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Baxter hopes to build U.S. cell-based vaccine manufacturing plant

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posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:25 AM

Deerfield-based Baxter International Inc. says it is looking into building a cell-based vaccine manufacturing plant in the U.S. to produce seasonal and pandemic flu vaccines

At a time where there is real doubt about the real purpose of the Big Pharma Companies, here is some eye opening news.

The company won't say when a plant could be built because the timing would depend on the outcome of a government-funded clinical trial of its seasonal product, which is in its final stages. A timetable will be clearer when the company can determine the success of its seasonal and pandemic flu vaccine development program

Baxter is the latest drugmaker to express interest in the potentially lucrative business of producing vaccines in the U.S. Although companies historically have complained of little profit from flu vaccines, increased government subsidies are making the business more attractive

It will be very interesting to see what happens over the Winter period in the USA regarding the Flu Hype and Vaccines. Looks like the big pharma are looking to push things further.

Not only that, look at some of the $$$$$ involved in this!! -

Swiss drug giant Novartis AG earlier this week began design and construction on a $1 billion cell-based manufacturing plant in North Carolina, which is backed by more than $400 million in federal funds

the commission is pushing the U.S. to spend $3 billion a year -- 10 times the annual spending currently budgeted -- to enhance "U.S. vaccine preparedness." The commission also is trying to mobilize the public behind its effort through its Web site,

For its part, the FDA said it can't comment on Baxter's trial or any expected application for approval

Be interesting to hear what you folks think of this who know way more than me. something seems out of place here to me.

seems like they are worried about something big in the near future.

[edit on 2-12-2009 by grantbeed]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:35 AM
I doubt it's a concern over something big.

Pharmacological companies produce, you guessed it, drugs. But drugs aren't used unless there's a need, right? Not if the company convinces the government it would be in their interest to stockpile a vaccine for something to protect the nation.

Most drugs produced have about 5 years before generics come into the market and the company stands no chance of competition nor making more profit. However, if you can develop a drug and convince the government to stockpile enough for even 5% of the population, you have an immediate sale, potentially full return on investment (in the US, it costs a fortune to develop a new drug, due to FDA requirements on each, which is a major reason why they're so much cheaper in other nations).

It reads like a valid business plan. They have developed a plan to create a new factory, in the event the government is willing to pay them a significant portion of the overhead in developing vaccines beforehand. How could they lose? It would be like someone planning on opening a McDonalds, but not until the franchise promises to pay them their first 10 years expenses up front.

Plus, as anyone who knows anything about negotiating knows, you start way above what you need in price. Baxter was smart in doing this, too, because the nation is afraid of H1N1, and so they went public with their plans and cost. Now it's on the politicians to convince the public they don't need $10B invested in the health of America. With a multi-trillion dollar health bill before congress, that's not going to be easy.

This reads like shrewd, though a bit shady, business, especially since it's not approved yet when Baxter went to press.

If the government and Baxter were in bed together, wouldn't you expect the current administration would try to capitalize on this by saying they were going to up the annual budget for vaccination by 10 times to protect Americans?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by junglejake

Plus, as anyone who knows anything about negotiating knows, you start way above what you need in price. Baxter was smart in doing this, too, because the nation is afraid of H1N1, and so they went public with their plans and cost. Now it's on the politicians to convince the public they don't need $10B invested in the health of America. With a multi-trillion dollar health bill before congress, that's not going to be easy

Very good info and points Jungle. I guess they have been clever and picked a very appropriate time to ask for this funding.


posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by grantbeed

The fact is, we could use more vaccine production in this country. We could also use more food being produced. More machines. More PS3s. More you name it. It's a balancing act, and every company is vying for the consumer's attention, especially in a recession.

Are they taking advantage of the situation? Sure they are. Why wouldn't they? Everyone else is!

Is their product going to help? Maybe. What would the world be like were the WWI H1N1 virus not struck and wiped out more people than the entire war? Or, had it struck, nations had vaccines ready? We'll never know. If there is an outbreak, we'll never know if Baxter was in bed with the government, either. It may have just been a fortuitous business decision that served both Baxter as well as the nation, or it could have been contrived. We'll never know.

Better safe than sorry is my thought, but then, I'd be pretty pissed at Baxter and the government if it turns out is was a planned outbreak.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by junglejake

I guess its very easy to jump on the "Pharma Companies are Rogues" wagon at the moment. The amount of posts on here and elswhere about Manufactured H1N1 etc.

Its good to see another perspective for a change as well.

Im sure the truth will come out in the end either way. Hopefully there wont be any huge increase in deaths during the winter over there in the West.

Im sure things will be clearer next year.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 03:41 AM
Any Baxter operation should be viewed by suspicious eye. They did terrible "mistakes" - 72Kg of contaminated vaccine precursor in Central Europe being last known.
As for employment: it will be just handful of places - otherwise I agree that USA economy need to manufacture something other then weapons and wars. Can we be sure, that factory planned isn't bio-weapon plant?

I started thread on Baxter few days ago. There are personal information now, later I'll add more about Baxter incidents.
ATS - Baxter

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by zeddissad

I guess we may just have to wait and see with this. With all the vaccine and swine flu hype it is very easy to have clouded judgement.

Im still on the fence with the whole danger vaccines thing.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 11:21 AM
America is the gold pot for big pharma companies as we are one of the heaviest over medicate and over vaccinated nations in the world.

Any pharma in the US will be reaping nothing but profits thanks to the willingness of America population that is influenced by self diagnostic with propaganda medications on TV 24 hours a day.

Yes we are also one of the few nations in the world that big pharma can advertised their pills and make you feel you need them.

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