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Nick Griffin covers Climate gate and denounces NWO Scam

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posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by john124Griffin is a racist and fascist because he wants to treat different ethnic groups differently to each other even though they should be treated equally, and he wants to define who is indigenous based on his own opinion, rather than by science.

do you consider the Black Police Association to be a fascist/racist tool because it only recognises the experiences of non whites?

*by the way, unless you answer a straightforward unequivocal "yes", then your previous comments are meaningless hypocritical nonsense*

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by blueorder

Clearly the indigenous people are from European/white stock- some native americans are white and some are black he he he

And what about those with part of their genes from outside of Europe? Shall we just classify them now as an inferior race and surrender to the fascists?

"getting drunk" think all parties have members that can do that-

As long as they don't go and trash anything that doesn't belong to them.

"thinking about" lol you going to call for the introduction of FASCIST thought crimes?

That's not even necessary, because the BNP often speak their mind when they think they aren't being filmed. Of course they aren't very clever people, so they don't think very much before they act!

yes, or maybe communities surrounded by RACIST AND NON INTEGRATING LARGELY ASIAN/MUSLIM communities- would love you to move into one of those predominantly Muslim streets with "whites out" on the walls- would you do that please?

So the answer is to riot and fight people, and provoke more anger and hatred instead of having rational debate??? - which the BNP and other pathetic groups like the EDL are incapable of doing. Yes the particular british asians who pretend to be anti-fascist and riot as well are part of the same problem as the BNP & EDL. Ironic how the EDL has to state that they aren't the BNP! Hmm, do I have to state that I'm not a rascist? Nope! I think the actions of all of these groups I've mentioned tell us what they really are - racist thugs. You can join them and make the problem worse if you want - that's completely your choice!

Hopefully you will be replaced by people with more backbone, pride and honour, then we can wave goodbye to trash like you

I would call it more stupid than honourable to become part of the problem, rather than help with ways to fix them.

Griffin would not have gone to war, there is your answer, Griffin would have not killed as many non white Britains as the current establishment- AGAIN, you think you are anti racist but you are not

It's pointless to discuss what somebody would or would not do if they were in power, when they simply will never be in power or be in a position of authority, except to bore EU members with silly rants. Hypothetical scenarios serve no purpose except to confuse the issues. Even if you believe the govt. is more fascist than the BNP, that does not change the nature of the BNP's continuous fascist policies & speeches that pop-up from somebody's desk drawer filmed during a town hall meeting in a predominantly white area - so you are only deluding yourself twice over.

Clearly he has- what about unrepentant communists in Government?

Obviously he has not! Appealing to your own beliefs that the govt. is worse does not change anything in the BNP. In fact, to have such a delusional belief would appear to give the BNP a way to justify their own fascist beliefs in their own sick little way, so is in fact a dangerous delusion that they hold.

So 3 or 4 people making fun of child's toy is your escape clause, buwahahahahahahahah, no wonder people like you are scared- when it all hits the fan, NEVER forget it is people like you who are responsible

This is purely a scientific approach to the issues, so fear is irrelevant. Again, you wish to play the innocent party, when the BNP and it's supporters are part of the problem as both cause and effect along with other factors I have also mentioned previously.

It is more the breeding of anger in children that I was referring to, but I didn't think I had to go in any sort of depth - but you are obviously ignorant to many facts that I had assumed everyone should know of.

If a man gives a 4 year old a golliwog and tell his child: "this resembles a black-man, go on... shoot/burn the black *******", and whilst the child shoots/burns the doll, the man cheers. It's crap parenting, and it's ignorant and stupid. It's also ignorant to blame everyone of the same colour for the racist crimes against yourself as well, and so to do that - these people are becoming part of the problem and inciting more hatred.

This chain-reaction of human nature to often react innappropriately, ignorantly and racist can be avoided by education of people, parents, and then their children, and a bit of thinking every once in a while. But nah, let's all riot, blame all the foreigners (like the BNP) and cause a mess! And then blame the govt. because that's so much easier than taking any responsibility for your own actions!

