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Cumbria, UK: Evacuation and Road Blocks

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posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Is this a Beta Test for the coming Swine Flu Evacuations and Road Blocks in the UK?

'Roads have been closed in and around Penrith and people are being evacuated from their homes.'

'They are being moved to an emergency reception centre which has been set up at the town's leisure centre.'

Cumbria, UK - Beta Test

The US used New Orleans to test FEMA and Martial law, is Cumbria a test lab for the UK?

[edit on 3-12-2009 by jameshawkings]

[edit on 3-12-2009 by jameshawkings]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

It's a fire at a huge supermarket, of course they are going to evacuate the surrounding properties. It's standard procedure. Scaremonger much?

Around 50 firefighters are at the scene of a large fire at a Morrisons supermarket in a Cumbrian town.

Cumbria Fire and Rescue are battling to keep the "major fire" in Penrith under control. An eye-witness said the store has been "more or less destroyed".

Early reports suggest there are no injuries but people are being evacuated from nearby homes.

They are being moved to an emergency reception centre which has been set up at the Penrith Leisure Centre.

Crews from as far as Barrow-in-Furness have been called to help extinguish the fire.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by fumanchu]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings


I would have probably read the article before I jumped to that conclusion.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:42 PM
I was first suspicious 2 weeks ago that Cumbria was the UK's Beta Test area since the Once in a Thousand Years Floods which allowed the army to get involved. For those not familiar, cloud seeding technology has been available for many years.

I had kept quiet about it to look for more evidence, now just 2 weeks later this comes along. It's not often that supermarkets burn in the UK, they have an excellent fire safety record.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:48 PM
Interesting BBC article about Cumbria, again pointing towards the possibility that Cumbria is the UK's NWO lab.

Cumbria has had it tough this century

It starts...

Cumbria has had it tough this century. November's floods are the third disaster to strike after foot and mouth in 2001 and a previous wave of floods in 2005, which that time primarily struck Carlisle.

So how will it survive this latest deluge?

[edit on 3-12-2009 by jameshawkings]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

And a once in a thousand year flood wouldn't generate an unusual response? I bet if it was the other way, and no one showed up, you'd be accusing someone of allowing the people to die. Just no pleasing some people.

As for the cloud seeding, got any evidence the flood was caused by seeding or is that yet more baseless speculation? (slightly off topic)

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by fumanchu
reply to post by jameshawkings

And a once in a thousand year flood wouldn't generate an unusual response? I bet if it was the other way, and no one showed up, you'd be accusing someone of allowing the people to die. Just no pleasing some people.

As for the cloud seeding, got any evidence the flood was caused by seeding or is that yet more baseless speculation? (slightly off topic)


The once in a thousand years makes it seem too coincidental given the timing i.e. just before the swine flu vaccines are all in place Jan/Feb 2010. Given that laws around the world are being changed allowing people to be evacuated and quarantined. It's a combination of the timing of this event and also of the small probability of it's occurance i.e. 1/1000 years.

The UK has a history of cloud seeding Lynmouth Flood and even the top UK theme park wants to take advantage of the technology Alton Towers bosses want to stop the rain and how convenient that the floods are now being linked with Global Warming

So when a supermarket burns in the same area of the UK just 2 weeks later which can be used as a perfect beta test for the coming crisis, we are right to ask questions and be suspicious.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:18 PM
Are they evacuating the whole town? That would be unusual for a supermarket fire. Logical if Penrith is tinder-dry, illogical if Penrith is soggy wet.

I'm getting beta test vibes from this. Isn't there a much-hyped pandemic in France?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:29 PM
Sorry guys

I'm not buying this one. I'm Cumbrian and lived there until recently. I even had my house flooded in 2004, so I know a little about flooding and hardship there.

The place is always wet in the winter and has localised flooding for as long as i can remember. I don't believe the floods were once in a thousand years, they have a lot to do with relaxed planning laws and developers being allowed to build on flood planes and also farmers "reclaiming" land from drainage areas and ditches.

the supermarket is right on the major roads through the town and very very close to the main west coast main railway line. virtually within touching distance. its always very windy off the hills and easily spreadable down the trackside. a relative of mine works the tracks on that stretch

Cumbria has always had problems due to its relative isolation from the rest of the UK. the only real communication in the county was the railways up until the motorway was built through it 40 years ago, opening up tourist opportunities.

And the weather is always foul in winter, wet and windy. "if it's not raining then it's going to rain and if it's not going to rain then it's already raining!"

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:37 PM
Well thats a hell of a conclusion to draw.

Its standard operating procedure these days to evacuate surrounding properties next to a blaze, particularly in large industrial/retail premises because there may be volatile and hazardous material on the premises. Gas cannisters/coolants/melting plastics etc don't make nice playmates with fire.

The recent floods were extraordinary, and everything to do with a low pressure system in the North Atlantic that affected the whole of the UK for nearly a week, and nothing to do with cloud seeding. The same thing happened last year in the south of the country.

As for the military involvement - the flooding was beyond most of the local authorities capabilites. The rainfall wiped out bridges and disrupted transit routes. The army has large 4x4 vehicles at its disposal, and the RAF has helicopters and search and rescue units available. Leaving them sat doing nothing while people are suffering and they can help seems particularly pointless, don't you think?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by osc121


Another way to look at it is if somewhere can be flooded with little difficulty then it is easier to use it as a beta test. The same goes for New Orleans, it was vulnerable due to the levees which were then deliberately damaged.

