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Hello from me and my keyboard cat

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posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:47 AM

I'm new here and I must admit this site is quite a mix of the strange, the bizarre and the weird. That's OK my life is like that at times. I'm an older man in my mid 50's (married 35 years now). I have had a life long interest in things like what is presented on this site. It all started at a young age when I encountered some strange events in my life. I'm not a psychic, nobody special, and not exactly what you would call a "believer" in the fanatical sense, just a fellow who is looking for some answers and having a little fun while doing so. Let's just say I'm serious about the things I do but not the way I go about it. What I mean I do what I got to do but don't get all Mr Spock about it, know what I mean. I believe in the 3 C's, cool, calm and collected, but with a sense of humour in my approach to things.

I've just recently discovered this site. In the meantime I did discover Project Camalot and I have already been familiar with David Icke or David ick-ey as my wife calls him.
She really doesn't know what to think about these sites and the subject matter presented but does come to me from time to time to ask me things.

I'm a retired technical engineer and have been quite involved with computers since the first green-screen computers came out. I'm a sci-fi afficionado, both books and movies and yes I do read other "intellectual" books as well from time to time. Gotta have something to make my library shelf look good.
I share my keyboard with my cat who keeps the keys warm for me.

I'm considering relating some of my experiences and see what there is to hear on that subject. In the meantime I'm enjoying reading the posts here and maybe leaving a comment here and there.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:03 AM
Hello and welcome!

ATS is a great place but you sometimes have to find the diamonds in the rough! I used to find that I would see a sensational headline, obsess about it until I realised it was in fact false and I had warned all my family and friends who think I am insane anyway.

Now as you mention, I am far calmer.

Good luck on the site and be ready for them stinky trolls.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:12 AM
hello alfer, hello kitty!

i'm a newbie myself, just arrived today, but i find it amazing, how many, and how diverse people are, the wind blows in here.
hope you find the diamonds...


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:13 AM
Welcome, this is a great place to be. Enjoy.

I've got one of those keyboard cats myself; he enjoys sending u2us for me before I've actually finished them.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:23 AM
Perhaps these overseer 'keyboard cats' are NWO agents? Just saying...

Perhaps when you leave the room we... ummm... they secretly log in to ATS and spread disinformation? Ooops, I better go now, my master is coming back....!!!

Welcome to ATS


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
Perhaps these overseer 'keyboard cats' are NWO agents? Just saying...

Perhaps when you leave the room we... ummm... they secretly log in to ATS and spread disinformation? Ooops, I better go now, my master is coming back....!!!

Welcome to ATS


Good one. Thanks for the welcome.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by The Alfer

Always good to see members of my own generation come along and join up here at ATS.

Look forward to seeing more of you in the future. If I can be of any assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by gallopinghordes
Welcome, this is a great place to be. Enjoy.

I've got one of those keyboard cats myself; he enjoys sending u2us for me before I've actually finished them.

Know what you mean. I've had a few embarrassing or awkward moments when I looked away from the keyboard and found my projects or emails got the feline touch.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:50 AM

Run kitty run!!!

Thanks for the Alf reminder

Loved that show, I was in my teens "Ithink" when that aired, and my father said it would get banned do to Alfs favorite food

Good to see, some others that are not childeren join!
No offense to the yougsters, just sayin Hello to a peer.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 10:15 AM
Greetings, The Alfer, since you're interested in computers, have you ever read up about John Titor the alleged time traveller and his quest for the 'premium' version of the IBM 5100 computer?

Anyways, what is it about keyboards that cats like
mine keeps the seat warm for me (well sometimes)

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:30 AM
what a cute way to post a thread regarding to the cat. Does he like alien's stuff?

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by IceDash
what a cute way to post a thread regarding to the cat. Does he like alien's stuff?

I'm beginning to think that. Who knows she's maybe an alien in disquise to make sure I don't reveal any secrets on ATS
Ok. I know I'm being silly. BTW, Thanks for the nice comment.

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