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Swine Flu Survival Hope

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posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 02:22 AM
Is you Completely Helpless if you get Swine Flu because it may be Terminal Illness Because It have no Cure?

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by masonicon

you have bigger chances of dying while crossing the street on red light than from H1N1.

don't give up the hope.
ignore the fear.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 01:38 AM
What's happen if people underestimate Swine Flu?

[edit on 28-11-2009 by masonicon]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by masonicon

they will die.
the point is, there's no point in being afraid of death, and there's nothing you can do to prevent it, if that's what's one's destiny.
they are already underestimating it. live your life and have faith, that's the best thing one can do.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 07:37 AM
well, i do think that swine flu is, like all the other big epedmies, that just pop up now and then, are more or less blown up by the marketing experts of the pharmaceutical industries. flu always existed, and it may be leathal. this is rather due to the brainless and irresponsible perscription of antibiotics, which creates resistant viruses, that can't be tackeled by medication any more. (one of them is eg the hospital virus, which can't be cured any more)

i am also not fond of jabs, because they only protect from one type of the virus, and whilst your body is weakened by the jab (and the 'controlled' breakout of the flu) you might catch another type of virus and get ill. this happened in sweden, where plenty of people ended up in hospital, after the jab...

i live in london, which is appearently one of the most infected swine flu areas of the world. but i don't know anyone with swine flu, nor do i feel scared of it...


posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by bertand cantat

antibiotics are fighting bacteria, not viruses. those are two entirely different things.

and current H1N1 strain being in circulation has a mutation that not only makes it more dangerous (attacks lungs from the very beginning), but also makes vaccine useless, as WHO admitted. they just don't think people have to know, so there's no hype about that. and it's resistant to tamiflu as well. bummer.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by jedi_hamster]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by jedi_hamster
reply to post by bertand cantat

antibiotics are fighting bacteria, not viruses. those are two entirely different things.

and current H1N1 strain being in circulation has a mutation that not only makes it more dangerous (attacks lungs from the very beginning), but also makes vaccine useless, as WHO admitted. they just don't think people have to know, so there's no hype about that. and it's resistant to tamiflu as well. bummer.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by jedi_hamster]

I think They used that for the weapon of mass genocide

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by jedi_hamster
reply to post by bertand cantat

antibiotics are fighting bacteria, not viruses. those are two entirely different things.

and current H1N1 strain being in circulation has a mutation that not only makes it more dangerous (attacks lungs from the very beginning), but also makes vaccine useless, as WHO admitted. they just don't think people have to know, so there's no hype about that. and it's resistant to tamiflu as well. bummer.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by jedi_hamster]

Earlier Strains of Swine flu is far less dangerous than Current Strain of Swine Flu but Before 2009 they have never mentioned by Mainstream Media

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by masonicon
Is you Completely Helpless if you get Swine Flu because it may be Terminal Illness Because It have no Cure?

Swine flu doesn't need a "cure".
It's just like every other flu, your body cures itself.

The flu keeps changing every year, and some years are worse than others. However even the worst strain of this flu is only killing a small proportion of those it infects.

The flu seems to be related to vitamin D deficiency. Take lots or get plenty of sunshine and you have a good chance of being immune.

From my observations of friends in Australia getting swine flu, tiredness seemed to be an issue. People I knew who were overworked and not getting enough sleep were getting it over and over, and didn't get properly well until winter ended.

An interesting statistic here:

Australia’s Swine Flu Vaccination Plan to Test Global Interest

The virus has killed at least 3,205 people since it was discovered in late April, according to the WHO, which estimates as many as 500,000 people die every year because of seasonal flu. In New Zealand, researchers found that about 1 in 20,000 cases (of the current swine flu) were fatal.

Considering the numbers of people who die from falling over in their own bathrooms, you might be safer lying in bed with a case of swine flu than being perfectly well and taking a shower.

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