[edit on 8-12-2009 by john124]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by blueorder

If somebody has to be black, Middle Eastern, Asian or African origin to become a full member of the National Black Police Association, then yes it is a racist organisation.

Although the Black Police Association is not a political party and has no potential political power. I personally don't think it is acceptable that any political party should have restrictions on its membership, whether through race, income, or having to be a member of the freemasons for example.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by john124
And what about those with part of their genes from outside of Europe? Shall we just classify them now as an inferior race and surrender to the fascists?

THat would be an odd thing to do?

As long as they don't go and trash anything that doesn't belong to them.

Some labour memebers have been convicted of paedophilia, that does not mean the Labour movement is a paedophile one

That's not even necessary, because the BNP often speak their mind when they think they aren't being filmed. Of course they aren't very clever people, so they don't think very much before they act!

some are clever, some aren't- this would apply to every party

So the answer is to riot and fight people,

Easy to preach on the internet, different when you live on the same street and suffer harrassment from these invaders

and provoke more anger and hatred instead of having rational debate??? - which the BNP and other pathetic groups like the EDL are incapable of doing.

Regardless of what they are doing (not that I necessarily agree with your analysis), this is a response to the establishment's policy of allowing mass immigration and promoting multi culturalism

Yes the particular british asians who pretend to be anti-fascist and riot as well are part of the same problem as the BNP & EDL. Ironic how the EDL has to state that they aren't the BNP!

In reality the EDL are not the BNP, it is quite obvious that this is the case- can some of the rank and profile EDL support the BNP? For sure- but in terms of the leadership and organisation at the top, there is no link and downright animosity at times

Hmm, do I have to state that I'm not a rascist? Nope! I think the actions of all of these groups I've mentioned tell us what they really are - racist thugs. You can join them and make the problem worse if you want - that's completely your choice!

This is the end result of the policies of the establishment- immigration should have been done in a controlled, limited manner under a policy of integration, not multi culturalism

I would call it more stupid than honourable to become part of the problem, rather than help with ways to fix them.

I believe that I am part of the solution

It's pointless to discuss what somebody would or would not do if they were in power,

No it isn't, that is how we elect people, otherwise we would just have permanent leaders until they die- one must elect new people on what they pledge

when they simply will never be in power or be in a position of authority, except to bore EU members with silly rants.

One does not automatically have to vote on the basis of who will be in power, otherwise we would all probably have to vote Tory at the next election- you vote on the basis of your support for a party's policies

Hypothetical scenarios serve no purpose except to confuse the issues.

No they don't, they are how we elect new leaders and govts

Even if you believe the govt. is more fascist than the BNP, that does not change the nature of the BNP's continuous fascist policies & speeches that pop-up from somebody's desk drawer filmed during a town hall meeting in a predominantly white area - so you are only deluding yourself twice over.

I believe there is an element of fascism to the current establishment- same ways as there may be an element of fascism if the BNP got into power

Obviously he has not! Appealing to your own beliefs that the govt. is worse does not change anything in the BNP. In fact, to have such a delusional belief would appear to give the BNP a way to justify their own fascist beliefs in their own sick little way, so is in fact a dangerous delusion that they hold.

He has changed opinions over the years and has admitted as such- how do you feel about unrepentant communists being in the Labour establishment?

This is purely a scientific approach to the issues, so fear is irrelevant.

It is not purely scientific

Again, you wish to play the innocent party, when the BNP and it's supporters are part of the problem as both cause and effect along with other factors I have also mentioned previously.

They simply would not exist (to any noticeable degree) without mass immigration and multi culturalism

It is more the breeding of anger in children that I was referring to, but I didn't think I had to go in any sort of depth - but you are obviously ignorant to many facts that I had assumed everyone should know of.

