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Aliens 'already exist on earth', Bulgarian scientists claim

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posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 03:38 AM
I say we welcome aboard the these new scientists that only recently figured that one out, it's only been "common knowledge" for a few centuries

I doubt we will get a credible official statement stating simply "ET's EXIST!" (except now after writing that, it's probably going to be those very words lol). But think about it, nobody, no force, or government has to actually make such a statement for it to be fact. Some facts are only shared by a few individuals within a community, and commonly termed as "a knowledge". It doesn't boil down to a "ET's EXIST" statement or not, but more like an "ET EDUCATION".

If you look around and recognize where you are standing, and think quickly over the things that produces the "everyday life" we live in, something might be clearer to see now. That is the growing "ET EDUCATION" and the greatly improving knowledge of the cosmos we are in. When the time comes, there will be many who won't even be slightly surprised, or excited when the ET's finally declare their presence to the general public.

It's almost entirely up to the ETs when and how they want to declare their presence, but now they are just dragging their feet (if they have feet that is

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:28 AM
Honestly, other than a handful of people (the 'elite'), no one really knows what's going on for fact. I mean people may fully be aware and/or believe we have been visited and are surrounded by ET's, but there is no actually proof to support the claims. I'm not saying there is, or isn't ET life surrounding us, or visiting us, I'm just saying until there is concrete proof (example: ET's announce themselves publicly) the masses will not put much faith into believing anything of this nature is actually happening.

Personally? I believe in ET life, however I'm unsure of their existence here on Earth, or anywhere near us. More than likely I believe we've been visited, but like I said, this is what I believe, I can't prove anything more so than anybody else.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:58 AM
Of course aliens live here on the earth with us, Three years ago today these fellows on my shoulder came to visit and decided to stay.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:04 PM
IF I may throw in my 2 cents.
I believe full public contact would result our initiation into space. And I feel we are not ready for that as a species. Even though some of the people are, as a whole we are not. We cant let our current mindset to be spread into the cosmos as its a self destructive and parasitic mindset at large.
Im going to recieve a lot of flack for this, considering the crowd thats here. But these are my beliefs, and I have to stand by them.

1. The biggest reason- we do not have a singular planetary body mindset. In others words, we're not all united under 1 common flag. I know that NWO people will go nuts upon hearing this. But I wish we had a one world government. Now im very well aware of the more nefarious side of the NWO. Trust me, im on your side. We cant do it the way the elitist want. We do however, need a singular gov't thats not at the behest of the elite, not a betterment for a single group of people, but something that is better for all of humanity. Something designed intelligently.

2. We need to be mature enough to be able to talk about planned and organized population limits. I know this is a very "freedom loving" idea. But we cant just let our population blow up indefinitely. And we need to be mature to be able to talk about this.

3. We need to set limits for how much one single person can control or own. Im a firm believer in individual property and all that jazz. But no single person really NEEDS 30 billion dollars, when millions are starving.

4. We need to be able to share our resources on a limited sense. Im not saying every person on the planet deserves a Yacht. But I am saying, every person who works, or puts INTO the system in a useful way deserves at the least, food, housing, education, and health/emergency services. im not saying everyone deserves an xbox or a porsche. But if you put into the system, I think we have the intelligence, ability, and resources to provide you the common basic necessities.

I would love to hear peoples response to this.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 03:06 PM
What 30 questions was posed?
What was the content of the questions?
Are british fields the best galactic writingpaper?
Why Bulgarian scientists?

Leaves me with more Q than A's

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 03:14 PM
i do know from my own experience, there are people with an alien gen on this planet. call me a nut case... but it's true.


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

I would say lowering house prices should be the priority. Now the intention of the government in raising the house prices was so that people would have to keep working, and I can see that type of thinking, as they don't want a "lazy" society. However, the problem is that the people who can afford them will not want to work eventually anyway, all the while the poor can't afford them.

In addition, there are better ways to motivate people to work, such as giving them retirement benefits, after they've worked for a number of years, for example.

The U.S has one-third empty houses, there are no reasons why house prices should be that high. Lower the house prices, and people would not have to nickle-and-dime everything.

After that, give everyone a free laptop and internet access. That seems to be the best way for people to gain knowledge these days.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by np6888

i agree about the laptop and internet thing as well.

as for house prices, that's what the bailouts we about.

These assets were valued much more than they were worth and bought for.
Supply and demand is saying the house prices need to be lower, but that would result in a loss to these companies. So the government bailed these companies out to ensure a profit on these BAD investments, and keeping the prices of these properties artificially inflated.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by np6888
reply to post by VonDoomen

I would say lowering house prices should be the priority. Now the intention of the government in raising the house prices was so that people would have to keep working, and I can see that type of thinking, as they don't want a "lazy" society. However, the problem is that the people who can afford them will not want to work eventually anyway, all the while the poor can't afford them.

