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Blue Whale Song Mystery Baffles Scientists

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posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 08:46 AM
I LOVE this subject; I am so in awe of these creatures. There is something special going on with them, a mystery I hope to know someday.

There was an album a friend turned me onto back in the 70's that was a mix of jazz, David Brubeck I think, and recordings of whales, Orca's I think, I used to listen to it for hours. Gotta look for that.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 02:36 PM
Sounds of the Blue Whale - California

[edit on 8-12-2009 by Aquarius1]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
its obviously a countdown to 2012.... when the dolphins leave in their spaceships and earth is demolished for a galactic bypass.

A hitchhikers guide to the galaxy WAS disclosure. lolz

Haha, perhaps.

After I comment like that, I had to do this.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 03:47 AM
I found this article:

whale speak

Maybe the changes are the result of a whale cultural phenomenon?

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Wallachian

Thanks for the link to Whale Speak.....not so sure the change is natural, environment effects everything...

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