posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman
Thank you that was the reply i was wanting as you obviously work in the government and can categorically say for a fact that there is no such thing
as a chemtrail!
I get what you mean though about contrail formation and how they look and i was wanting to know how you could differentiate between basic contrails
and a so called chem-trail.
As id imagine whatever chemical was being dispersed would have no affect in the contrail formation, unless they used washing up liquid as an extra
dispersal agent so we could all see the bubbles coming out then we could categorically say "there is a chem-trail, for definite, you can clearly see
all the bubbles" then there would be something that people could put a finger on?
Or even a dye in the mix, whatever?
So thanks for helping me, chem-trails are well defined in my reality now