posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:02 PM
what is happening in yuor home? objects moving? being destroyed? hidden fom you, turning up 3 or 4 days later??? do tell.....
Well, having my own paranormal experince when i was 13, with an ouija board...i missed out on some coolt hings i wish i had taken pictures of.
All ic an tell you is, keep a camera in hand, when around the house,a nd be quick n ready without hesitation or time to spare....aim at the area and
take the pic.. you could use digital, but i preffer polaroids and normal film, as they sholw the best detail.
Or, you could spend, and get a tripod with a motion sensor.. people have taken photos of ghosts, as the ghost triped the motion sensor!!! Use a
flash as well..DEF a must
any pics yuo get post em here...not only are we all eager too see what yuo got, but maybe me and other have some info to feed back too you about whats
in the pic* and how to deal with it.
IM very curious to know, whats happening, and what yuo see...maybe i can tell yuo if its a ghost, poltergeist, other..