posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:50 AM
Most of the Messianic Jews of the 1st century CE used solar references and adapted solar sun-worshipping pagan (especially Egyptian) psalms for their
long awaited saviour e.g. Malachi chapter 4 adapted from a Hymn to Osiris
'And in that Day shall ARISE the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS, with HEALING IN HIS WINGS...' i.e. the idea that the Messiah will be exalted like the sun in
its strength (i.e. noon); later Chrsitians interpreted the ARISING as RESURRECTION rather than mere EXALTATION of an executed martyr
or the Scroll of the Book of (proto) Isaiah:
'O you that announce the gospel (lit. good news) to Zion, ARISE and SHINE, for THY LIGHT is come ! (quoted from another Hymn to Amun) Say unto the
cities of Yehudah, Behold your EL ! '
Again, we can see at a glance the Messianic overtones with the earliest Christian communities with pagan sun-worship is obvious.
In the 4th 'canonical gospel' (according to 'John' whoever he was) we see 'Yohanon the Baptist' saying: 'He must increase, but I must
decrease' which is a solar reference to the dying and rising sun every day, but also the dying and rising sun every year at the solstices.
Interestingly perhaps the 3rd canonical gospel (according to 'Luke' , whoever he was) states that 'John the Baptist' and 'Iesous' were born
6-months apart from each other--again, a reference to the solar cults as it applied to the socalled TWO MESSIAHs written about in the Dead Sea
Scrolls, one Messiah of Aaron (priestly) and one Messiah of David (or sometimes 'of Joseph') i.e. a kingly Messiah figure....
Early Christianity eventually adapted some of the solar cult material into their own worship (such as the Mithras Cult, their main competitor in the
1st four centuries, whose garb they eventually borrowed too, e.g. the pointy 'Mitre' hat for the Bishop Overseers and the 7 fold sacraments
Various and sundry modern day Christmas hymns (sung by worshippers thinking of 'Iesous') even as late as the 18th century in England also betray a
solar-sun worship basis in terms of their actual lyrics -- which you can see at a glance --but only if you read the words very closely:
Joy to the WORLD (earth) the Lord (sun god) is come,
Let EARTH receive her KING !
Let every heart, prepare him room (i.e. make way for the sun in the sky)
And Heaven (the sky) and Nature (vegetation at spring) sing !
While Fields & Floods, Rocks, Hills & Plains (i.e. nature singing at spring)
Repeat the Sounding Joy ! (spring)
No more let pains and sorrow grow nor thorns infest the ground (winter)
He comes to make his blessings flow (spring) !"
So it would not be a stretch to take modern day Christians to move back to solar-monotheism, which was the pre-Christian pagan ('wiccan') religious
millieu before the Jewish Bible was thrust down their throats at the point of a sword !