posted on May, 22 2004 @ 05:51 AM
and...comparred to how the saddam regime handled prisoners and didi nterogation they are handled now as..."pampered babies" !
i did not see people's burning feet till the bone on a hot fire,nor chopped off their fingers,hands,arms,feet nor pooked out eyes out of their
socket with a spoon nor cut up bodies with a razorblade....
i think it is more than time to publish the torture the other side did during the saddam regime !
where was the text of the geneva convention during that periode ?
also...what about the stories people told after having been kept by terrorists in libanon and other dirty spots ?
not one mentioning i see on this forum about how bad they were handled !
completly unhygienic,toletwater to drink,arabs urinating in their face,everyday beaten up,space that heated up to over 30� in the day and freezing
cold in the night....