Originally posted by tallcool1
reply to post by B.Morrison
Yes, B. Morrison, I would and often do help out strangers. Even with the knowledge that some of them will likely just get drunk or high with my
Yeah and the last homeless man i saw in the park i walked over and offered him half my lunch, he took it and in return offered my his bottle of vodka,
I declined, said enjoy the food man, and walked away.
you don't dictate what people do with your help, you either help your fellow man, or you don't.
I got cornered by a drunk biker gang member in a rough neighbourhood i used to have to frequent via bus system to get to work, he followed me for
several bus's trying to scare me & steal my cigarettes...while we were waiting for the interchanging bus to arrive I started asking him questions,
rolled a few smokes, shared a smoke with him & found out his story, turns out there was a hit on him, ended in a deep & meaningful where he was in
tears saying "i'm scared.....i didn't want to be like this" ...went from trying to rob me, to thinking of me as a friend, and he was very drunk
Point is, people CAN change.
The point with your little "folk hero" is that he has been busted more than once and released.
"little folk hero"....can you do ANYTHING without resorting to name calling?
He has had more than a couple of "second chances"
point to them...where are they?
and still chooses to steal and destroy other peoples property because it's a thrill for him.
you don't know why he does what he does.
This may not yet hurt anyone physically, but I know that if he broke into my house in this economy, just the damage alone could send me into
bankruptcy. He does not care what harm his actions cause to others and I doubt it even crosses his mind.
bankruptcy is easier to come back from than jail. I've had both in my family so i've personal experience to back my claims. I couldn't care less
about you or your money to be frank.
also everything U just said, I agree with & mentioned in posts SUPPORTING the kid, so what the heck IS your point other than to re-iterate what we
already know????? I think you're just angry and aren't willing to understand the other point of view.....see....everyone here has already been
exposed to your exact point of view and discussed it. I have yet to see you make one original contribution to this thread.
You and others with the same cultlike following of this criminal are - in reality - supporting harm to innocent people.
B.S man, that's total nonsense. I'm not following him like I'm in a cult, I clearly explain what I do & DON'T like about this kid in my previous
posts and why. It is not my fault if you don't read the bloody thread properly.
My reasons are logical rational & compassionate. To compare people posting positive things about this story, to a 'cult worship'....I don't even
know how to put it to you how ridiculous that is.
supporting harm to innocent people? he has yet to hurt anyone. And simply acknowledging the positive aspects of this story does not in any way support
violence, that also, is a ball-sy yet completely unfounded accusation of yours.
I.e. you sound like an angry guy, who neglected to fill himself in on most of the conversation so far.
edited to add: Another thing - you say that we are all so "quick to damn the kid". You, on the other hand are quick to screw innocent people. Just
to keep from working. Such empathy for the victims.
No, that's not true at all. I've made a dozen posts here and never once commended him on his criminal activity, you are making downright FALSE
accusations. IF you'd bothered to read ALL the posts here, you'd see that myself and another person who had positive things to say about this kid,
have both been victims of burglary. The other poster/'victim' here had been violently mugged even, and was still able to wish this kid a happy
future, to say the least. also "just 2 keep from working" shows u don't get it.
Well - all of you people romaticizing this petty thief should remember that us here in Washington State just recently (quite foolishly) let a career
criminal have a "chance" by letting him out on bail. There are now 9 innocent little children of cops that are without one of their parents because
of this "chance".
cop killers suck. But you know, theres a few billion jailed convicts probably celebrating...not saying it sits well with me, just saying, what was bad
the world, was good for hitler, what was good for the world, was bad for hitler....point being that the concepts of 'good & bad' and 'right &
wrong' are an illusion, theres only ever been, only is, and only ever will be, different points of view.
I don't wish him to be killed or harmed, just locked up before things escalate and another child is without their mother or father.
Your sentiments really do not differ whatsoever from the side you argue against other than the jail time. I say pay back the people he stole from &
leave it at that. Jail doesn't prevent crime, it propagates it.
No matter how much you want to "stick it to the man" or whatever other silly argument that you give to promote stealing, you are just being
cheerleaders for a petty thief.
Don't dictate back to me what i'm doing from a ignorant point of view and for that matter, I know exactly what i'm doing/i've done & what makes
you think i need you enlightening me on that???? jesus the freakin arrogance man......
look you either haven't read the damned posts or didn't understand them, because my arguments were NOT silly nor were many others here. Nor was I
promoting crime. more unfounded accusations.
Anyway, I shouldn't have to defend myself against people who don't even read the previous posts properly, because they don't even understand what
they're arguing against. and yet they keep popping up.....with yet again...more of the same stagnant generalisations....
[edit on 9/12/09 by B.Morrison]