posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 06:03 AM
Ok so lets look at this from another standpoint !
if you care about the planet in any way what so ever , you would realise that the fact our countries are the largest polluters on the planet yet still
they dont do anything about it !
Pollution may or may not have an effect on global warming as we know it , but pollution still effects , plants animals and humans , i studied
environemntal toxicology at university and believe me man does have an impact on our surroundings , so regardless if we are warming the planet ,we are
still polluting the #ing # out of it , so dont tell me it wouldnt be a good idea to cut that out !
i for one would rather not have our countries pollute the air we breath , or the animals in our forests or the plants that give us oxygen , I would
rather we didnt dump waste into the sea , or pollute the atmosphere increasing potential natural disasters such as hurricanes and lightning storms , i
would rather we tackled the issue of our needless pollution of our surroundings to protect our planet instead of raping it !
so can i ask that you stop thinking of global warming as some sort of cult or mission by some conspiracy theorists to fear monger us into paying money
to some illuminati or some # like that , and just start believing that humans are needlessly #ing up the planet with no thought for its welfare or its
protection for the future of the human race !
remember the ozone layer still takes a beating from pollution , and that protects us from the suns radiation !
so yeh , global warming is an afterthought to our shameless destruction of our environment !