I do agree, as you all know this is pretty much my ONLY gripe about ATS!
From my other thread already mentioned above!
Originally posted by kiwifoot
I'm sorry, but I just find this absurd!!!
British police arrest people 'just for the DNA' Breaking Alt News
Arrests are being made 'to expand DNA files' General Consp
Police making arrests 'just to gather DNA samples' NWO
I'm extremely proud to be a member of ATS, but I think a situation like this reflects poorly on the site.
Multiple threads pertaining to conspiracies are one thing, but all three of these are discussing the exact same news item, a news item, not a
historical conspiracy.
I will not give up on this, it really makes ATS look daft!
Multiple threads on the same topic in general I think are fine.
I mean am I saying only one person can do a thread on JFK, or the LHC killing us all? No of course not. And yes, that means in my eyes this thread is
fine, especially in Board Questions!
But when a new story comes out, or a new take on existing conspiracies, then there should only be ONE thread allowed I feel.
The above situation is just nonsense, and there was actually one more fro a while in BAN, I'm not sure if it got trashed.
NOT FOR ONE SECOND am I blaming the mods, or saying that they're not doing their jobs (that must be hard enough as it is), it is our responsibility
as members to research (search) but I know that from experience it doesn't always bring up the alternate threads (due to slight variations in the
title of the source article usually). I'd like to see this self-policed, or give the members the ability to write:
Already being discussed here WWW>ATS>COM posted on 28-11-2009 @ 08:41 PM thread closed
-the closing of the thread is validated by copying and pasting the time stamp of the original thread.
EVEN IF it is in another forum which is allowed.
Just doesn't make sense to have the exact same story in multiple forums.
If what the second or third poster wrote is so important that it needs to be said, then they can repost it in the first thread (the one posted
I also think that this would free up a lot of mod time which would allow them to do more important stuff like telling me off!!!
[edit on 29-11-2009 by kiwifoot]