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Israel warns EU over east Jerusalem dispute

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posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 09:52 AM

Israel warns EU over east Jerusalem dispute

Israel sternly warned the European Union on Tuesday against recognizing east Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital, saying such a move would damage Europe's credibility as a Mideast mediator...

...Sweden, the current EU president, is floating an initiative to recognize east Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital. The Israeli daily Haaretz reported Tuesday that Sweden will seek approval at an EU meeting in Brussels next week.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 09:52 AM
Is this the beginning of the end of Israel? It looks like it to me and it appears the international community has had enough of successive Israeli governments playing the "Holocaust Denier" and "Anti-Semitic" cards.

Personally, I think the whole of Jerusalem should be made International Territory. It's an important holy place for all Muslims, Catholics and Jews and arguments over it have caused more deaths than any human can truly comprehend - from holy wars to the current " "This is our land!", "No, it is OUR land!" " squabbling, which to us outsiders seems very childish and petty, over a bit of land and some relics that are supposed to unite people in the name of the one God whom all those religions revere.

If Israel continues to do as it does, I don't see Israel being in existence anywhere other than in books and minds in five years time.

And this is the most sickening point about the whole situation:

..a Jewish family took over a house in an Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem, sparking a protest by rock-throwing Palestinians and a few Israeli and foreign activists who joined them, police said. One of the family members was lightly injured in the head when a protester hit him with a metal bar, and police arrested five people. Both sides claim ownership of the building.

This wasn't a few years ago, this was a few days ago. What makes a family think it can walk into someone else's home and kick out the current owners. I don't care which state says it owns the land, the property is owned by whomever lived in it prior to Israel's invasion of the land. As the snippet points out, not all Israelis are the same, some see sense and defend a person's right to keep his own home. To outsiders like me, Israel is the same as Robert Mugabe, a bully and tyrant to its neighbors and friends.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 09:58 AM
EU's reputation is at stake says Israel?

Israel has a horrible reputation, a genocidal one in fact.

this is far beyond the pot calling the kettle
this is......... I have no comparison!

Israel has ZERO credibility.
Even less than zero in fact.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:34 AM
One cant help but start to think that all this recent "media" is only a way to accustom "people" with news that this happens. So that when Israel tries to whipe all of the Palestinians off the map we will be outraged, but not suprised. Toleration is what will lead to our demise as a species, in my humble opinion.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:36 AM
Perhaps your unaware of the military history of the state of Israel. Israel is there to stay. If the EU recognizes east jerusalem as the capital of palestine, its merely a slap in the face to the jews, and then they will in turn invade the west bank as they have several times before and take back what they believe to be theres. if the EU feels they need to stop em, good luck. The jews are also a nuclear power dont forget.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
The jews are also a nuclear power dont forget.

And Israelis also want to the join the European Union, so your idiotic views of an Israeli nuclear strike on the European Union is utterly, utterly hilarious..

Jerusalem, under the UN declaration, is neither Jewish or Arab - the international community governs the region. However, Israel disagrees with international law (for some reason)

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 11:01 AM
Israel for me is just the extension of the anglo american empire(dream), into the middle east.

They want it all.

Israel seems to like to say these things to europe, but its just words.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:02 PM
East Jerusalem has been the Palestinian capitol in the proposed two state solutions in both the "road map" and the Geneva accords. This new refusal of that is Israels way of saying two things.

First, that Israel is not at all serious about wanting peace, They continue to do nothing to remove settlements in Palestinian territory that the Israeli government itself has declared to be illegal, and they do nothing when this family decides to take over a house and move right on in. What a sick and twisted form of theft that is obviously condoned by the Israeli government.

Second, that as I clearly demonstrated in this post. Israels "settlement freeze" is a nothing other than a meaningless faux gesture. Literally taunting the Palestinians while at the same time expecting international applause. (note: in the link it is detailed how the freeze allows for more building than in 2008, all building in East Jerusalem continues unrestricted)

I commend Sweden, and can only hope the recognition passes. It is high time the UN begin enforcing it's own mandates and resolutions. It is high time Israel did as well.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by infinite

Jerusalem, under the UN declaration, is neither Jewish or Arab - the international community governs the region. However, Israel disagrees with international law (for some reason)

And Arab (Palestinian or other) side agrees with international law???
You surely are aware that Israel accepted (at least formally) UN partition plan in 1948, unlike other side.
By the way - i do not see Israel being accepted in EU. Neither side would gain anything. Israel would loose the only reason for its existence - independence, and EU would get its feet (well, one of its multiple limbs) into most dangerous Middle Eastern diplomatic swamp with all the potential problems vs other super powers.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
Perhaps your unaware of the military history of the state of Israel. Israel is there to stay. If the EU recognizes east jerusalem as the capital of palestine, its merely a slap in the face to the jews, and then they will in turn invade the west bank as they have several times before and take back what they believe to be theres. if the EU feels they need to stop em, good luck. The jews are also a nuclear power dont forget.

