posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 07:08 PM
What is it with people who constantly like to give out advice to help their friends, yet when the friend gives the same advice back it is suddenly
worthy of ruining the friendship?
So, a few weeks ago I go to a party and I take a girl, shes too much of a friend to ever be anything more; in fact we joke non stop about pretty much
being brother and sister. SO we are very close, but not romatically..
Now I get absolutely drunk out of my head and end up in hospital (I was on medication that strictly forbade drinking, but I forgot) During this time
some people at the party had told the girl I'd said we were a couple...
Even when I told her it wasn't true and she believed me, she made me promise never to drink like that again...because it was 'stupid' and people
took advantage of me whilst I was out of it. As I was lying on the floor quite literally dieing (It was heart medication) and a friend had given me a
big glass of water to try and calm me down, it had actually filled it with vodka, and I had been beyond the point of knowing and would have downed the
glass had another friend not realised and taken it away from me
She also gave me no end of dirty looks and comments when I told her about a girl I was going to see who was a friend...and meant nothing more than a
friend, but that we would probably end up sleeping together. Again, that would have been 'wrong'. (Not important, but I never did go to see her
in the end.)
Now I know this friend has a few times 'pleasured' a guy... so what, I let it pass...shes 16 it's not like shes the only one doing it...and shes
never slept with anyone and hses not just being silly.
But then yesterday she goes to a party/sleepover....and not only does she end up so drunk she passes out for about 3 hours (strike 1) She also ends
up in bed with soemone all night and claims they did everything BUT have sex (strike 2) ...and then when I tell her I think she went too far, and say
I think so because I know if I had told her the story she would not have been happy...she stops talking to me. (strike 3)
Yeha, one very closed example..but it applies nicely, she gave me all that advice, then went against it all, and when I tell her she has done
that...she wont take it...what is it with people like that?
Put simply:
Why can't 'you' either accept 'your' own advice back....accept 'your' advice was useless....or accept 'your' not that great a person. Why
does it have to be 'me' who is wrong, for actually looking out for 'you' the same 'you' do for 'me'? For not wanting people to think 'your'
easy and a slut so 'you' get used?
It's like trying to help a brick wall sometimes :bnghd: