posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Most of the people who are diagnosed with mental problems are tapping into this. They are sensing energy and can't explain it so they have no idea
of how to deal with that which is not clearly understood.
I have to say something, I think important. Not all, but some of the mental problems are actually non-problems and these people are completly normal.
The after effect of not understanding, the misstreatment, and pain, of the whole. Causes negative after effects of the attaching to energy.
There is soul energy and people are connecting to the human side of this energy, where the pain and suffering exists. They do this as a natural
bi-product of being human. The complete lack of understanding is causing more dusruptions and you begin to have a breackdown of emotional energies.
The already fragile emotional bodies crack and in some severe cases, it shatters. The result is a more disconnected and confused individual.
What you can do is really simple. Accept what has been given. Take what you see as a way to understand the frame of mind and deep reasoning behind
behavour patterns. Center, focus, clear, then let go, and accept, and allow everything to flow naturally. It will take practice and most of all for
this to work you must be open to your inner self and why you feel or do certain things. Never question what you see and feel or understand in others
or in your life, always question what your feeling and the intention of something deep inside you that needs your focus and your attention.
This should be very easy for those already experiencing the need, the voices, the sounds, the visions, the dreams, the mind information. Learn to
control this. Wield this power and use it for your own development and betterment.
You need to fix something and your body is trying to tell you. There is no answer. If your looking for an answer, stop and look at yourself. Look
within yourself, no matter how much you don't want to, relax and let go. Allow yourself to feel the flow, attach to a mood that helps if you must,
and search deep inside. Don't stop until you face whatever it is, no matter how ugly.
I'm not saying to get off drugs but I will tell you that those drugs were designed to shut off the emotional bodies and soul connection.
You are experiencing things but you don't understand this is your desire for change trying to speak to you. These types of people have a very strong
will that is pusing for the conscious mind to understand. The soul's energy transformation has begun.
The way to truth and inner beauty is lined and crossed with degradation, oftentimes. Put into other words, you are being tested. Without being at
all levels and being at the bottom of the bottoms, you will not realise change.
In this world we see pain, fear and there is suffering daily. We may lose sight of ourselves and drown in the clogginess. But we never truly faulter
or stray far from our path, becuase our path is constant. What I mean is we are allways growing and growing for our own betterment as a whole
consciousness together. What I go through as do you and as you do I.
We were never alone.
[edit on 8-12-2009 by DarkCyrus]