A Sun article does not aid knowledge- I think children should be taught well and receive moral schooling- 40 years of liberal left moral decay have seen that eroded, so on the huge scale of problems facing kids in a morally bankrupt society, often fatherless, you choose one or 2 kids from a Sun article- if you really cared about children you would look at what the establishment has promoted in this once great land

If a man gives a 4 year old a golliwog and tell his child: "this resembles a black-man, go on... shoot the black *******", and whilst the child shoots the doll, the man cheers. It's crap parenting, and it's ignorant and stupid. It's also ignorant to blame everyone of the same colour for the racist crimes against yourself as well, and so to do that - these people are becoming part of the problem and inciting more hatred.

see above

This chain-reaction of human nature to often react innappropriately, ignorantly and racist can be avoided by education of people, parents, and then their children, and a bit of thinking every once in a while. But nah, let's all riot, blame all the foreigners (like the BNP) and cause a mess! And then blame the govt. because that's so much easier than taking any responsibility for your own actions!

I blame the establishment over the last few decades, my "actions" have not allowed mass immigration and multi culturalism- many of those in power should be in the Tower of London

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by john124
If somebody has to be black, Middle Eastern, Asian or African origin to become a full member of the National Black Police Association, then yes it is a racist organisation.

Although the Black Police Association is not a political party and has no potential political power. I personally don't think it is acceptable that any political party should have restrictions on its membership, whether through race, income, or having to be a member of the freemasons for example.

You did not answer "yes" so your comments are hypocritical.


A Racist organisation can still be racist regardless of whether it is political, AND FURTHERMORE our police service should be free of this institutional racism (ironic that we legitimise REAL RACIST bodies within the police as opposed to the nebulous individual racism classified as "institutionalised" by the Lawrence report)

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 08:09 AM
Right people I am going to tell you a short story.
A few years back we had a fuel shortage in the UK - - and petrol rationing. There were long queues at those garages which DID have fuel.
But hey, one of those garages which had fuel, a garage in a local town with an Asian majority, has a big sign up 'Asians only'. I'm not making this up. Imagine the fuss, if a garage had put up a 'Whites only' sign. Can you say 'CLOSED DOWN'?
A few years previously I worked in an office where they appointed a clerk to take phone calls and do the filing. But how strange - his English was so poor that he was incapable of taking phone messages and the senior staff had to do their own filing. This is just one example of many. Can you say POLITICAL CORRECTNESS'?
It's easy to accuse people of demonising 'minorities'. But I don't see attitudes changing soon unless TPTB come up with some guts.

[edit on 8-12-2009 by unicorn1]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 09:11 AM
I do not believe in anthroprogenic global warming.. Our planet is not the only one in the solar system that is experiencing global warming at the moment, they all are! Yet this fact is overlooked or unreported by MSM and sometimes here too on this site. Not to mention the fact the sun isnt the problem either as it is in a period of solar minimum at the moment-in fact, sun activity has been abnormally quiet in the last year prompting a scientist to comment that "the sun is dead!!" The source for this warming seem to be from outside the solar system, or undetected (yeah, right!!)bodies in the system...

I DO believe that copenhagen is a pre-cursor to a one world goverment, with cap and trade being the global currency..

What concerns me even more though is the demonization by the MSM/global elite and the sheep who follow them.... So if it means that im "racist" by not agreeing with them, then i guess i am then, an i will STILL sleep well tonight!!

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 11:04 AM
Some people will deny the New World Order but it seems that it may be true afterall. Nick Griffin was saying it a few days ago and now this explosive news has just hit ATS. Hit the link

The Circle of Commitment is the New World Order in disguise. Forget the racism issues here as something much greater is at stake.

Hit the link

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Viper2097

reply to post by blueorder


Nice to know the entire world isn't back to front.

[edit on 8/12/2009 by Cythraul]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by blueorder

You did not answer "yes" so your comments are hypocritical.

I believe my answer was yes, with various differences between the BNP and black police association pointed out. Of course you surely cannot believe that both are exactly the same type of organisation. Both may be racist, but that doesn't make them identical.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by blueorder

THat would be an odd thing to do?

It seems you adore the idea!

