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Collection of strange events from the past 4 months

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Hello fellow members of ATS

I'm about to tell you about some strange experiences i have been having during the night
in the past few months. I'll start with the main event as it were and then go onto other strange experiences that happened before and also after after the main one.

The "main event" happened on Tuesday 25th of August 2009. I was awoken in the middle of the night by a noise or something or i just woke up, i don't really know on that one but anyway i woke up lying stomach down on my bed with my head on the pillow facing over my left shoulder. For some reason i decided to turn around, so i propped myself up on my right elbow and decided to look towards the hatch of my attic,(my bedroom is in the attic btw). looked past my laptop which had the screensaver on and standing right beside my bed was an alien. just staring and not even looking at me in the eyes, or moving, i should point out that for some reason my body was moving at about a third of my normal speed. After looking at this thing gobsmacked i notice a pinkish glow coming from beside me to the right hand side and I turned towards it. At this point i'm sitting up in my bed and i turn towards this glow, this was much larger than the "alien" in comparison and seemed to be in the shape of a figure and about 5 foot, maybe a little more. With this i saw that the light was bright but not blinding.( i know that doesn't make sense but thats what it was). I look up to were the face would be and see two noticable dark slits which i presumed were eyes, And then i reached out for it with my palm up, i don't know why maybe i thought it would be percieved as less threatening. but anyway as i'm reaching out at this reduced speed i got to within less than a foot away from it when i was overcome by the most intense fear i have ever come across and i tried to let out the biggest loudest girly scream i could possibly muster (and i'm a man) and all that came out was a distorted chewbacca like wail about as loud as a calm conversation (it would go from loud to quiet loud to quiet, i don't know the exact term but in singing i think it may be called vibrato). i turn back towards my pillow with my eyes still open waited about 5 seconds and turned back and both beings were gone.i looked at my phone and the time was 3:32 GMT and i'd say the whole experience lasted 10 seconds, 15 seconds if you count staring at my pillow as part of it. Anyway i ended up staying awake till about 9 am because i was extremely wary of going back to sleep.

Now I'll describe the first thing i saw in detail here, The lamp in the corner of my room was on so i wasn't staring into darkness and trying to make out shadows, I only saw it from the head and neck, didn't see any arms, torsoe or legs but i did notice the postion of its large black eyes, if they were on a human they would be positioned halfway on the front and halfway on the side of the head, the colour of it was light greyish with a subtle hint of green. Kind of like when you think you've cleaned the green paint off your brush and paint with white and get a noticable hint of green, not massive but noticable. The height of it was about 3 and 1/4 foot, i know this from measuring the height of my bed and estimating the rest by memory. It was stood at the middle of my bed and appeared to be looking straight towards my mid-section/abdomen but i now think that from the positioning of the eyes, this thing should and probably would have 270 degree vision and could have been looking anywhere within view. It didn't make any noises, communicate telepathically, share knowledge or any of the other stuff people associate with the greys from all the tales that are told, it just stared with an emotionless face, emotionless or calm i couldn't say. I call this thing an alien, although i didn't see it leave or enter, board a ship, blast off or anything of the sort. It just had the look of a grey as they are called on here.


posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Since then i have looked at several different pictures of greys that are floating around this digital highway and haven't found one that it looked like, some are a little similar but none are an exact match.

Now i'll tell you about the only strange thing i can recollect what happen before the main event. About 3 weeks before the Main Event, I awoke at sometime in the night, i can't be sure because i could hardly open my eyes but i could make out what looked to be my pillow through my blurred vision. Everytime i'd try to open my eyes, a wild vibration would occur in my temples at the side of my head, the harder i tried to open my eyes, the more intense the feeling in my head got. i ended up squirming around my bed like a clock, pivoting on my bum and went from 6:00 - 3:50 in my bed.( the times are the positions the hands on the clock would be in). Still trying to open my eyes the feeling got so intense, i stopped trying to open them and the vibrating eased and stopped which is when i fell back asleep. the only way i can describe this feeling was if my vein was restricted at a point in my head in the temple and the blood was rushing back and forth through the restriction rapidly. Again i'm not sure if that actually happened but thats the only way i can desribe this vibration. Well that was that event, nothing spectacular. I told a few friends about it but most shrugged it off and said it's nothing so i thought nothing of it until i saw that thing in my bedroom.