Israel certainly is a nuclear power, but legally it is not.

If America had been genuine about wanting to invade countries which have attacked it and illegally possess weapons of mass destruction, it would have invaded Israel, not Iraq.

The way Israel appears to have other governments over a barrel, I wonder if Mossad has not planted its mini-nukes in skyscrapers all over the world, threatening to blow them up if political leaders do not obey.

When the countries back down after seeing the devastation wrought by Mossad, Mossad helps them pin the blast on whichever "terrorists" it chooses.

Hitler once said: "If these International Jewish financiers should once again succeed in plunging the nations into a word war, the result will not be the Bolshevisation of the world, and therefore a victory of Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe" (In a speech to the Reichstag after the Ewige Jude Jan 30, 1939) But when the Gestapo caught Baron Louis Rothschild in Austria and stuck him in a cell, the first thing Himmler did when he came to see him was order a bed, better toilet, tables and other comforts be provided to him. Then he sold him back to the Rothschilds for a mere 5 million. They had to. The Nazis would have got nowhere without the support from, and organised by, the Rothschilds.

Without the Rothschilds, the holocaust would not have happened.

Without the mass exodus of Jews form Europe, Israel would not exist as we know it.

Without the horrific tales of victimisation, Israel would never get away with its actions.

Without the Rothschilds, Israel would not exist.

And who was it who said: "If my sons did not want nations to war there would be none"?

Israel is neither a frail puppy nor a rabid dog.
Israel is a tool of the most powerful family in the world, one of their weapons in the Rothschild's chess game; the prize being total world domination.

When Israel yet again plays "wag the dog", it is not happening because Jews just happen to be like that.

Jews have been the victims of a massive terror operation by the very family that claims to be Israel's greatest supporter. They are brainwashed daily to believe they are the Chosen Ones, chosen by God to be special, to hate and to be hated.

The lines are drawn, and they are brainwashed into behaving in a way designed to rain more hatred down upon them. Those Jews who object to the evil perpetrated in their name are reviled and hounded, as it is vital to the puppeteers to create a them and us, divided by an impenetrable chasm of deepest hatred.

There is an infectious pandemic sweeping the world, and it's sweeping us right into the hands of sneaky sociopaths. This disease, threatening to forever change civilisation, is hatred.

There is only one cure.
That is for us ordinary "sheeple" to be open-hearted, generous, and loving to all, replacing judgement with compassionate understanding.

Love is also contagious.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:26 PM

Without the Rothschilds, the holocaust would not have happened.

Proof? Pretty please? The fact (i am not aware of this but even if it is true) that Nazis released 1 Rotschild for "mere" 5 millions (if it is $ - 5000000 $ in 1940s is cost of 100 fighters like P-51) and did not hunt for non-Jewish rich French guys - actually disproves your bold assumption.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Rapacity
Is this the beginning of the end of Israel?



Israel will still be there. This will just muck things up even more. Not that I'm against Palestine or pro Israel. The Jews will just dig in their heals further and be even less responsive. They'll do it out of spite.

That's what this means...

Nothing more nothing less.

Good Luck EU.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge

Without the Rothschilds, the holocaust would not have happened.

Proof? Pretty please? The fact (i am not aware of this but even if it is true) that Nazis released 1 Rotschild for "mere" 5 millions (if it is $ - 5000000 $ in 1940s is cost of 100 fighters like P-51) and did not hunt for non-Jewish rich French guys - actually disproves your bold assumption.

What have non-Jewish rich Frenchmen got to do with this?

The Nazis needed friends, traitors, in other countries to take them over easily. One pillar of this friendship was a hatred they shared with the non-Jewish elites of other countries for their Jewish rivals. On the other hand, the Nazis would take money from whoever offered it. And accepting political money from a donor always puts you under an obligation to them.

The Rothschild connections to the donors and supporters are complex, as they are too canny to support a dictator directly. To understand them you would need to do your own research.


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