posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:24 AM
obvioulsy bolgged " white america buying guns BS" my mexican buddy (Whom is not a citezen but speaks better english than the average american and
is sadly a die hard turn the other cheek neo-republican) went out and bought a gun for the 1st time after those cop shootings ,he figured they were
going to to come down on the laws then and I asked why buy a gun right before the ban them ? they will register your gun , they will come to you and
take it back when it happens like it did in all the other countries where the jack booted thugs took over the people . remember hearing the testimony
of people under the nazi regime (not just the Hebs) they would go out to buy a gun to have for the police to take away just so they wouldnt be harmed
or have their place destroyed. what are you going to do ?
I have respect for any public official that shows me the same respect given the benifit of the doubt on initial contact but after spoken to we better
be on level ground ! I try to give everyone and everything with that principal but if some one threatens my family, myself or my property not to
metion my dogs ! (remember they killed all the animals to antagonize return fire in Waco ) I will only hesitate on the sevarity of the mannor on which
weapon I shall defend with ... My 1st or my 2nd right , My mind or the tongue that speaks it or my gun or the fist that shall brandish it !!
Give me Libery or Give me Death !!
we need to get back the local seat all the way up to the state ( peacefully untill a matter of defense ) to hell with the federal gov let them eat
cake !!
put the convicted bankers on a chaingang !! out source the labour fix them pot holes give them the immagrant jobs tell you what we'd have us a nice
bounce back off this here depression imagine that rothchild , rockefelller ,chase , bernanki , greenspan, al gore, clintons ,bush's, geitner ,who
else could joim the chaingang all shackelled togeather swingin that pick building inferstructure cleaning public area's restrooms .. mm mmm mmm the
sweet stench of justice
sorry starting to rant ....
[edit on 18-12-2009 by Marshall Law]
[edit on 18-12-2009 by Marshall Law]
[edit on 18-12-2009 by Marshall Law]