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Dr. Danuta Skowronski - ""Get Immunized or Get Infected""

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posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:10 AM
While reading our local "free" city paper today (Metro News in Toronto) there was a small article that I read, and ONE quote had made me MAD!!!

"The way I see it, basically people have two choices in general: Get immunized or get infected," she says. "Because this virus isn't going anywhere. It's ours now."

You can read the entire article HERE-->

The author of this quote is a Dr. Danuta Skowronski. She is a Physician Epidemiologist with the BCCDC (British Columbia Centre for Disease Control). Upon a little investigation I found some other interesting tidbits.

First off, she is also a member of the American Board of Preventative Medicine.
(Website link:

Also in a February 2009 edition of Canadian Medical Association Journal it was mentioned that she had received a "grant" from GlaxoSmithKline (the same maker of the current H1N1 vaccine (what a surprise!).

Danuta Skowronski has received 1 research grant from Sanofi Pasteur and 1 from GlaxoSmithKline.

Link Here To The Article -->

All the above research was done in under 5 minutes and I'm wondering just how deep this goes. I stopped there because in all honesty this was enough for me to decide that this needs to be investigated. But by who? And can we trust them as well?

Earlier in the year she had been saying that this "swine flu" is very mild and not to worry too much about it. But now all of a sudden the government has way too much vaccination stockpiled and not enough of the population is willing to get vaccinated. So instead of them coming out and saying they wasted all this money, they are trying to push the vaccines another way.. GUILT!

Have there been any other quotes similar to this that just make you mad?

*end rant*

[edit on 1-12-2009 by DoNotBelieveThem]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:58 AM
Look at my sig.

When I first saw it I was like WTF? Major sheeple alert!

There are people who actually think like this

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
"When our leaders present us with experimental chemicals we must accept them unconditionally into our communal blood. If you refuse, you are not a moral person, and a dire threat to society."- comment on a Vancouver H1N1 blog.

yep, didnt they call us 'health terrorists' or 'society terrorists' ??

I recal from some Obama (or govs) blog ?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by angelx666

I'm pretty sure they wanted to put that in the newspapers but were afraid to seem as having gone too far. I have seen suggestions and editorals in the newspapers that people who didn't get vaccinations were borderline criminal, etc...

But they were balancing on a fine line, as up to 70% of people didn't get vaccinated... No profit in callling 70% of your readership terrorists

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:46 PM
Nice find.


peace out

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by DoNotBelieveThem

"The way I see it, basically people have two choices in general: Get immunized or get infected," she says. "Because this virus isn't going anywhere. It's ours now."

Getting infected doesn't necessarily mean that it will be serious or even deadly.

I'd prefer to know the statistics of my chances of being seriously ill or dead from H1N1 compared to serious side effects and death against the vaccine?

The vaccine isn't even available where I live so looks like I'll be among the infected here.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Maya00a

Originally posted by DoNotBelieveThem

"The way I see it, basically people have two choices in general: Get immunized or get infected," she says. "Because this virus isn't going anywhere. It's ours now."

Getting infected doesn't necessarily mean that it will be serious or even deadly.

I'd prefer to know the statistics of my chances of being seriously ill or dead from H1N1 compared to serious side effects and death against the vaccine?

The vaccine isn't even available where I live so looks like I'll be among the infected here.

Pretty well everyone in my state had it earlier in the year, and only a few old or already ill people died.

The sooner you catch a mild version of it the sooner you'll be immune to the nasty ones.

But get plenty of vitamin D, vitamin C, onions and fresh veges to help your immune system along. You may have it come back a couple of times.


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