posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:59 AM
One has almost no other choice but to agree.
The reputation of this country is gone. We are no longer seen as the freedom fighters that established the USA.
The founding fathers knew that a government in charge would be a corrupt one. The Constitution of the United States of America, was written so that
the PEOPLE of this country were in charge of the government,
not the other way around.
Well guess what, they are takeing it from us. I know some people choose to not believe this, but this has been happening for some time. In secret,
proposals are made, everyone remember where the notorious PATRIOT ACT came about. Put in place awfully fast wasn't it. I have never seen anything on
capitol hill come to such a fast agreement and have it pass. Maybe that's because it was already in play.
You all know something isn't right, otherwise you wouldn't be on ATS, searching for the anwsers.
So what are WE THE PEOPLE going to do about it, keep rolling over and over AND OVER
I love this Country and everthing it is SUPPOSED to stand for, I support the Armed Forces, even while I do not like and even would go so far as to say
I hate how they have to do the job they volunteered for. No civilian is going to ever understand why a soldier does what they do, they never swore an
oath to PROTECT FREEDOM (that is what they are swearing that oath to, when they say they will "protect the Constitution from ALL enemies foreign and
domestic"), even while they take for granted the freedom they have.
I am obviously very passionate about this sort of thing, I have a good reason. I do not want people I do not know running my life or my country,
telling me I have to keep paying higher and higher taxes. Makeing changes to the document I would die to protect!
Get with reality people, and maybe we can get our act together.