posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 12:12 PM
Here's my take on this, anxietydisorder. Your husband harkens back to his ancient ancestors' time, when one of his ancestors went hunting, maybe
carved off a part at the most, and threw the meat on a fire. Today he "hunts" in the grocery store, grabbing his prey, and then throws the prey into
the modern day equivalent of a fire. happy...
You, OTOH, are an enlightened food soul. You learned (from your ancient ancestors) to gather specific plants for their nutritional value and
preparative properties. You needed to keep a mental list. You needed to combine the right amount of water and flour; you needed ingredients. Someone
else made your husband's ancestor's prey, but you, anxietydisorder, you copy the ancestor who needed to combine to help humans along the road to,
well, being more human.
I am, like you, an EFS. I browse the aisles for the highest nutritional and preparative qualities. My, our, chicken soup has been proven through time
to cure the ills of body, mind, and soul. Try curing anything with a prepared pizza!
Alas, we are both married to our polar food/shopping opposites. Thank God we love them for other aspects. Thank God they possess other aspects for us
to love. I keep this in mind when I am presented with a tv dinner from the microwave. And I Thank God it doesn't happen often!