whole things stinks of a huge liberal agenda.

We need to remember, it is NOT the Medicaid people that have made this country great, it is the hard working middle class. So why is it people think we should be punished. (That was not a question)


See, I agree with you here. The poor (and invaluable as you seem to imply like a typical conservative) have Medicaid, or, sadly, VA insurance, as soldiers, once they return home from duty get the shaft from the powers that be (as in, end-up being poor or homeless/ mentally ill).

The uninsured, the people marred with 'preexisting conditions,' the people who can't afford the coinsurance and deductibles, if they are given the honor of being allowed to enroll in the magic club of Aetna or UHC, are the middle class, the hard-workers, the average American, you and me.

We deserve more, and already pay way more than enough in taxes and other fees to deserve health-care (and that's even before the discussion of whether the right to receive a basic level of health care should be a right, or, at the very least, something that promotes freedom, and thus should be part of the fabric of what is necessary for the promotion of liberty and happiness).

I mean, who thought up this employer-based system. It is killing small businesses, and hurting their employees. What the hell is a 'health insurance company' anyway?
What do they add of worth for my health care dollar??
I am all for a free market economy, but that does not mean that everything has to be for profit. Profit is not God, some holy concept, and it does not mean freedom.

If something is hurting the welfare of the citizens, the citizens should be able to say 'No More!' _javascript:icon('
') Look at the history of corporate charters in America. I know Glen Beck is a big fan of 'how the things used to be,' and in this respect, I agree, whole-heartedly! Look at how the founding-fathers regarded corporations. Please.

Again, I understand what doctors, nurses, cotton swabs, hospitals, receptionists, etc., etc, add towards the providing of health care. But insurance companies, what do they do? Seems to me they exist, solely, to make a profit (which is undeniable). What are the only means for increasing profits, the sole mission of a corporation? Are you really ok with that? Like I said, making a profit is fine, but it is NOT god, or divine.

Health care is too important to be boiled down to a bumper-sticker slogan, so don't do it the injustice of calling the provision of health care for the middle class some fascist ploy. Trust me, the people against providing health care, the real fascists, are the powers that be, the people that look at you and me as a means to an end. Stop fighting against yourself for the benefit of the powers that be. It is very unbecoming, and believe me, they are laughing their greedy asses off behind you back all the way to the bank!

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 01:02 AM
I came down with something on Thanksgiving day. It started literally in the middle of the day, right after eating a big white breast.
A very sore throat, so soar that I cant remember a time that It hurt so much and I sank pretty fast after that.
Within about a 2 hour period of time, I went from feeling great to being on the couch, having a hard time breathing through my mouth because my throat and chest hurt so much and completely unable to breath through my nose because it was so stopped up.

I was also chilled to the bone in 65 degree F weather, I checked for a fever and found that it was running about 1.5 degrees below what it normally does.
Normally, when i get the flu, which is pretty rare for me, it has always followed the same pattern, it starts in my head, stopped up nose, mild soar throat and headache.
This normally lasts for two days, then it moves into my chest, with the chest congestion and coughing up stuff etc..
This time though, it was in my head, throat and chest from day one and that first night was miserable, the second night wasnt much better but it seemed to peak on the second night.
By the fourth day i felt better, my throat wasnt hurting and it had moved out of my head and was only in my chest, like what im used to.
Then the next day (5th day) I felt like the first day again, it was as if I had just about gotten over it and it just "re-booted" and started over again, this had never happened to me during any of the past flus I had ever had in my past.
After about exactly one week to the day, damn near to the hour, I started feeling a LOT better, the stuffy head and congested cough is still there but it is very bearable, especially compared to what I had been through.
This all started on Nov 26th and as of today, Dec 9th I feel 1000% better, still getting some headaches, from the sinus pressure and still coughing up stuff from my chest but my throat doesnt hurt and I can actually breath through my nose and it only took just about 2 full weeks.
Sorry about the long post but it is pretty significant for me for a few reasons and I wanted to give yall a rundown on how it progressed.
First of all, I rarely get sick and when I do, feel really bad for maybe two days, then I begin my upswing and then I just suffer lingering effects for a few days after that, I never have symptoms that last this long.
I didnt go to the Doctor and im not going to self-diagnose myself with H1N1 but I do believe thats what I had. I blamed it on my sons GF lol. Her father is some kind of research scientist and her mom is a microbiologist at one of the Hospitals here, all of them just moved here from Mexico, after living in Jersey for some time.
Hes aware of my visits to cosnpiracy related sites, so I had a little fun with him. I told him that her Parents probably had a hand in releasing swine flu in Mexico and the US and I got it from her after giving them a ride from school one day

