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Festive Cryptids

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posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:02 PM
Maybe I'm just in the holiday spirit. Maybe I'm just burnt out from the Index Thread. Either way, I thought it was appropriate to dissect (in the metaphorical sense) a few Seasonal/Festive/Holiday Cryptids. If you think of any others, feel free to add, but please keep it mature and appropriate.

Warning: Please take this with humor. It's funny. I'm not being serious. I mean, I am, but this isn't likely. Also, I know this list seems sort of Christian. I'm not Christian, so let it go. I just really like Christmasy things. And not all of these are related to Christmas.

Here we go... (dashing through the snow... in a one horse open sleigh... okay, really now



A red nosed... what? My hypothesis is that this guy is some genetic mutation of Rangifer tarandus, or the reindeer/caribou. The mutation could have created an environment in the "nose" or snout/muzzle that supports a symbiotic relationship with a bioluminescent bacteria. Generally that is how glowing things work. The "red" part could be due to a specific bacteria (although not one that I know of), or more likely the bioluminescence showing through a thin membrane of red tissue, aka tissues with blood vessels in it. In terms of all his buddies that outcast him, I don't know. I don't know much about reindeer social dynamic. Wikipedia didn't help out (although it did tell me that an entire reindeer was found in the stomach of a Greenland Shark... wow). Although I do know that if an animal does have an odd genetic mutation or condition, it can be outcast from the herd or group. I feel like I'm missing something... Oh, right. Rudolph can fly. So can a bunch of reindeer, apparently. In my opinion, this may be considered a subspecies of flying reindeer. Or it could be a complete different species. The way to tell would be to make a flying and a non-flying reindeer mate and see what happens. If it produces offspring (maybe a gimpy, low-flying reindeer) that is infertile, then it would be a different species. If it is fertile- subspecies. How can a reindeer fly, you may ask? That brings me to our next festive cryptid...



Santa is magical. Oh, are you like me, and are completely lacking in the faith department? I'll do my best. This has some physics in it, and honestly physics is just not my favorite science area, but I'll give it a try. I think it goes like this... Santa has the ability to somehow manipulate waves and vibrations, causing reality and time to warp. That's how he manages to go to all the houses on the planet in 24 hours. Er, all the... little Christian houses. (Never came to mine). Anyway, I think that this could indirectly cause the manipulation of DNA... hence both the flying reindeer, the elves, and the Christmas Cheer. Although the Christmas Cheer could come from the seasonal manipulation of waves that impact the entire planet, instead of through DNA manipulation. Yeah, that makes more sense. How does he survive on the North Pole? He is fat. He is also magical and can probably manipulate the area that he is in to not be so cold. How can he remain so undetected? Come on, ATS, I know you've studied stealth technology. He probably has his mittens on some of that, plus he is probably able to manipulate this dimension in such a way that he just isn't visible. Lastly, how is he so darn cute? He's just really darn cute, it's that simple.



I know that my first thought on this one was "...Yeti?" I mean, it could be one, if the fur got all matted up. I know the whole thing about the magical hat, and I just don't have a good explanation. This is clearly a case of life coming to something inanimate. AKA- Frankenstein Syndrome. Technically that would require a shock of electricity, right? And some body parts. It's a bit gruesome to think about, but maybe Frosty's buttons were made out of bone, plus the coal is like... fossilized organic matter. So if the felt hat caused a spark, according to the Mary Shelly theory, it would come to life. Although that sounds really scary and I just couldn't tell you if it would start dancing or start eating people. I suppose it's possible that it could be very friendly.



There are a few threads on angels in ATS already, as shown in the index. I must admit, I don't exactly know why angels are associated with Christmas. However, angels appear to be people with wings that can play music. It sounds like some sort of bird to me. I suppose that it could be a bird/human hybrid or a subspecies of humans which has evolved to have wings. They could be able to avoid observation through some form of wave manipulation. I actually don't have a very good answer for this one, and it's not all that much fun, and it is difficult to separate from theology. It is, however, traditional. The confusing part- Angels have legs, arms, and wings... right? Six limbs? That is odd. Maybe some form of... warm blooded, descended-from-reptiles, arthropod. I cannot think of anything with six functional "limbs" that is warm blooded on a regular basis. There have been mutations that produce extra working limbs. Genetic mutation again? Seems like it could be likely. Remember the cat with "wings"? Who knows. In many cultures, genetic mutations in humans do elevate the person to an almost God-like level.

-A very festive Raven.


[edit on 12/6/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:00 PM
This is really interesting thread Raven. Quite interesting indeed. One should note that most of these cryptids can be seen in December during the same week, about a week prior to the Santa Cryptid. They appear and disappear just as quick.

i agree with your hypothesis of the Santa being capable of wave distortion. It makes complete sense, as well as quantuum entanglement for its chimney to chimney journey. Of course, it could have captured a flying saucer and used the teleportation technology, ala Star Trek, but its much more likely it bends Space-time, Time-space, or some other variation.