In addition, there are better ways to motivate people to work, such as giving them retirement benefits, after they've worked for a number of years, for example.

The U.S has one-third empty houses, there are no reasons why house prices should be that high. Lower the house prices, and people would not have to nickle-and-dime everything.

After that, give everyone a free laptop and internet access. That seems to be the best way for people to gain knowledge these days.

sorry for intervening into your discussion... after already bumping into the thread, more or less clumsy... uhm...

dunno much abt the house prices in the us, but in the uk, especially in london (one of the richest and most expensive cities in the property market scale) the amount of empties is incredible. the reason? speculation to raise the prices, leaving property to rot, to get permission to demolish and get planning permission for bigger houses, to make even more money out of the property.

despite of the large amount of homeless people on the streets. people buy into mortgages and work themselves to shreds to afford their own homes.

just a remark...


posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 07:26 AM
I love reading things like this.. more so because it gives me a good laugh..

Here is my short story! "yes it has something to do with the artical"

Once upon a time there was NOTHING and GOD sat upon his throne.. he got bored of being all alone and all knowing all powerfull so he made a universe! BOOM from this he was like yep im bored.. i need to add some spice.. so he created MAN, but he was a bit bored of him and wanted to make an EVE to join little ye old man..

Cut a long story short..

if god made the universe and man.. why not aliens?

OR did god make MAN and his counterpart to play in the universe ALONE

and for what? so they can keep trying to figure out why the heck he did it?

reminds me of why a child asks were babies come from

humans have one thing in comman .. DUMBNESS

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by Teki187

Unfortunately, the Bulgarians were not the first to claim this.

The holy Quran mentioned that Earth was created for humans and Jinn (aliens).
Three types of Jinns abilities:
1. Airbourne
2. Shape-shifter
3. Body-possessor

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by wisdomnotemotion

ok great that helps..

the thing i dont like is when people quote bibles.. they are very irratating!!

not the people i mean the bibles

the reason we are stuck on this rock is becuase the ONE thing you and i fear is not the devil

but GOD

and what is god? UNKNOWN

says it all really dont it? so as we wait to find out we can piss about on planet earth

sounds like a plan!!! :p

or did i just get the entire history of mankind totaly WRONG with that?

(1) Money = Waste of time
(2) Genetics = needed asap
(3) Ditch GOD asap
(4) Going to work is being a slave...
(5) We are heading for amageddon
(6) People dont care because they are happy + selfish

shall i keep going on? nah didnt think so..

point is what would YOU do if you was an alien?

do aliens have A god? does a tree have A god? does A cat have a god?

why are WE so special? or is that just ur EGO kicking in?

people are so far up there own arafis its AMAZING

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 09:20 AM
Great. As much as id love for it to be true... Then we got the people suggesting their neighbours a Alien or whatever. Now, if this scientist is right, why wouldnt he film the crop circles being made? And also let the public know what Questions he's asking aswell as the Alien answers being given? And is he sure its not some work colleage or students making him look like a fool? Surely theres a better way of comunicating than ruining some poor farmers lively hood? Were ment to be dealing with inter-stella/dimensional beings, yet we get crop circle after crop circle. I dont like crop circles at all. They may look good, but i will always think there human made. Unless i see a Alien with a bit of rope and wood pressing down some corn in a near-by field.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

and the world was flat? or is it?

look down at your feet the world is indeed flat zoom out and its not is it?

zoom out of the box and think ARE WE ALONE on this rock in a space so big we can not find the edge??

chances are ALIENS made humans
has more chance than god coming to save you from your sins..

and i wonder who made that cracker up SINS!! blah

[edit on 28-11-2009 by 13579]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Emiiiiiil
What 30 questions was posed?
What was the content of the questions?
Are british fields the best galactic writingpaper?
Why Bulgarian scientists?

Leaves me with more Q than A's

Exactly my thoughts as well.
But in my opinion, this contributes to "disclosure". More and more scientists raise their voice.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by DJM8507
It would make sense that an advanced civilization would use crop circles. It would be public, easily viewable and the complexity of them would be a testimony to it being made by a means other than human intervention.

Bolding mine.

So crop circles are an advanced form of communication!?

I don't know about you, but I don't get up in the morning an check my local crop circle for the news. I beg to differ about crop circles being "easily viewable". Perhaps if you own a hot air-balloon or light aircraft...

If they are so advanced (your own words - not mine), then why would they not broadcast their message on all TV and radio stations? Perhaps it's to complex for them to do?

Since when are crop circles so complex that humans could not make them? Perhaps you could not make them or fathom how they are made, but please do not project your own inadequacies onto the rest of us. It's actually quite rude.

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