posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 06:26 PM
I was watching the Discovery Channel the other night, and they were talking about Crop Circles. I was wondering, since it's such a big mystery as to
how they are made, I have my own theory (*THIS IS JUST A THEORY*). I am thinking that because people with proven Psi ability and people who have a lot
of experience in this field, I was wondering, would you be able to make imprints on the ground, or anything else?
Also, if you are able to, then this would explain (hopefully) why most crop circles are made over areas with energy (and lots of it). Because, isn't
it true that if you are experienced enough, you would be able to gather energy from different sources?
The show also showed these little "dots" as they called them hovering above the circles for a few seconds and then flying away. I'm not sure if
this can be related to Psi abilities, but I've heard that you could create Psi balls that are sometimes visible. I'm not sure though if you could
move it that fast, or create it at a totally different location then you are.
This is just my theory, this may be totally incorrect.