posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 08:42 PM
Heat is essential to our life. We use it as a powerful talisman against the forces of the unseen world, namely bacteria, germs, extreme cold, and
darkness. It is also a powerful weapon, with it we can release the inner forces of materials such as gun powder, plants, and petroleum.
The story of the simple man amidst towering forests becomes obvious when we understand the power that consuming this forest provides. Questions of
sustainability can be answered however the reader wishes to fill it in, however one thing stands alone. The fact that these immense stores of carbon
energy which dominate the landscape, can be chopped down or otherwise harvested to serve the purposes of the primates which scamper about them.
There is another forest of stored energy which dominates the landscape today, now that we no longer live in literal forests. These forests are
metaphysical, as they are corporations, which have absorbed all they can of the product provided by earth and it's inhabitants. Some of these
corporate trees are like the giant redwoods, centuries old, while some of them are yet saplings in comparison. The taller, older trees due tend to
block out the flow of consumers from the smaller newer ones. Of course, these smaller ones are also more nimble. The fact of the matter is, the
primates which scamper about the corporate forests do harvest them for a vital energy source via the medium of purchases, employment, dividends and
profit from selling shares.
This story will go the same way as the previous one of the literal forest. The fact that we harvest trees, corporate or otherwise, is not an issue.
Sustainability is the issue. If we merely consume the trees without replacing them, our ability to rely on them will be so temporary, it could be
terminal. We have to own our own businesses, our own trees, plant our own gardens and forests, in order to ensure sustainability long term in any
market regardless of it's foundation.