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Are we really going to sucked into a black hole courtesy of the LHC?

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posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:07 AM
There isn't a day that goes by when you don't come across a comment in regards to the Large Hadron Collider. A lot of people seem convinced we're going to end up in a black hole, the end of the world. It used to be nukes and in some cases that still gets bandied about too. As far as the LHC goes, its mission is said to find the Higgs-boson. That's all fine and dandy, So they find it and then what? Shut they darn thing down? There are other reasons for building this thing, such as discovering new elements and finding ways to generate anti-matter to name a couple. I'm sure others can came up with more exciting and exotic reasons that don't incude things going boom or getting sucked in.

If the world is run by the TPTB, the controllers as you will, is it not logical to assume that what happens to us as a human race will also happen to "Them". Ponder this, if one nukes a planet into oblivion all you are left with is a bunch of radiation filled craters, a dead bio-system and contaminated water and air. Doesn't sound like something I'd want to be the emperor of asumming you could live there in the first place. If we get sucked into a black hole then everything else and TPTB gets sucked into a black hole and game over.

The prefered way to take over something such as a planet is just to get rid of the pesky inhabitants living there and then take over the place. Even our science fiction stories reflects that such as the new TV series V. By the way, had your flu shot? That is why I don't really believe in a blow the world up, get sucked into a black hole doomsday senario. I did not include exceptions such as giant asteroids smashing into the earth. One hopes that TPTB have a planetary defense system?

I believe black holes and the LHC are the least of our problems.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by The Alfer]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:21 AM
We are already heading towards a black hole. It is in the center of our milky way. And the sun is moving in that direction. And we fallow the sun where ever it goes.

About the collider in Europe. To my understanding it wont create a black hole. But it might create one hell of a explosion if something goes wrong. And that that explosion might create a vacuum, but not a black hole.

A black hole is not a thing its not a tiny heavy element. Its a vacuum. A black hole is a space with less energy and matter. A perfect black hole is a space with no energy or matter.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:31 AM
I think they probably already know what will happen. I would not worry about it, lol.

What ever will be will be, but i doubt anything bad will happen with LHC.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by andy1033

So why build the dam thing Andy, I have asked around and nobody seems to give a hoot, so to speak (yes there sheeple) I would appreciate your opinion on this matey, To help get my head around it,

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:43 AM

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:59 AM
There are far more real here & now things to worry about than 'black holes' which are essentially still a theoretical explanation for the behaviour of galaxies. The LHC will increase our knowledge of the basic components of matter and that knowledge can filter down to the general public in many useful ways and, if there's a downside, it will probably be in the form of more devastating weapons.

The way I look at it is gravity is a property of matter and the amount of gravity is proportional to the number of protons and neutrons. Going on that idea, it would take the mass of the entire planet earth to produce a gravitational acceleration of 9.8m/sec^2 (easily demonstrated). Squeeze the mass of the entire earth down to a tennis ball size and still it has the same gravity and as we know, that's not enough to produce black hole type symptoms. I doubt the mass of the whole solar system would even come close no matter how tightly packed the basic particles became.

The creation of an unstable large nucleus or 2 inside the LHC will not be the end of us.

An ongoing supply of clean air, food and water is a far bigger concern.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by foxhoundone

People in science when they get this far into it, like the a and h bombs etc... the people go of the rails, and you can call them just mad scientists.

Knowledge is something that is very appealing, this is why people get into secret societies etc.... For people in science there are no limits, and we have countless cases of people just going of the deep end, just trying to find something.

But for me the lhc is ok, and should be. But never underestimate peoples capacity in science to put others at risk, they do not care as most are atheists and think we just live once and there is no after life, so why should they care.

The reason for the lhc is for me, they are trying to find what in the film star wars called the force. Go back and see how lucas described the force in star wars and its the same particles that the lhc is going after, amazing how the occult world is always far ahead of the real science.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:38 AM
My understanding is the risk of a micro black hole forming and stabilising then taking root at the core of the planet is infinitessimally small. But it can't be completely discounted. In theory, my understanding is the micro black holes should be way too small to stabilise and begin feeding. That they will either be thrown off the planet or collapse in on themselves.

That said, these kinds of experiments haven't been conducted before, as far as we know. Maybe elsewhere in the universe, but certainly not here. If one did take root at the core, one scientist predicts it would be 5-50 years before we would know anything about it - maybe even hundreds to a thousand years. And by the time we did know - massive earthquakes worldwide - it would be too late and the earth would be consumed in a matter of hours or days.

One of the most interesting, and outlandish, arguments put forward about the LHC is that it could become the world's first time machine. And that by effectively creating Year Zero (2009?) human time travellers from the future would be here soon. That would be fun. But more revealing if no one comes than if they do come perhaps.

I also read somewhere we should be more concerned about the next generation of particle collider than this one - probably on stream sometime between 2020 and 2050.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by The Alfer

I believe black holes and the LHC are the least of our problems.

Very true.. Being HERE is the problem .. ^^)

It's amazing how humans think they know everything "or at least try"

very becoming of bactira lol

On a side note higgs partical will never be found.. well unless you look in the mirror

ironic to say the least LOL and mathmatcaily correct i may add

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