posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 11:51 PM
It's said that the world in it's current state is only supposed to support a maximum of up to 1 billion people. We currently have over 6 times
With all the different cultures, all the different religions, all the different moral views, it would be very hard to come together to help benefit
We - currently - are a species based on hate, greed, and over all self destruction (whether for our selves as a individual, or as a species in
I would -not- save this, if I had the option.
I am not saying I'd destroy it, but I would not do anything to continue to let us live on. In my current mindset, I see humanity as a plague or
cancer on the earth. We do more to harm it and each other (Not to mention the other species.) than help. I feel we'll end up offing our selves
somehow, causing a major issue for the planet (as we'll no longer be around to maintain the systems and structures we've created, which will over
time malfunction and cause destruction). After time, the world will recover, and things will go a lot smoother, and possibly come to the state where
the 'experiment of humanity' can be retested.
To this point, I see humanity as an experiment, really. In my eyes, we were a test, to see how a group of 'unguided sentient beings' would react if
given the resources and means of advancing a civilization. Think of it as an ant-farm on a planetary level. I doubt who ever (God, extraterrestrials,
what ever.) is conducting this experiment will be trying to do it again - as it seems to have been a failure.
TL;DR - No, I would not save the world and humanity if I could, but I would not doom further it either.
Left this out in the original.
Assuming the world could be saved, we would have to be united. All countries and peoples united under one banner, one currency, one political system.
This highly reeks of the 'NWO' and what the current belief of what the 'Anti-Christ' plans to do.
An attempt to better our selves like such could easily become a way to damn our selves.
[edit on 2-12-2009 by LysanderFPX]