US Army Corps at fault for New Orleans levee failures

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by neformore


I'm not drawing conclusions, but I've been keeping an eye on Cumbria to see if it is the UK's New Orleans. Now that I've alerted more people to this either it will become clear if more disasters occur there or maybe it is all a coincidence.

If there is a Beta Test team there they will want to learn as much as possible to make the plans for 2010 as effective as possible.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by jameshawkings


The once in a thousand years makes it seem too coincidental given the timing i.e. just before the swine flu vaccines are all in place Jan/Feb 2010. Given that laws around the world are being changed allowing people to be evacuated and quarantined. It's a combination of the timing of this event and also of the small probability of it's occurance i.e. 1/1000 years.

The UK has a history of cloud seeding Lynmouth Flood and even the top UK theme park wants to take advantage of the technology Alton Towers bosses want to stop the rain and how convenient that the floods are now being linked with Global Warming

So when a supermarket burns in the same area of the UK just 2 weeks later which can be used as a perfect beta test for the coming crisis, we are right to ask questions and be suspicious.

Wow you just can't stop with the speculation can you? Asking questions is one thing, making stuff up out of the blue is a completely different kettle of fish. Fires happen all the time, they happen every single day in all sorts of situations. Houses catch fire, factories catch fire and yes, occasionally super markets catch fire and the first thing the emergency services will do is attempt to save the surrounding properties and the lives of the people in those properties.

I live a stone's throw away from what used to be the largest ordinance depot in Europe, and when they had a massive fire guess what, they evacuated the surrounding residences, it's what happens. They also used to stop and search our vehicles with trained dogs looking for explosives, but that stopped years ago (guess that was part of the NWO plan too eh? Nothing to do with the IRA or anything like
). Your weather control tangent has nothing to do with anything. You're drawing parallels where there are none. Unless you can prove there was cloud seeding prior to the flooding, and even then you're still grasping at straws.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by fumanchu]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

trust me, the only way Anyone could be responsible for the recent flooding is if they really have managed to successfully create directed cloud seeding.

according to my relatives it has rained consistently for quite some time, with lots of localised flooding and then a constant deluge for 8 days or more. Its a very hilly area with with lots of valleys that have become saturated over a wet summer and unusually wet start to winter.

as for Penrith, the supermarket is very close to the town centre and the main A6 road that runs through the town and to the other side is the main england - scotland railway line, is within throwing distance. the whole town will be at a virtual standstill due to the emergency vehicles blocking the only major road through the town.

It must be a very large operation as they have drafted fire vehicles from up 60 miles away. I think we must wait for the cause of the fire to be known before passing judgement. and someone really doesn't like the county if they've started two large "disturbances within weeks of each other. maybe they had a rather wet holiday there once

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by neformore
The recent floods were extraordinary, and everything to do with a low pressure system in the North Atlantic that affected the whole of the UK for nearly a week, and nothing to do with cloud seeding. The same thing happened last year in the south of the country.

The low pressure that affected the whole of the UK would also provide the perfect scenario for a flooding beta test. Cloud seeding is best when there's lots of cloud to seed. It's part nature and part human.

Let's say they were planning on something far bigger, such as putting London underwater, beta tests at times like this would be essential.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by fumanchu


I believe we should look closer at this case due to the timing, but like you say we don't have clear evidence, the only way we would get that (if it exists) is from looking closer

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

star in a jar,

Like you say, it starts with the vibes, like with 9/11 before there was any evidence, lots of people knew something didn't seem right. Once you get that feeling it's time to investigate. Relying on clear evidence is difficult especially early on and with professional criminals. Those who are well in touch with probabilities often pick up on cover ups and lies far quicker than the rest.

This fire on it's on would mean nothing, but it's where it fits into the grand scheme of things; it fits in with the trend and looks like it's one very small piece of the preparation.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:41 PM
ok ok ok

a little indulgence

fire, flood, plague pestilence

in the past 10 years Cumbria has suffered

Fire - Penrith
Floods - Carlisle (2004 straight after Tsunami) & Cockermouth 2009
Foot & Mouth - county wide
and now every strain of flu from around the globe

but now for the geography of the area. Carlisle & Penrith lie in lower lands with a range of hills to the North and East called the Pennines, home to sheep and wet weather. To the south west are the cumbrian mountains, home of sheep wet weather and the Lake District (lots of water)

it has prevailing winds from the west which are concentrated into funnel between the two hill ranges, which also at times keeps the tides artificially high into the inlet of the Solway firth

Cumbria is home to approx 500,000 people. very little industry apart from farming and tourism

30 miles north of Penrith is a munitions depot of no great consequence, a couple of radio transmitter stations of no great ability or consequence.

but about 50 miles away is the home of the worlds first nuclear power plant, Calder Hall (Windscale). this being the only thing of any meaningful "target" in the whole region. yet the only thing that has affected the power plant is it's workers inability to get in to work.

so i presume that the area has been targeted due to it's nothingness and relatively low populous?

I do know that the emergency services there are very well drilled including cross agency training including the coast guard and mountain rescue.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by osc121


That's some good research, I see you mention Sellafield which some describe as The Most Hazardous Place in Europe

and Could be Worse than Chernobyl

Some would say an ideal place for a false flag attack

Paris Wise

[edit on 4-12-2009 by jameshawkings]

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