posted on May, 22 2004 @ 05:33 PM
I have only a 3rd hand story that I am in this forum to research, but I'll toss it out there in name at least.
It's called vaccuum energy. I do not explain it, but supposedly it is the driving force in the cosmos- the thing that makes every other force start.
A guest on the George Norie (spelling) radio show (Art Bell's successor) was recently murdered after a show in which he explained exactly who knows
how much about this, cold fusion, and other energy sources. He says that Canada has the vacuum energy technology, including a working device, but that
we're still at a primitive level. He said we have cold fusion, but it only puts out a little more energy than it uses, so the size/cost/time to
output ratio makes it useless at this point. This guest also named names in the scientific world, as far as who is on to something and who ought to be
shot for their idiocy. He especially bombed on supporters of hydrogen fuel cells, which cause more pollution during production than would be produced
if we'd used "dirty" fuels instead.
Anyway, he said all these things, I'm told (i still need to get the show off streamlink and enjoy it for myself) and shortly afterward someone went
into his home, beat him to death, and stripped his house of possessions. Now forgive me for being paranoid, but a robber shoots you and takes your
electronics and jewlery. When they BEAT you TO DEATH, they 1. are angry. 2. want information. And when they take EVERYTHING YOU OWN they 1. don't
know what they're looking for. 2. are ransacking and can't leave evidence.
This guys was offed, and if he'd talked to others I'm betting a couple of people are going to have car accidents, medical problems, or be victims of
crime very soon.
Interestingly enough, the Russians say their 5th generation aircraft will have plasma stealth, which needs a huge energy supply. This could be how
they are doing it.