My point is this. Although I felt like hell for to long especially the first two days, I never felt like I was on my death bed, after the 8th day, it became more of an annoyance than anything else.
So, after all this, im just trying to say that I dont believe that it is nearly as "deadly" as they hyped it up to be, just like a lot of us have been saying all summer, its very contagious but no more deadly than the regular flu, probably much less and in no way justifies a "National Emergency"

Im sorry for the long, rambling post, I dont blame you for not reading it all, i know I wouldnt

Stay healthy

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 10:17 AM

I''m glad you made it. I am armed this time with every known remedy known to man/woman.
Normally, i would play the good hostess to a flu for months...I am sick of it. No more. I am fighting back. With a vengeance.

I just hope that nothing else pops up around the corner which we cannot control.

(I still love you, Semper)

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 10:25 AM
If anybody followed the same steps that brought us the last pandemic by the big pharma and WHO for profits back in 76, you will see that the only thing is missing is the payoff that big pharma had to do on the victims of the vaccines, this time victims has been watered over due to the immunity that big pharma have.

It was not a pandemic in 76 and it was not a pandemic this time around.

Plain and simple.

BTW we now know somebody that actually have the swine flu, how do we know? without testing, because it is one of my daughters co-worker that took her two young children to receive the swine flu vaccine in the mist form while her and her adult side of the family didn't took any vaccines, one week later and after many accounts from the people around her telling her that her children will infect her because is a live vaccine she can say now that she has the swine flu for real, thank big pharma for that one.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

I''m glad you made it. I am armed this time with every known remedy known to man/woman.
Normally, i would play the good hostess to a flu for months...I am sick of it. No more. I am fighting back. With a vengeance.

I just hope that nothing else pops up around the corner which we cannot control.

(I still love you, Semper)

Thanks tempe, im glad i made it too
but what do you mean you are "armed this time"
Have you already gotten it once before?
Ive heard that it can strike the same person multiple times, at least twice anyway.
I sure wouldnt wish it even on my worst enemy,maybe a few people here on ATS though
im j/k
Seriously though, I wouldnt know how one would prepare for it, other than keep lots of water on hand, liquid foods, ie chicken soup and your most effective cold/sinus medication, to keep the symptoms in check.
Also there is an excellent herbal tea that you could probably buy at the grocery stores called Throat Coat with echenacia (spelling) but it will do wonders for a soar throat and chest congestion.
Yall stay well.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Kr0n0s

Yes you are right, you can get the flu every year and have it many times as long as is a new mutated version running around that you have not gotten before, that is why seasonal flu needs a vaccination as per big pharma choice every year, because flu mutates every year.

So for what I can see you still can get the seasonal flu regardless of vaccine but the swine flu seems to be only one strand going on right now.

That is why as per CDC request any flu symptoms are now call swine flu and the seasonal flu that is the one that will infect more with more deadly results is to be ignored.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 04:19 PM
Of course it will be the mildest pandemic, as the WHO have changed the definition of 'pandemic' so as the illness no longer has to be 'severe'. Pandemic no longer has the same meaning.

'A previous official definition (and widely used unofficial one) required "simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness." Severity--that is, the number--is crucial, because seasonal flu always causes worldwide simultaneous epidemics. But one promulgated in April just days before the announcement of the swine flu outbreak simply eliminated severity as a factor.'

WHO changes definition of Pandemic

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