^^^You can clear that post now,pineappleupsidedown^^^
No they didnt....
Arcturus and the other 3 men: Mongoloid, Gameboy and Mario, decided to go over each line of the riddle that they had.
Under the moon but over the stars
Gameboy thought this could mean the Sun, because in Deer Valley Forest the Sun appears lower than the moon. The stars appear to start right under the
sun. That doesnt give the elders much to work on yet.
with a whole lot of trees, but even more cars
Mario said started naming some places that had alot of trees and cars. "New York, Los Angleles, Seattle, Washington DC........" He could be onto
something there.
Where all colors mixed turn into white
The elders are totally stumped by this line of the riddle. They dont think it makes much sense. Arcturus decided to move on to the next line of the
where night is day and day is night
The elders immediantly thought of Las Vegas. They thought this because there are so many lights on at night that it looks like day. And people sleep
all through the day from the long "night" they had. So the day is night. But there arent alot of trees there. Mongoloid thought Los Angeles. It has
alot of trees. It can get pretty light at night with all the parties. There are plenty of cars. They are under the moon...and all the "stars" live
there too. They werent to sure about the all colors mixing into white part tho. But they thought this was enough.
In the city of...
Los Angeles!!!
Then they thought maybe they shouldnt be working on the riddle while smoking the peace pipe. Arcturus decided to lead the elders of the glen again,
tomorrow, in talking about what the riddle could mean and where the Ancient Book of the Elders could be. Arcturus, Mongoloid, Gameboy and Mario all
passed out onto the seperate beds from a hard day.
Kinda weird...i know...
[Edited on 21-6-2004 by dreamlandmafia]