posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:36 AM
George Carlin has always quite simply been one of my heroes, rest in peace to him.
I admired the man because he had the ability to make me laugh, all while doing exactly what he wishes more people would do, and that's just to THINK
about this stuff. The problem with Americans in general (or even humanity in general) is that we're like water, or electricity. We flow to the path
of least resistance. It is the human way, the easiest way is usually the chosen path.
When you ask questions like George Carlin asked, you start to go "heyyyy wait a second he's riiight!", even if you're someone who already believed
these things to be true.
Those that own this country, as Carlin says, make life as 'easy' or as 'smooth' as is humanly possible in exchange for a good 35-45 years of slave
labor. Its hard to say if its really a 'bad' deal per say, I can't say I personally dislike life in general, but my problem is that nobody got a
choice in the matter, so its forced.
It almost sounds ancient-Egyptian-like, in that what drove the 'economy' of Ancient Egypt was the activity of erecting great monuments. Slaves in
Egypt were enlisted by the folks who 'owned' Egypt (Pharroh's), and in return given a nice life in laborer villages.
Makes me start to wonder more about those theories about groups purported to be those in control, and dating their group back 2,000-4,000 years..
I really wish Carlin was still around. I looked forward to seeing him live whenever he was in my area.
R.I.P. George Carlin.
[edit on 30-11-2009 by Ghostt]
[edit on 30-11-2009 by Ghostt]