Another one (of which i cannot find a suitable picture)

The Grinch

The Grinch has a large belly, long fingers and is covered in green hair. Its fingers and feet look longer due to the long portions of hair coming off of them. It has large, sinister black eyebrows, and deep lines on its forehead. Its mouth lines are subtle when it is in a neutral mood, yet very stretched when it is happy. It has a pair of brooding, deep-set, yellow ovoid eyes with red irises. A long neck is prominent, with layers of green fur coming down it. It seems to have pockets in the fur of its large stomach, as it rests its hands inside this area. These pockets may be pouches, making it a marsupial, though it may be a hoodie the creature was dressed in. With regard to posture, it is loose and can bend easily. It often walks in stealth-mode.

The Grinch seems to be anti festive, as its main purpose in existance is to steal the gifts left by the Santa creature. It is unknown wether it is spread across the globe or resides in the small area of Whoville.

Its been rumored that a Grinch may come to enjoy a festive mood, usually upon succesful desruption of Christmas. It may then die content, knowing the true meaning of Christmas.

Love and Peace

edit to try and a picture, then re edited to fix the mistake when picture adding went horribly awry

[edit on 6-12-2009 by M157yD4wn]

[edit on 6-12-2009 by M157yD4wn]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by M157yD4wn

I knew that I was missing some! Thank you so much, M157y. Don't worry about the picture! Good job nabbing the color text, too.

Very good description! What do you think he is? Some sort of mammal, right? Sort of reminds me of a sloth. Wouldn't that be funny, considering the meaning of the word "sloth" and the fact that they can have green fur because of moss growing on them.


posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Well, my hypothesis is in a developing stage, but this is what i have so far.

The Grinch is a mammal. In fact, the Grinch is a Human being. He is a homeless person from Seattle wearing a green hoodie, and has grown quite large from Shelter food, where he hits up to 9 shelters a day for meals. i believe he is one of those homeless hippies, who do not have to be homeless, but choose to so they may find "spiritual balance". Along the way, this homeless person (sex is indistinguishable) has developed the antithesis to what he/she set out to do. Couple this persons intense hatred for Christmas (likely because of people giving to the fat Santas in front of Walmart, rather than him/her), wuith the wet weather of Seattle, which has contributed to a moldy green, matted hooded hippie hemp sweatshirt, it indeed could appear to be an animal or mythical beast of some sort.Meh, i think its just a dude named Joe.

There is other data, that supports it being marsupial from Antarctica, which would explain its anti Christmas behavior. It and the Santa being are polar opposites.

Love and Peace

[edit on 6-12-2009 by M157yD4wn]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13


Oh, and don't forget Jesus!

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by M157yD4wn

i never would have thought of that, but great hypothesis.:bnghd:
soup kithens, ha.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

.. and who can forget Jack Skellington (The Pumpkin King)!

Known for hijacking Christmas and making a right balls-up of it!


posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 12:48 PM
You missed one!

The abominable snowman!!!

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Did I just moan?

Oh.. Oops.

I think we all know what I just started watching on my computer right now.

[edit on 12/7/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by DaMod

Oh man, I did!!!

Yeti. I think Yeti. Bipedal primate of tundra regions. Agree? Disagree?

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 08:14 PM
I just managed to get a top secret picture of an incident involving Santa and a UFO....I think that solves how he does all that "magical" stuff now!


So you see, Santa has been hording all this reversed engineered alien technology, thus he can make it to all those houses and down all those chimneys so quick!

A refreshing thread raven, thank you.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

*cracks up* No problem, Jkrog. Awesome, awesome picture.

That makes so much more sense.

I mean, we all know that the reindeer fly in triangle formation, right? And that red light... explains everything.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 12:20 PM
I just noticed the Grinch is already mentioned.

Anyway, good thread! Definitely, a different one. Star and flag!

[edit on 9-12-2009 by Spinotoror]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
reply to post by DaMod

Oh man, I did!!!

Yeti. I think Yeti. Bipedal primate of tundra regions. Agree? Disagree?

It's Bumble, to be precise. LOL this is a fun thread.
to DaMod. You beat me to it.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:36 AM
Fans of Terry Pratchett's DISKWORLD series will be sending you complaints via the Tooth Fairy (who's probably better at handing out bad but non-fatal news than Death) about your forgetting the Hogfather! And who could forget the memorable Christmas when Hogfather was kidnapped and Death and Albert had to stand in for him?

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Byrd

I did not catch any of those references. I guess that means that I have some reading to do!

If anyone would like to surmise on the background of the Hogfather, feel free.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 10:19 PM
Keep your eyes peeled for Santa Claus sightings, right around now, guys.

Listen for the sound of sleigh bells, it seems to precede most sightings of this cryptid, and you may increase the likelihood of an encounter by setting out cookies and milk.

Good luck and keep your fireplaces open! And remember Raven's rule of cryptozoology- Step 1: Get DNA evidence. Step 2: Get a picture. Step 3: Do not capture.


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