posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:40 PM
1975, a broad silver disk was shot down by the United States Air Force. It landed out in the Atlantic ocean, it took Navy and the Air Force 13 days to
retrieve it. Specially designed cranes, and divers was used in retrieval of this craft. 3 divers lost their lifes during this activity. When the
portal was opened, they found 3 humannoid like beings, at first they thought it may be another country because they look so human, however, further
inspection and medical examanations showed they was not. In fact the examanation showed that their inner workings was that more of an insect, and that
their skin was more leather, and thicker. This is a true story told to me by my uncle.
My uncle later became a Brigadier General, and retired in 1996, he died in 2001 and told us all this story in 1998 at a easter gathering. The man was
a straight shooter, never lied, and if you knew him like we did, you would know he was telling the truth. I just wanted to share this story because I
felt like it was important to tell. He also said that the aliens was not hostile, and they seem to be coming here for mainly water, vegetation, and
had no intrest in human matters. He said it would take humans another 50,000 years proably before we could even touch on their technology and
understand it. They have a hand up in the fact that our resources here are limited, they seem to have a lot more resources to use for space travel.
Like I said, its his story, here it is believe it or not, however, I do believe it and I am glad to tell it here on ABS for the first time.