The other experiences have been dreams or explainable i'm pretty sure of it, they all happened after i saw that thing. One dream was i woke up in a white room with the same silouette of the 3 foot alien i saw, i'm only assuming it was the same because my vision was blurry like the very first thing that happened to me, but this time my eyes were fully open. I tried to communicate with it and nothing came out and i remember goin into a primitive outburst of rage at him/her for not allow me to speak, next thing i've jumped to another room which looks earthly, kinda hotelish and i'm about to have sex with an older woman (late 30's), judging from how she spoke to me she seemed like a prostitute, i remember thinking WTF how did i get from that room to here and i felt uncomfortable, and she said would you like me to change for someone else, which i declined and had sex with her. The reason i think this was a dream, i woke up in a white room and jumped to a completely different scene in the space of ... i actually think it was instantaneous. The rest of my experiences have been similar to the Main Event but without seeing any beings, they usually involve me waking up and moving at a reduced speed pushing myself off my bed with fully extended arms, looking around and going back to sleep all the time being fully aware of what i'm doing. This has happened on 2 different occasions and both were after my initial contact. I say contact, i outstretched an arm and let out a wail like a baby wookie.

So now after doing my research on similar experiences on this site, i can rule the 2 events what happened after my "contact" as sleep paralysis, although i hear you cannot move, whereas i can, all parts of my body but at the reduced speed and with greater effort required, not all my effort but more than is normally needed. can anybody clear this up for me??

the very first thing that happened could have also been sleep paralysis as i couldn't move my body parts or open my eyes fully, i did manage to squirm round my bed as stated earlier, but i can't figure out that weird vibration in my temples. i would like information on that if possible

As for the "Main Event". I suppose it could have been a combination of sleep paralysis and hypagognic haullucinations (sp) although in this case i am absolutely certain it was not,


posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:22 PM
my laptop was in the same position, the regular screensaver was on and everything was how it should be in my room except those 2 beings being present. I should point out that nothing of the sort has happened to me before except once when i was 6 but that was completely different and unrelated.(i saw an old woman at the far side of the room just staring, no communication etc this was while sleeping in my parents bedroom for some reason, i tried to wake them, saying i can see a ghost of an old woman, they said go back to sleep it was a dream, i turned back to where she was and she was gone. I can still remember her face too i think could anyway if i saw a picture)

If anyone would like to ask me any questions feel free, but i'm really after hearing if anyone has had similar experiences or info, actually i think i'm after reassurance i'm not a lunatic or losing my marbles. I have been debating whether or not to post this since it happened as i have been a lurker for sometime, probably have a browse on here once a week. I should mention i only first came on this site to laugh at a man from scotland who said he did battle with a fishman in his bedroom after i heard about it somehow. Well i'm not laughing anymore.

Thanks for reading, i have tried to make it as in detail as possible.

I will be going to bed shortly after this has been posted but i will be back on tomorrow as soon as i finish work. around 7pm GMT, i may have a quick look before i go to work, thats not certain but i'll definately be on tomorrow night. Over.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:31 PM
I've never experienced anything remotely like that...very strange indeed.

You'll probably get some flaming responses soon but hang in there, ignore the idiots, and keep cool...someone on here should be able to provide you some advice.

Good luck.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by bowlbyville]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Howeird

Hey Howeird !

I suppose the obvious question would be are you sure it wasn`t a dream , the same as the prostitute encounter that followed your interaction with the `entity `?

post by Howeird

Still trying to open my eyes the feeling got so intense, i stopped trying to open them and the vibrating eased and stopped which is when i fell back asleep. the only way i can describe this feeling was if my vein was restricted at a point in my head in the temple and the blood was rushing back and forth through the restriction rapidly.