Some labour memebers have been convicted of paedophilia, that does not mean the Labour movement is a paedophile one

Are we speaking of dozens or more labour MPs engaged in this illegal activity? If not, then it's not a worthy comparison.

some are clever, some aren't- this would apply to every party

Respectfully, I have never ever seen any BNP member or even a true supporter behave intelligently.

Easy to preach on the internet, different when you live on the same street and suffer harrassment from these invaders

Regardless of that, I am still correct.

I believe that I am part of the solution

You may very well be....

I blame the establishment over the last few decades, my "actions" have not allowed mass immigration and multi culturalism- many of those in power should be in the Tower of London

Those in power should take their share of the blame and responsibility as well.

[edit on 9-12-2009 by john124]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by john124
I believe my answer was yes, with various differences between the BNP and black police association pointed out. Of course you surely cannot believe that both are exactly the same type of organisation. Both may be racist, but that doesn't make them identical.

Both organisations are "racial" or "racist", whatever one wants to mean by those terms- yet the BPA is legitimised and sanctioned WITHIN our policing system, the BNP must rely on votes to get anywhere

Disband things such as the BPA- they have no place in a police system

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by john124
It seems you adore the idea!

you have clearly misunderstood my position

Are we speaking of dozens or more labour MPs engaged in this illegal activity? If not, then it's not a worthy comparison.

There are loads of labour members with convictions, same goes for BNP- in my own land, we sanction convicted murderers to sit in govt (as supported by Labour)

Respectfully, I have never ever seen any BNP member or even a true supporter behave intelligently.

You need to open your mind

Regardless of that, I am still correct.

It isn't "regardless of that"- you are talking about your ideas and utopias on the internet, reality of living in those areas is different, so in reality, you are not correct

You may very well be....

I think I am

Those in power should take their share of the blame and responsibility as well.

There is no comparison- they are to blame, all those who have actively pursued policies described above and those who have ignored the effects of those policies, all the while just saying nothing or demonising others, in order to hold onto their little bit of power

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by blueorder

Jack straw once said "The English as a race are not worth saving"

That to me as an Englishman is both racist and offensive all the leftist filth that are currently inhabiting Westminster should be tried for treason.
Nick Griffin is no more racist than any of the loony left its just that his racism is directed at non-whites where as racism directed at white people is never reported.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 10:18 AM
I like BNP and Nick Griffin, well I used to but now he is telling lies. Evil man made Co2 is real, I know because I fight it everyday, is he trying to call the Super Hero who is going to save the planet a liar or a fraud "Never" I cannot lie, I was hypnotised at 3 to never tell lies and to fight evil man made Co2 and save the planet.

Al gore is my father, he would not lie to me.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Selahobed
I do not believe in anthroprogenic global warming.. Our planet is not the only one in the solar system that is experiencing global warming at the moment, they all are! Yet this fact is overlooked or unreported by MSM and sometimes here too on this site. Not to mention the fact the sun isnt the problem either as it is in a period of solar minimum at the moment-in fact, sun activity has been abnormally quiet in the last year prompting a scientist to comment that "the sun is dead!!" The source for this warming seem to be from outside the solar system, or undetected (yeah, right!!)bodies in the system...

I DO believe that copenhagen is a pre-cursor to a one world goverment, with cap and trade being the global currency..

What concerns me even more though is the demonization by the MSM/global elite and the sheep who follow them.... So if it means that im "racist" by not agreeing with them, then i guess i am then, an i will STILL sleep well tonight!!

They probably are all warming - but not as fast as we are. We have the heat on high.
We are a floating terrarium and what we cast off no one eats so we are an affront to the biological system. We don't have effective ways (yet) to utilize much of our waste and so it piles up inside our atmosphere, in the land and the waters, choking off life and killing everything. We already have large numbers of deformed frogs, which like the canary in the coal mine indicates impending danger for humans, we have sterile men with small penises from birth control pills in the water. Huge blobs of fungus invading our seashores, foxes and rabbits have vanished from the deserts, and where are the bees?

