posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:13 PM
It is very true that according to *our* physics at the current time, it would be very challenging to travel to another galaxy. But that assumes that
*our* physics are correct and absolute. I can just as easily imagine that there is a mechanism for "transporting" from one galaxy to another via
some fundamental property of the multi-verse that does not involve any movement through space or time.
My question would be, why would it have to be creatures from another galaxy? Why couldn't it be creatures from another spiral arm of our own galaxy?
On another note, there is an interesting theory regarding M-Theory that suggests that there are a multitiude of universes in a vast 11th dimension
that move around and occasionally bump into each other. When they bump into each other, like soap bubbles, they can either merge, or bounce,
creating, destroying, or altering entire universes in the process. In fact, some suggest that the big bang itself was not a singularity in the
commonly believed sense, but a series of impact points where two universes collided which then coallesced into a single new universe. Fod for thought
anyway and enough to make one realize that our concept of space travel may not be anything close to what some other race may have discovered.
The age of a race has nothign to do with their technological prowess.. many, if not most, of our discoveries have been the result of accidents.
[edit on 11-29-2009 by rogerstigers]