Temporal lobes + vibrating / might be worth getting a medical opinion . I`m no doctor and i don`t have any medical background , but i think that is something not to leave to chance if it occurs with any frequency .

a wild vibration would occur in my temples at the side of my head, the harder i tried to open my eyes, the more intense the feeling in my head got. i ended up squirming around my bed like a clock, pivoting on my bum and went from 6:00 - 3:50 in my bed.( the times are the positions the hands on the clock would be in). Still trying to open my eyes the feeling got so intense, i stopped trying to open them and the vibrating eased and stopped which is when i fell back asleep.

Perhaps an EEG to rule out any type of epilepsy .


Let me finish by saying i believe your story , i don`t think you made this up, the details described by you ring true.
I also don`t mean to worry you with talk of the possibility of epilepsy, but if these episode occur with any frequency whats the harm in ruling it out.

All the best Howierd .

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 07:36 PM
I did once awaken in the Early hours of the morning to
see a thin figure crouching by my bed with it's arms
clasped around it's knees.

It looked like a skeleton with skin stretched over it
with a sucked in toothless mouth, and big bulging eyes.
It had only a few strands of hair, and just stared
intently at me for what seemed like ages.
It looked totally solid, and the street lamp outside
the window showed it very clearly, light, shadows and

Contrary to what I would previously have believed, I
was not scared, and even found myself searching my mind
for feelings of fear as that was the only reaction in
that kind of stuation I could relate to.
I pinched myself painfully hard to see if I was awake,
but just ended up staring back at it for what must have
been about five minutes.

I tried communicating with it telepathically, as I felt
my physical voice would cause it to disappear, and I
wanted to get a good eyeful of this very strange and
unusual phenomena. So I mentally asked it who it was,
what it wanted, and why it was there, but all I got in
my mind was, 'Just get a good look, you bastard.',
Which could easily have been my own mind filling in the
silence, but that's what I got.

Eventually, it seemed to disintegrate into blurry edged
pieces, which hovered around in the air for a couple of
seconds before stretching across the room and
disappearing through the opposite wall.

It did remind me of Gollum from the animated version of
Lord of the Rings, but it was three dimensional and
very realistic, and I suppose it could have been
described as alien like, but it was in the early
'eighties before the internet so I had no
preconceptions as to what an alien might look like.

My own conclusions after a great deal of thought are
that I had somehow created a thoughtform in a
semi-sleep state, which continued to be visible even
though I felt wide awake during the experience.

I was going through a kind of bad phase at the time, as
my flat had recently been broken into, and I was
feeling a lot of fear and anger, so all this could have
built up the energy to create the thoughtform.
But what REALLY happened is anybody's guess.

Anyway, I have no problems with thinking I am any
crazier then a lot of other people, so I'm OK with it.

Hope that helps you feel a little less alone in the strange experience world.



posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Howeird

Well done you for sharing your experience(s), this certainly has a ring of authenticity to it.

Like you, I have never been able to find an image that really comes close to depicting the alien that visited me. But I live in hope ... there must be someone else out there who has seen the same thing.

(click the links in my signature beneath this post if you want to compare notes).


posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Howeird

I don't think you sound crazy, and I have a great deal of experience working with those in the grips of psychosis. However, I also think all your experiences are dreams. My suspicions are based on my own dream experiences. I have had many dreams in which I am greatly slowed down and can not scream despite how much I try. These can be associated with reality based stress sometimes, but not always. In mine, I am usually attempting to run from something, and yet can barely move, or try and physically defend myself yet my swings are like I am fighting invisible molasses, and I am never able to scream holy murder like I feel the need to. Once I was trying so hard I finally managed it, in real life! Waking myself up instantly.