Cap and trade is really a token measure just to spur us (humanity as a whole) in the right direction because with all due respect to what you think... this ain't it.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:53 PM
Having skimmed through this thread, I've come up with the following:

Nick Griffin may be many things, but that doesn't mean that everything he ever utters is to be dismissed out of hand due to other views he apparently holds or has allegedly held in the past.

With this and some of the kneejerk reactionary 'but he's a racist so automatically talking rubbish!' rhetoric further up this thread in mind, can someone point out to me exactly what was racist about the point(s) he raised in Copenhagen, and more specifically, in the clip concerned?

I ask this, because I'm quite concerned at how some people appear to have the inability to accept that not all arguments put forward by a person or group, political or otherwise, are automatically interlinked with others they've previously raised... or those they raise in the future for that matter.

Whatever Griffin has or hasn't put forward as his beliefs with regards to other matters in the past, it's irrelevant to the points he raised in the clip above.

And yes, I think he actually has raised very valid points in this instance.

For the more hard of thinking out there, that doesn't make me a racist, (or should that be a 'mouron'), by association.

One final point for now that I'd like to throw into the debate:

Climate Change and Population Levels.

Let us assume for one moment that the pro climate change scientists are bang on the money with what has happened to the environment as a direct result of human interaction with it, and what will happen to it if we all carry on as we have been.

The one factor I don't recall seeing anyone from Governments etc really throwing into the debate, are rising population levels.

It stands to reason that whilst we can do as much as we personally can to reduce our carbon footprint, the more people you have on the planet consumming and creating emissions as a byproduct, the lesser effect percentage wise any measures taken to limit these emissions will be.

So... assuming I'm not mistaken with regards to the minimal coverage on this pretty obvious point, by those 'who can'... why aren't they factoring this in as a primary cause of climate change, and something which, if left unchecked, will become an even bigger factor?

I have my own theories on this, but I'd be interested to see if anyone else has picked up on this and what their thoughts are as to why this would appear to be the case.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by mdnw2009
reply to post by blueorder

Jack straw once said "The English as a race are not worth saving"

That to me as an Englishman is both racist and offensive all the leftist filth that are currently inhabiting Westminster should be tried for treason.
Nick Griffin is no more racist than any of the loony left its just that his racism is directed at non-whites where as racism directed at white people is never reported.

I image God wonders the same about the lot of us.

I will never understand this "left" and "right" delineation. These terms have become quite meaningless. As I understand "right" is pro-life until it comes to the death penalty or war and lower taxes, which I think everyone wants.

The "left" is pro-life in that it wants to help everyone with some sort of government program, but that is the main difference, they want to help people less fortunate.
The right thinks we are to create environments where-in the less fortunate can help them selves.
They must struggle and make something of themselves through free enterprise and the good ol American way.

Some people on both sides recognize this is a little bit of fiction and the American way is a story we are force fed. Work hard to achieve success is a joke.

We all know, aside from a few glaring innovative exceptions, the huge investors, bankers, conglomerates and corporations, who are the wealthiest and most fortunate money-wise on this earth did not "work for it" They stole or swindled someone out of it. Based on their success - many others are trying to find ways to imitate them.
Any attempt to regulate or police deceit is shouted down by screams of socialism. We do not like our face - so we are cutting off the nose.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 07:05 PM
5-6 years ago I Never thought I would be considering voting for someone like Nick Griffin. BUT over the past decade I've been so disappointed by the corruption and open immigration policies that the mainstream parties seem hell bent on causing the UK' destruction with, so what alternative is there????

This BNP party are the only ones who have the guts to stand up for British people, everyone else ONLY seems to be concerned about the so called ethnic minority groups. SURELY any party ruling this country should be considering the majority of people NOT the Minority.

YES some of his views are facist etc, but who else will stop the 1 Million illegal immigrants ruining our country?? No ONE!!

He will be getting my vote as it may convince the main parties that I've always voted for to sort their houses out and look after the British people.

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