posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 11:27 PM
"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let
them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure"
-Thomas Jefferson
Do I think militias are patriotic?
Yes, yes I do.
I have a question for you all. What is going to happen when one day you wake up to a nock on your door, and the people at your door are government
officials asking for your weapons. What's going to happen when one day your religious rights are taken away, your freedom of speech is taken away?
The militia will fight for your rights. You think the military is going to help? Who do you think runs the military? The crackheads in washington DC.
Nono, I am not against our military. I love our soldiers, and have nothing against them. The militia is made up of regular people interested in our
[edit on 23-11-2009 by capgirl]