Another thing is that dreams can have totally mundane circumstances. I have had the most utterly useless dreams (getting up and making breakfast, only to have the alarm go off and realize I am in bed, etc). Just recently I had one that makes me believe many of these types of experiences are dreams. I was having trouble sleeping as I always do, and I looked down at the bed covers and saw a fairly large, black spider clear as day. I screamed and jumped up (arachnophobic), and realized instantly that it was a dream because a) the covers were in actuality in a different position and b) it was very dark in the room, and despite having the very clear & very seemingly real image of the spider in my head (there was no dream like quality at all to the image) and that I had no conscious awareness of slipping from wakefulness to sleep, logic dictates that it was in fact a dream. That, and no spiders to be found.

The fact that you saw the same character in a more complicated version which did conform to more classic dream-like images, further suggests that the first sighting was also a dream, just set in a place your psyche knows very very well. It's been awhile I know, but can you remember any details that are non-congruent with the waking reality of your room? Small details may help you decide the matter. IMO, while being almost asleep at the time of paranormal encounters do not totally eliminate the possibility of their objective reality, one would do well to strongly consider that dreams can feel very very real, and do not always take place in strange environments.

Just an opinion as asked, take it as you will. In the end, you are the only one who can decide the nature of your experience. But from your limited description, I don't think you are "losing your marbles"!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 01:52 AM
First of all, thanks for all the replies. I'll try an answer and clear up as many things as i can before i head off to work.

UmbraSumus, you ask how i am sure this wasn't a dream like my later experience. The really convincing thing for me was not closing my eyes during the whole thing. When i turned away from it, i stared at my pillow without closing or scruncing my eyes shut so i am pretty sure it wasn't a dream.
Somebody else wrote about the reduced speed being common in dream states, well i have experienced this alot, eg, trying to fight and being super weak, tryna run, but at a snails pace etc, but after waking up i always know whats a dream and what is not, and as i have many dreams that are extremely vivid and some where i become aware of myself dreaming. i can say with certainty that i was not dreaming otherwise this would have just been stored in my crazy dream memory bank.
Illegal alien stated he was not scared during his sighting, i too wasn't scared, just bewildered and curious when staring at it, it was only when i reached out for the pinkish glow that i really became uber scared and i seemed to turn away much faster that i could usually at this reduced speed.

All i am certain of is the main event was not a dream, that is all i know.
I have to go to work now, i shall be back on later. Thanks for replying without shooting me down. I appreciate it

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Howeird
First of all, thanks for all the replies. I'll try an answer and clear up as many things as i can before i head off to work.

UmbraSumus, you ask how i am sure this wasn't a dream like my later experience. The really convincing thing for me was not closing my eyes during the whole thing. When i turned away from it, i stared at my pillow without closing or scruncing my eyes shut so i am pretty sure it wasn't a dream.
Somebody else wrote about the reduced speed being common in dream states, well i have experienced this alot, eg, trying to fight and being super weak, tryna run, but at a snails pace etc, but after waking up i always know whats a dream and what is not, and as i have many dreams that are extremely vivid and some where i become aware of myself dreaming. i can say with certainty that i was not dreaming otherwise this would have just been stored in my crazy dream memory bank.
Illegal alien stated he was not scared during his sighting, i too wasn't scared, just bewildered and curious when staring at it, it was only when i reached out for the pinkish glow that i really became uber scared and i seemed to turn away much faster that i could usually at this reduced speed.

All i am certain of is the main event was not a dream, that is all i know.
I have to go to work now, i shall be back on later. Thanks for replying without shooting me down. I appreciate it

Well i can say i have those kinds of dreams as well.
When i was little i even punched my mom in the face 4 times from trying so hard to hit that guy in my sleep
I never managed to hit the bastard
About the experience maybe you were supposed to be sleeping and you woke up at the wrong time or you somehow resisted the sleep paralysis that occurs in abduction cases.
If the being you saw was a gray id personally stay away from it
they just give me the creeps for some reason.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:28 AM
I find your experience to be very interesting, and it would of scared the # out of me!!! You should totally draw it- to the best of your ability and post it on here!

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