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posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 10:08 AM
Back in the 1950s there was a book written by an author named Edmond Wilson called 'Apologies to the Iroquois', which explained some of the myths and legends of the Iroquois concerning these little beings. In that book, Mr Wilson talks about the existence of at least two tribes of these little creatures who live among the Iroquois, namely with the Tuscaroras of the New York State. The book talks about the tribe of Healers and Tricksters. Apparently the Healer tribe can do some super marvellous things for a person who may be stricken or inflicted with some kind of physical ailment, sickness or such things as open flesh wounds, skin disorders or other visible bodily malfunctions.
The Healers reportedly are able to correct these malfunctions and disorders quite easily just by a person's request and a gift of tobacco to them.
On the other hand, the tribe of Tricksters do their thing by playing pranks and tricks on people. They would often do their tricks in the middle of the night just to make a person's hair stand on end. Little tricks like thumping on the side of your camp or canoe, braiding horse manes, tying up clothes on the clothes line, or a stone thrown into the still waters where you are quietly fishing might be the types of tricks the Tricksters would play on people. Little games such as these would be the harmless variety of mischievous activities that could be expected of the Tricksters.
They, like the Healers, can be appeased with a small gift of tobacco placed on the ground near or where the pranks are taking place. The tricks will then stop immediately after the giving of the tobacco.
Among the Maliseet people, the Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg are often seen beside or near water places like river banks, marshy grounds, brooksides or lakeshores. It's been said also that domestic animals such as cows and horses become attracted to them. Their mischief would entail very fine braiding of strands of hair on the tails of the domestic animals. So barns and stables would be some of the areas where they can appear or show their workmanship.
Some people who fear the Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg and fall victim to tricks or pranks can become very fearful or openly shaken when the little creatures make their appearance to them and many times unpleasant events result. But others have experienced personal healings, good health and good fortune following their contact.
For some reason the Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg don't seem to make their appearance as frequently in these modern times as they used to in the early part of this century. For instance, in researching this article only the elders relate stories of having seen their braiding workmanship. One particular elder who is seventy-plus talks about the time when his family was visited by them.
In that case the Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg left these fine, rounded, braids on his mother's clothes on the clothesline, which he and his brother unbraided to remove from the line. Later sightings have since been rumoured but not confirmed with the exception of the following.


Some elders at Tobique recall their old swimming hole 'mus-kum-odesk' where they used to swim, play and frolic. Mus-kum-odesk is a solid rock and ledge area of the reserve where this strange rock design is located.
Right in the middle of this huge rock-ledge formation is an 18" x 18" block section that is missing as if a person had taken a saw or some kind of a cutter to carve out and remove it, leaving a step-like or a seat-like formation remaining there that the swimmers used to play around for years.
Directly under the 'step' or 'seat' is a tunnel-like opening, or a small 18" diameter hole that goes - god knows where, and is always very black and spooky inside. No one, as I recall, ever explored the tunnel for fear of the ob-o-dum-kin (a reputed legendary or mythical water creature), or the Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg. Some say that both, the step and the tunnel, are creations of the Little People who are reputed to be always around water areas, such as swimming holes, near lakes, rivers, brooks, etc., much like the famous Leprechauns of Ireland.
In 1953 through to 1959 two hydroelectric dams were constructed in the Tobique area and many places where Native people often frequented were flooded over, including the step and the tunnel locations. No pictures exist, to my knowledge, showing this unique area that once used to mystify so many people. The step and tunnel also have never been thoroughly researched nor has adequate explanation of their origin, except for the Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg angle.

This is reported to be one of the little people homes

[edit on 28-11-2009 by DaddyBare]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:15 PM
wow... I have heard this from the Blackfeet nation as well as the Nez perce tribes here.... I had always thought that no other nation of people had these legends....

excellent find.... do not know how to offer a star or flag but I give it to you anyways....

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:57 PM
I was going over some of my old post... this one from back in 09...
anyway I thought to give it a bump

Personally I still think this very cool stuff

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:39 PM
very interesting,

does there happen to be a location where this "seat" use to reside?

I would be interested to explore the area one day
edit on 24-4-2011 by EL1A5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by EL1A5
very interesting,

does there happen to be a location where this "seat" use to reside?

I would be interested to explore the area one day
edit on 24-4-2011 by EL1A5 because: (no reason given)

they dont say as this place is on tribal lands but from what I've been told it's a half day hike from the
tobique indian reserve wellness center in new Brunswick Canada


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