posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:17 PM
I was very hungry this morning so I got up just to grab a string cheese and a dill pickle then went back to my bed.
When I layed there somewhere at 6am, I thought of Socrates dialogue on justice and how the oracle told him he was the wisest man in the world, and how
this had to do with the fact that he could accept that he didnt' know everything, and how logically examining the beliefs of others would aggravate
the arrogant but prove how their intelligence was hampered by programmed beliefs that stunted the ability to reason.
I pondered a question like " Is the world what can be seen, or is it what I see, as I percieve it through me?" I asked God, or whatever entity there
to let me know, and I felt that maybe I could no, as this recent reading of Socrates dialogues opened up my mind. I thought I was ready for my
ascencion out of the cave.
I just remember feeling an odd sensation while laying there under my covers a minute or so after. I felt like I was moving my hands in an astral
plane, because it didn't feel like I was in a material universe.
From there I then heard this funny music that I feel I've heard before. I don't know what place I was at but I was in the viewpoint of being
probably 20 feet away from a big doorway where somebody, It was Barrack Obama, and there were a lot of guys in brown uniforms, khaki, all over this
place. Barrack was on a podium.
Because I was watching this from the lobby outside of this place with the podium, I was seeing people then start leaving the place, protective of
Obama, at this point I was thinking, I'm going to see Obama, man, I can't believe it. Like, wherever I am, this feels damn real, I don't know why
I'm hearing weird music, but it seems to been a medium to allow me to see what I'm seeing. I perceived that Obama was coming out with all these
people in khaki uniforms coming out around him, but as I felt that I was gonna get to see him, I was feeling, " wow, I'm gonna meet him" but as he
would have made it out and into my view, I snapped into a dark view that wasn't that formal place anymore.
I then was in some other place that was just like a black nothingness, but then I saw a couple of alien faces. First there was one that was a greenish
alien face, it was spooky, then I saw another one that was a tan yellow. This one spooked me more as I noticed it had black eyes that just seemed
hollow. The faces were scary. It was just like a face materialize in darkness with no neck, just a lone couple of faces.
I don't know what the heck these things were, but I prayed to God or Jesus, whatever to help me, because I just didn't know what those things were
but they were so foreign looking to me that I felt afraid. I just remember that after a bit of trying, I saw something that looked like a man in a
robe with a torch, at least an outline, before I snapped back into the physical realm as I know it and am used to.
I just don't know what was the reason for me seeing these things today. I'm still wondering if I had remote viewed Barrack somewhere, it was
incredibly real, but there is no news of him being at such a place and I don't think people at West Point use the khaki uniforms that I saw. I wonder
what was up with the music. Also, why did I see those alien faces, what was there purpose showing me their faces? This is only the second time that I
have felt myself remote view something like this. I don't know why it was Barrack I saw.
What the hell was the point of all this. Anybody experience anything similar?
Any thoughts?